Trump ranting at presser

Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
OMG! The president actually has freedom of speech in the US too. Imagine that. A politician who says whatever is on his mind when ever he wants and doesn't calculate what special interest group is going to love or hate it. I cannot imagine someone as different from the long line of focus group-approved script readers we have had for so long.

There is no passage in the Constitution that says a president must be a role model for people's children. That's what parents are for. There is nothing about a president needing prior political experience or having to be a nice guy that you'd like to have a beer with. All of these things are made up constructs forced on us by a media that is day and night dictating to us how we must all look, act, eat, behave, walk and talk.

Trump is the anti-sheep. He walks and talks to the beat of his own drum and while I can't stand some of his policies, I stand up and cheer his insane rebel heart. I hope I still have half as much youthful angst when I get to 70.
Freedom of speech means he is responsible for what comes out of his mouth

We now have a president who is doing exactly what he promised. Is that a problem for you?
Build a wall and have Mexico pay...No
Repeal and replace Obamacare...No
Balance the budget......No
Release his taxes.....No
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
OMG! The president actually has freedom of speech in the US too. Imagine that. A politician who says whatever is on his mind when ever he wants and doesn't calculate what special interest group is going to love or hate it. I cannot imagine someone as different from the long line of focus group-approved script readers we have had for so long.

There is no passage in the Constitution that says a president must be a role model for people's children. That's what parents are for. There is nothing about a president needing prior political experience or having to be a nice guy that you'd like to have a beer with. All of these things are made up constructs forced on us by a media that is day and night dictating to us how we must all look, act, eat, behave, walk and talk.

Trump is the anti-sheep. He walks and talks to the beat of his own drum and while I can't stand some of his policies, I stand up and cheer his insane rebel heart. I hope I still have half as much youthful angst when I get to 70.
Freedom of speech means he is responsible for what comes out of his mouth

We now have a president who is doing exactly what he promised. Is that a problem for you?
Build a wall and have Mexico pay...No
Repeal and replace Obamacare...No
Balance the budget......No
Release his taxes.....No
Fact check: The ‘King of Whoppers' for 2015 is Donald Trump
Brooks Jackson, Eugene Kiely, Lori Robertson, Robert Farley and D’Angelo Gore, 8:58 a.m. EST December 22, 2015
Donald Trump

It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of tall tales in particular: Donald Trump.

In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.

He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven wrong.

He is by no means the only one telling whoppers, of course. Once again this year there are plenty of politicians, in both parties, who hope voters will swallow their deceptive claims. Hillary Clinton, for one, said she was “transparent” about her use of a private email server, when in fact she wasn’t. That was one of the bogus claims she made about her unusual email arrangement while secretary of State.

But Trump topped them all when he claimed to have seen nonexistent television coverage of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 — and then topped himself by demanding that fact-checkers apologize for exposing his claim as fantasy. And that’s only one example.

Here we’ve assembled, as we do every year at this time, a generous sampling of the most far-fetched, distorted or downright fallacious claims made during 2015.

In past years, we’ve not singled out a single claim or a single person, and have left it to readers to judge which whoppers they consider most egregious.

But this year the evidence is overwhelming and, in our judgment, conclusive. So, for the first time, we confer the title “King of Whoppers.”
Donald Trump waves to the crowd as he arrives at a

Donald Trump waves to the crowd as he arrives at a campaign event on Dec. 16, 2015 in Mesa, Ariz. (Photo: Ralph Freso, Getty Images)
Trump’s Falsehoods

We won’t get into Trump’s controversial policy positions; it’s not a fact-checker’s role to offer opinions on whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea for the federal government to bar Muslims from entering the United States or to kill the families of terrorists, for example. What we focus on here are some of the many cases where he’s just wrong on the facts.

We start with his Nov. 21 claim to have watched on television as “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey were “cheering” the fall of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Multiple news organizations and the New Jersey attorney general’s office searched for evidence of public celebrations at the time of 9/11 and found none.

“Never happened,” former state Attorney General John J. Farmer, a Republican appointee who later served as a senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, wrote in response to Trump.

In a tweet, Trump demanded an apology, citing as evidence one news story about an alleged incident that was unattributed, unverified and not televised. One of the reporters on that story said he visited the “Jersey City building and neighborhood where the celebrations were purported to have happened,” but he could “never verify that report.”

And Trump’s false claim about “thousands and thousands” of Muslims is just part of a pattern of inflammatory claims with little or no basis in fact. Here are some more — and it’s not an exhaustive list.

• Trump boasted that he “predicted Osama bin Laden.” Nope. The book Trump published in 2000 mentioned bin Laden once, and predicted nothing about bin Laden’s future plans.

