Trump Rally

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Okay, we'll wait until you get through your little seizure and then ask the question again, if that's what it takes.

Here's a simple equation. Trump was voted out by republicans who changed their mind and voted Democrat. Those figures are there to see. Trump didn't get a majority against Hilary.
If he is to win, he will need to convince those who left him to return. After getting rid of the idiot, do you really think they will change to re install the bloody fat lump?

It's about vote dickhead, not rally nimbers. Wake up.
You get real testy when someone points out the left's lies and stolen elections. You wake up dude. THere was massive voter fraud. We saw it happen early morning hours election night to morn. This is an illegitimate election. The left is destroying this country. They WANT to destroy this country. They want depopulation to get rid of the're part of the riffraff.
Progs cause all of this to win the election. What we see with the virus and the riots is pure stupidity. The globalists have complete control. They only need the peasants to give up. In the Western World only those with guns stop the completion of this.

I live in one tiny town which is HEAVILY armed. I imagine that all the tiny towns in my state are similarly HEAVILY armed. The only places in my state, therefore, that are not HEAVILY armed are the cities. And there aren't many of them. And there are quite a few states like mine which are sparsely populated, except for the few cities, in which the rest of the population is HEAVILY armed.

The only peasants giving up will be in the cities, and they will fall quickly. They are already in a state of deep emotional despair from living in tiny little spaces and going to boring little jobs and sucking down MSM bullshit 24/7. They will fold like the proverbial cheap suit when it gets real.

People in my tiny little town look one another in the eye and have vibrant social lives and raise their children with conscience. There is no graffiti in my town. NONE! And very little crime. And no homelessness. Despair is no where to be seen here. Happy people, unaccustomed to despair, make much stronger warriors than the already defeated.
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So don't watch. If you're watching, it means you're secretly in love with the man.
Fearmongering: lies about immigrants and ‘open borders.’

Lies: that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ from Trump.

Conspiracy theories: ballots being ‘deleted’; votes ‘switched’ from Trump to Biden.

Trump is the purveyor of this and more, propagated by his equally corrupt and dishonest supporters.
Was reading this op to see some key points or new information that Trump said at the rally. 242 posts zero rally talking points????
Fearmongering: lies about immigrants and ‘open borders.’

Lies: that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ from Trump.

Conspiracy theories: ballots being ‘deleted’; votes ‘switched’ from Trump to Biden.

Trump is the purveyor of this and more, propagated by his equally corrupt and dishonest supporters.
Oh, you're one of them too. Good.
Biden is the Pretender In Chief, the Potato In Chief, His Fraudulency.
Trump is a fallen, walking talking train wreck.

There's your Dear Leader airing his grievances for hours as his mob sits there transfixed by the cult leader.

Trump the billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never wanted for a single thing in his entire life & had everything handed to him from day one, playing the victim card. If Trump's grievances weren't so pathetic they'd be laughable.

Eat it up.
You get real testy when someone points out the left's lies and stolen elections. You wake up dude. THere was massive voter fraud. We saw it happen early morning hours election night to morn. This is an illegitimate election. The left is destroying this country. They WANT to destroy this country. They want depopulation to get rid of the're part of the riffraff.
"stolen elections".................. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

341 days of orange whining
Trump is a fallen, walking talking train wreck.

There's your Dear Leader airing his grievances for hours as his mob sits there transfixed by the cult leader.

Trump the billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never wanted for a single thing in his entire life & had everything handed to him from day one, playing the victim card. If Trump's grievances weren't so pathetic they'd be laughable.

Eat it up.

You want a dirty magazine and a tube of K-Y to help with
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I live in one tiny town which is HEAVILY armed. I imagine that all the tiny towns in my state are similarly HEAVILY armed. The only places in my state, therefore, that are not HEAVILY armed are the cities. And there aren't many of them. And there are quite a few states like mine which are sparsely populated, except for the few cities, in which the rest of the population is HEAVILY armed.

The only peasants giving up will be in the cities, and they will fall quickly. They are already in a state of deep emotional despair from living in tiny little spaces and going to boring little jobs and sucking down MSM bullshit 24/7. They will fold like the proverbial cheap suit when it gets real.

People in my tiny little town look one another in the eye and have vibrant social lives and raise their children with conscience. There is no graffiti in my town. NONE! And very little crime. And no homelessness. Despair is no where to be seen here. Happy people, unaccustomed to despair, make much stronger warriors than the already defeated.
"HEAVILY armed".......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

341 days of orange whining
Is that what happens when someone asks for a definition of a word someone else is throwing around?

341 days of orange whining
It is when the person you're asking is practiced at foul leftist doublespeak.
I've been waiting for a Biden supporter to tell me why they support him for more than half an hour. These idiots know not what they do and why they do it.
Biden understands the law and respects the rule of law – Trump doesn’t.

Biden understands the political process and respects our democratic institutions – Trump doesn’t.

Biden understands and respects the Constitution and its case law – Trump doesn’t.

Biden understands foreign policy and the importance of our allies and America’s role to promote democracy – Trump doesn’t.

Biden is knowledgeable of American history and its role in determining policy – Trump isn't.

Biden defends the right to privacy, the right to vote, the due process rights of immigrants, and the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans – Trump doesn’t.

Biden has the courage to end Bush’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan – Trump doesn’t.

Trump’s was a ‘presidency’ of failure and incompetence, ignorance and arrogance, dishonesty and corruption; of a ‘president’ comprehensively wrong on the issues and comprehensively unfit to hold any public office.

Twice impeached and having twice failed to win the popular vote, Trump was voted out of office the consequence of his corruption and incompetence consistent with the will of the American people.
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