Trump Regimes Amazing List Of Crimes Keeps Getting Longer, But We Can't Afford To Look Away

Look at Trump's track record.

I did. He's the most successful President in decades, in some cases EVER.

I also looked at the OP's list of butt-hurt NON-crimes.

I also looked at the Democrats. The Democrats were OWNED By Trump, who exposed the Democrats' 4+ years of constant treasonous, criminal, unsubstantiated attempts to 'get Trump' which he beat like a drum.

I also looked at the Democrats' record: the proven CCP espionage-supporting, enemy of the US-colluding, Constitution & Rule of law-violating, fake evidence creating/using, criminally exposed losers who wasted 4 years failing to overthrow the US govt and undoing a democratic election because they lost instead of moving on and doing the work of the American people.

We get it - you're another butt-hurt, 'Orange Man Bad', Democrat Talking point parroting, indoctrinated snowflake who can not present any more ACTUAL CRIME or convictions than the OP can.

Thanks for self-identifying again...

Gosh Forum.Fuckboy your cut and paste skills are the envy of every 4th grader on the planet. What's the over/under on the number of words in that marxist screed that you don't understand?

It's got to be 30, and I'll take the over. I hope you got an extra bowl of rice for this stellar effort. I'm now ready to forgive Dominion for stealing the election thanks to your enlightenment. RESPECT.

The twice impeached, one term loser, is sitting in a building in Florida, his own neighbors don't want him living in, while a Grand Jury in two different states are hearing evidence on his crimes.

And everybody that has accused Dominion of stealing, has had their ass handed to them. You mea culpa queens are sounding more desperate everyday. And have no doubt in that empty space above your shoulders, the twice impeached, one term loser is shaking in his stained shorts.
I think his worst 2 crimes were improving the economy for everyone, especially the poor and middle class and bringing peace to the middle east.
Barry, Democrats, &snowflakes blamed everything Barry did wrpong and all of his failed policies on Bush for 8 years...and the day after Barry left office they all screamed, 'You can't mention Barry because he is no longer President!'

Bwuhahahahaha :p
Actually when we bragged about job numbers you said not enough then trump had no better.

Link or lie. If you are going to tell people I said something, prove it. YOU have been proven to have lied after doing so in the past. You should stick to giving your own opinion instead of trying to speak for others.

Besides, your distraction attempt failed. Again, despite blaming Bush for 8 years, the minute Obama left office snowflakes hypocritically attempted to declare any mention of Barry was 'off limits'. Pathetic.

Ironic, though, now that dementia / CCP Joe is IN office, its like snowflakes have declared talking about Joe is off-limits...because of his disastrous policies and record.

Donald Trump and his regime committed many criminal, evil and otherwise despicable acts in plain sight. Those include, with no attempt to be comprehensive:

Of course, the Republican Party and its followers and propagandists are doing everything in their power to sabotage any efforts to investigate the public and private crimes of the Trump regime. For reasons of political expediency or incompetence, perhaps coupled with pathological weakness, the Democrats seem all too willing to ignore the Trump regime's crimes in an effort to "move forward" and bring the country back to "normalcy."

The Grand Jury that has just been seated, will no doubt uncover even more crimes to add to the list. It will meet for an unprecedented three days per week, for the next 6 months. It has now received all of the transcripts from prosecutors in the Rudy Giulliani case also. Which undoubtedly, will have even more former regime members added also.

Wow, what a laundry list of Fake News, unsubstantiated, irrational hate-driven Butt-hurt spewed in a Left Wing 'Orange Man Bad' tantrum by a snowflake who does not know the definition of 'crime' and who can't let Trump go despite his being out of office / gone and replaced by the CCP-bought, enemy-aiding, criminally self-enriching racist Joe Biden whose every policy, every action so far has been a complete failure!

"A crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. ... One proposed definition is that a crime or offence (or criminal offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual but also to a community, society, or the state ("a public wrong").

A 'crime' is NOT an action taken that offends snowflakes, that aggravates the already sore butt of irrational hate-driven snowflakes, which is all that list of 'crimes' the OP posted is.

Projection, accusing Trump of what the Democrats have done and are doing, & exposing personal butt-hurt to the board - I want to thank the OP for showing the dementia-ravaged new President is fully supported by dementia-suffering snowflakes.....that snowflakes have no idea what 'crime' means, and - if any of these were crimes - how inept and incompetent the Democrats, failing repeatedly to & being unable to prosecute any of these crimes.


Look at Trump's track record. He's a crook .. always has been.. How about that Trump University or cheating veterans with his Trump Foundation. Look how he screwed the taxpayers of Chaarleston, SC with one of his pie in the sky scams.
Get back to us when he starts stealing money from a Cancer Charity like Biden.
Or makes money from prison slavery like Harris.