• Trump “heard” that Obama is “thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away.” If so, he misheard. What Obama reportedly considered was requiring large-volume private gun dealers to conduct background checks, not confiscating firearms from those who own them.

• Trump said he “heard” the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees — even upping that wildly inaccurate number to 250,000 in another speech. Nope and nope. The number is about 10,000.

• Trump said he got to know Putin “very well” while the two were on CBS’ 60 Minutes. Nope. The two men were interviewed separately, in different countries thousands of miles apart.

• Trump claimed his campaign is “100%” self-funded. Nope. At the time, more than 50% of his campaign’s funds had come from outside contributors.

• Trump said his tax plan is revenue neutral. Nope. The pro-business Tax Foundation estimated the Trump plan would reduce revenues to the Treasury by more than $10 trillion over 10 years, even assuming his plan would create economic growth.

• Trump told the story of a 2-year-old who got autism a week after the child got a vaccine. But there’s no evidence of such a link. The study that claimed to have found a link between vaccines and autism has been exposed as an “elaborate fraud.” It was retracted five years ago by the journal that published it, and the author was stripped of his license to practice medicine in Britain.

• Trump said Mexico doesn’t have a birthright citizenship policy. It does.

• Trump claimed credit for getting Ford Motor Co. to move a plant from Mexico to Ohio. Ford says that’s baloney; it made the decision years before Trump even announced his run for president.

• Trump denied that he ever called female adversaries some of these things: “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” He used all of those terms.

• Trump said in June “there are no jobs” to be had, when official statistics were showing 5.4 million job openings — the most in 15 years.

• Trump claimed economic growth in the U.S. has “never” been below zero — until the third quarter of 2015. “Who ever heard of this?” he asked. Except it’s not unheard of. Economic growth has been below zero 42 times since 1946.

Trump, Carson on 9/11 ‘Celebrations,’ Nov. 24
Trump’s bin Laden ‘Prediction,’ Dec. 2
Trump ‘Hears’ Obama Wants to Take Guns, Oct. 22
Trump Gets Refugee Numbers Wrong, Oct. 4
Facts about the Syrian Refugees, Nov. 23
Trump vs. Fiorina: Who Knows Putin Best? Nov. 11
FactChecking the CNBC Debates, Oct. 29
Is Trump’s Tax Plan Revenue Neutral? Oct. 1
FactChecking the CNN Republican Debate, Sept. 17
Trump on Birthright Citizenship, Aug. 25
Trump’s Bogus Boast on Ford, Oct. 26
Trump’s Amnesia, Aug. 11
Trump Tramples Facts, June 16

This is just a sampling of the falsehoods and exaggerations that lead us to award our “King of Whoppers” title to Trump. See our full and up-to-the-minute file on him for more.
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
I am devastated. May have to call in to work tomorrow and contact a counselor. Know any places I can get a good deal on some Playdoh and crayons?

God help me.....
This entire thread is a liberal/trump hating therapy session. I have never seen so many whiners in my life. Ok , you don’t like him. Don’t let it take over your life. Jesus you people are pathetic.
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
OMG! The president actually has freedom of speech in the US too. Imagine that. A politician who says whatever is on his mind when ever he wants and doesn't calculate what special interest group is going to love or hate it. I cannot imagine someone as different from the long line of focus group-approved script readers we have had for so long.

There is no passage in the Constitution that says a president must be a role model for people's children. That's what parents are for. There is nothing about a president needing prior political experience or having to be a nice guy that you'd like to have a beer with. All of these things are made up constructs forced on us by a media that is day and night dictating to us how we must all look, act, eat, behave, walk and talk.

Trump is the anti-sheep. He walks and talks to the beat of his own drum and while I can't stand some of his policies, I stand up and cheer his insane rebel heart. I hope I still have half as much youthful angst when I get to 70.
Freedom of speech means he is responsible for what comes out of his mouth

We now have a president who is doing exactly what he promised. Is that a problem for you?
Build a wall and have Mexico pay...No
Repeal and replace Obamacare...No
Balance the budget......No
Release his taxes.....No
I didn’t bother reading the entire article because I’m sure it’s about things I already know.......
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

That article was written back in 12/17. lol
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.

Donald sounds as drunk as a rapey Brett Kavanaugh.
Great presser! He didn't 'rant' where the fuck did you get that from? Trump was accurate and eloquent and the TDSer's can't stand it. Go Trump!:113: BTW I don't believe any of the TDSer's actually watched this they get all their info from Daily Kos and George Soros.
Dude, did you watch the same speech as the rest of us? That was a fucking Trainwreck. Nothing he said was either accurate or eloquent.

