Trump ranting at presser

I know that the left are a grave risk to the USA and must be stopped. I'm tempted to air lift the left to Iran, to punish Iran.
republicans are pissing in the wind a party of scumbags and liars ,,,,and I'm being kind

No, you are projecting. Eddie you walk willingly right into the Buzzsaw. LOL
buzzsaw? this unamerican effort to fu our SC is a buzz saw? it's bad enough now you want another scumbag liar there?

The American people did not trust your side to make these decisions, you lost the House, Senate, and White House. Its time you come to grips with being rejected.
we have and you and yours are responsible for the fuckin up of america FU and all your little scumbag republicans

Its not my fault Dem's lost and you can't deal with the rejection. Hell you people had the first black president for 8 years and you lost everything, House, Senate, White House that's on the Dem's and Obama.
I liked the part where he said he has "proof" China is trying to get someone else elected to President because they don't want to deal with him and his large brain... all while saying Xi is his friend.
Yup....."Donald Trump Says China Respects Him Because of His 'Very, Very Large Brain'"

China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

And there you have it, probably the absolute worst way he could go about trying to cut the best deals possible. Either he is that fucking stupid or he really never wanted to accomplish much on this front. But if he appears to be trying his base will believe anything he brings back will be the greatest of all time. And Rump will tell them many times over!
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
And still better than any scum dimwit.

China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

And there you have it, probably the absolute worst way he could go about trying to cut the best deals possible. Either he is that fucking stupid or he really never wanted to accomplish much on this front. But if he appears to be trying his base will believe anything he brings back will be the greatest of all time. And Rump will tell them many times over!

Wrong. His tactic worked as he got the EU begging him not to impose tariffs on EU autos. They are already negotiating a new deal. I’d say that’s better than doing nothing about it at all.
China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

And there you have it, probably the absolute worst way he could go about trying to cut the best deals possible. Either he is that fucking stupid or he really never wanted to accomplish much on this front. But if he appears to be trying his base will believe anything he brings back will be the greatest of all time. And Rump will tell them many times over!

Wrong. His tactic worked as he got the EU begging him not to impose tariffs on EU autos. They are already negotiating a new deal. I’d say that’s better than doing nothing about it at all.

Reading is fundamental, I never said what he aS doing was bad or the wrong thing to do. It is probably the wrong way to go about it. If he negotiates and addresses at a time he has far more or drags than taking on everybody at once.
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
Had Hillary won and if she were physically capable of doing a presser, you would have loved it. Just as you would be told to do, by the DNCMSM.

Of course, she would have said nothing of consequence just as BO always did.
President Trump gives the fake news a beating and the left are like :aargh:
Trump is a pathetic bully & liar that dupes the unintelligent rubes on the right.
and Graham deserves a horse whipping a huge POS a republican pos

Graham bitch slapped your side hard today.
Graham freaked the fuck out. This was worse than what he did to Garland? Really???

He did not give a rat;'s ass that Kavanaugh could very well be a lying fuck who spent high school, college, and law school being a drunken asshole who abused women. He was mad because of the timing.

Why the big hurry?
President Trump gives the fake news a beating and the left are like :aargh:
Trump is a pathetic bully & liar that dupes the unintelligent rubes on the right.
and Graham deserves a horse whipping a huge POS a republican pos

Graham bitch slapped your side hard today.
Graham freaked the fuck out. This was worse than what he did to Garland? Really???

He did not give a rat;'s ass that Kavanaugh could very well be a lying fuck who spent high school, college, and law school being a drunken asshole who abused women. He was mad because of the timing.

Why the big hurry?

Sorry to burst your bubble but Mitchell the sex crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford told the GOP senators she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant. OH SNAP!
President Trump gives the fake news a beating and the left are like :aargh:
Trump is a pathetic bully & liar that dupes the unintelligent rubes on the right.
and Graham deserves a horse whipping a huge POS a republican pos

Graham bitch slapped your side hard today.
Graham freaked the fuck out. This was worse than what he did to Garland? Really???

He did not give a rat;'s ass that Kavanaugh could very well be a lying fuck who spent high school, college, and law school being a drunken asshole who abused women. He was mad because of the timing.

Why the big hurry?
Why would anyone have anymore use for Graham after he showed us how quickly he would abandon McCain to kiss the orange orangutan's ass cheeks.
Graham again threatens to punish Democrats when he become chairman of that committee.

He even admitted he was for not even considering Garland. Graham is just another lying POS & his friend John McCain is rolling in his grave.
The EU, Japan and China are all engaged in predatory trade with US.

NOT stopping that immediately is insanity.

SUPPORTING that, like you are doing, is fucking treasonous.
If we declare a trade war against the rest of the world......WE lose
Our President is too stupid to realize it

Not when we are 300 billion in the hole. Walking away for US, is a win. For them, it's a disaster.
We are not 300 billion in the hole

Trade deals help both sides. They are not one sided where we win all aspects of trade. We give some, they give some

Engaging in trade war with the entire world is idiotic. If your target is China, you engage the rest of your allies to participate. You don’t want to envoke sanctions against China and have your allies make up the difference. If China retaliates against soybeans from the US, you want your allies to keep open their markets

Trumps tactics are idiotic

OUr allies can't and won't want to make up the difference for China.

China wants to benefit at their trading "partners" expense. Why would Europe want to do that?

And visa versa.
Our President is a moron with his trade war

Of course you want other markets when you shut one down

China wants large trade surpluses. Europe want's large trade surpluses.

Exactly how are they going to replace America for each other?

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