What a joke.
When comparing daily life under Trump vs, obama, people are seeing the difference.

I can see Trump easily winning again in ‘20. :)
Trump, "The failing NY Times" :auiqs.jpg:

Another of Trump's lies.

From Forbes:

New York Times Subscription Revenue Topped $1 Billion In 2017
The New York Times made more than $1 billion in overall subscription revenue in 2017.
Let that sink in for a minute.
At a time when many media companies are struggling, The Times saw its circulation surge.
That makes President Trump’s tweets about the “failing New York Times” seem just a bit silly."""

Sorry, BluesLegend-in-Your-Own-Mind, don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

"The New York Times announced it now has 130 million monthly readers and 3.5 million paid subscriptions, which is more than double the company's subscriber count since Q3 2015.""
The New York Times soars past 3 million subscribers

Your sense of humor rating is .5

Nice to see you roll over and piss yourself when confronted with facts vs. your bullshit.
Got the Trump presser on now and my god, no wonder people quit their jobs and call him moron and idiot.
Goes off on tangents.
He interrupts, talks over them, and won't let anyone finish a question or a sentence.
It's JUST AS Woodward, Wolfe and Omarosa describe: He fucking rants on and on an on.
He has absolutely NO interest in listening.
Just yakkking, yakkkkkkking.....ranting.
OMG! The president actually has freedom of speech in the US too. Imagine that. A politician who says whatever is on his mind when ever he wants and doesn't calculate what special interest group is going to love or hate it. I cannot imagine someone as different from the long line of focus group-approved script readers we have had for so long.

There is no passage in the Constitution that says a president must be a role model for people's children. That's what parents are for. There is nothing about a president needing prior political experience or having to be a nice guy that you'd like to have a beer with. All of these things are made up constructs forced on us by a media that is day and night dictating to us how we must all look, act, eat, behave, walk and talk.

Trump is the anti-sheep. He walks and talks to the beat of his own drum and while I can't stand some of his policies, I stand up and cheer his insane rebel heart. I hope I still have half as much youthful angst when I get to 70.
Freedom of speech means he is responsible for what comes out of his mouth

We now have a president who is doing exactly what he promised. Is that a problem for you?
Build a wall and have Mexico pay...No
Repeal and replace Obamacare...No
Balance the budget......No
Release his taxes.....No
I didn’t bother reading the entire article because I’m sure it’s about things I already know.......
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

That article was written back in 12/17. lol
Name one
When comparing daily life under Trump vs, obama, people are seeing the difference.

I can see Trump easily winning again in ‘20. :)

Hard to do with a consistent approval rating of just 36%.
But you can always keep your head up Trump's ass and dream.
Are you relying on the same approval ratings he had before he kicked Hillary’s ass? lol
Last edited:
I liked the part where he said he has "proof" China is trying to get someone else elected to President because they don't want to deal with him and his large brain... all while saying Xi is his friend.
Yup....."Donald Trump Says China Respects Him Because of His 'Very, Very Large Brain'"

China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity
I liked the part where he said he has "proof" China is trying to get someone else elected to President because they don't want to deal with him and his large brain... all while saying Xi is his friend.
Yup....."Donald Trump Says China Respects Him Because of His 'Very, Very Large Brain'"

China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

The EU, Japan and China are all engaged in predatory trade with US.

NOT stopping that immediately is insanity.

SUPPORTING that, like you are doing, is fucking treasonous.

China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

The EU, Japan and China are all engaged in predatory trade with US.

NOT stopping that immediately is insanity.

SUPPORTING that, like you are doing, is fucking treasonous.
If we declare a trade war against the rest of the world......WE lose
Our President is too stupid to realize it
China has a lot more respect for Trump than they did for Obama who has obviously a very small brain.

Is that why they slapped tariffs on Trump ?

You’re too dumb to understand what is going on, let the adults handle China. They are rattling their saber, and it won’t hold up. The trade deficit is so one sided, China can not afford to lose their exports to the US. They will be begging President Trump for a deal. Much like the EU already has, however in China’s case we will need to keep tariffs up to keep manufacturing jobs stateside.

Please....please......let’s get some adults in the process

If Trump had enlisted the support of the EU and Japan in a trade war against China it would make sense

But to simultaneously declare a trade war against the entire world is insanity

The EU, Japan and China are all engaged in predatory trade with US.

NOT stopping that immediately is insanity.

SUPPORTING that, like you are doing, is fucking treasonous.
If we declare a trade war against the rest of the world......WE lose
Our President is too stupid to realize it

Not when we are 300 billion in the hole. Walking away for US, is a win. For them, it's a disaster.

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