Oh Trump's sons stole money from their Children's Cancer Charity.
Or Joe confessing on videotape that he extorted the previous Ukraine PM WITH OBAMA'S KNOWLEDGE AND BLESSING....

He extorted the poorest country in Europe.
Pure scumbag.
God help us but I think the crazy radical angry left is proposing "a reign of terror" on the rest of us with invented crimes.

Trump really screwed his WH employees.. He had them withold payroll taxes for months to make his economy look better.. and promised them all would be forgiven.. Now they all have huge tax bills and 30 days to pay.
Donald Trump and his regime committed many criminal, evil and otherwise despicable acts in plain sight. Those include, with no attempt to be comprehensive:

Of course, the Republican Party and its followers and propagandists are doing everything in their power to sabotage any efforts to investigate the public and private crimes of the Trump regime. For reasons of political expediency or incompetence, perhaps coupled with pathological weakness, the Democrats seem all too willing to ignore the Trump regime's crimes in an effort to "move forward" and bring the country back to "normalcy."

The Grand Jury that has just been seated, will no doubt uncover even more crimes to add to the list. It will meet for an unprecedented three days per week, for the next 6 months. It has now received all of the transcripts from prosecutors in the Rudy Giulliani case also. Which undoubtedly, will have even more former regime members added also.

Wow, what a laundry list of Fake News, unsubstantiated, irrational hate-driven Butt-hurt spewed in a Left Wing 'Orange Man Bad' tantrum by a snowflake who does not know the definition of 'crime' and who can't let Trump go despite his being out of office / gone and replaced by the CCP-bought, enemy-aiding, criminally self-enriching racist Joe Biden whose every policy, every action so far has been a complete failure!

"A crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. ... One proposed definition is that a crime or offence (or criminal offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual but also to a community, society, or the state ("a public wrong").

A 'crime' is NOT an action taken that offends snowflakes, that aggravates the already sore butt of irrational hate-driven snowflakes, which is all that list of 'crimes' the OP posted is.

Projection, accusing Trump of what the Democrats have done and are doing, & exposing personal butt-hurt to the board - I want to thank the OP for showing the dementia-ravaged new President is fully supported by dementia-suffering snowflakes.....that snowflakes have no idea what 'crime' means, and - if any of these were crimes - how inept and incompetent the Democrats, failing repeatedly to & being unable to prosecute any of these crimes.


Look at Trump's track record. He's a crook .. always has been.. How about that Trump University or cheating veterans with his Trump Foundation. Look how he screwed the taxpayers of Chaarleston, SC with one of his pie in the sky scams.
Get back to us when he starts stealing money from a Cancer Charity like Biden.
Or makes money from prison slavery like Harris.

Oh Trump's sons stole money from their Children's Cancer Charity.
Or Joe confessing on videotape that he extorted the previous Ukraine PM WITH OBAMA'S KNOWLEDGE AND BLESSING....

He extorted the poorest country in Europe.
Pure scumbag.

Trump did.. US foreign policy dictated what Biden did.. Do you know anything about US foretgn policy regarding Ukraine?

Trump did.. US foreign policy dictated what Biden did.. Do you know anything about US foretgn policy regarding Ukraine?

US Foreign Policy - OBAMA'S foreign policy, FORCED Biden into admittedly extorting the PM of Ukraine to force the firing of the Ukraine's top prosecutor investigating his son for proven crimes?


Biden admitted on videotape to extorting the Ukraine PM, WITH OBAMA'S KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL.

I did not know that EXTORTION was 'Foreign Policy'...but according to Joe it was.


Trump did.. US foreign policy dictated what Biden did.. Do you know anything about US foretgn policy regarding Ukraine?

US Foreign Policy - OBAMA'S foreign policy, FORCED Biden into admittedly extorting the PM of Ukraine to force the firing of the Ukraine's top prosecutor investigating his son for proven crimes?


Biden admitted on videotape to extorting the Ukraine PM, WITH OBAMA'S KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL.

I did not know that EXTORTION was 'Foreign Policy'...but according to Joe it was.


You moron. US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment. Congress agreed.The objective was to drive out the corrupt politicians and train the Ukrainians up in transparency and best practices.

Your ignorance is amazing.

You moron. US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment.

So Obama's and Joe's extortion of Ukraine's PM into firing their top, moral, ethical, law-enforcing prosecutor - who was investigating the known-criminal Ukrainian energy company owner known for collaborating / working with Putin and the United States VP's son who was making the Biden family a lot of money through Influence Peddling, thereby cleaning up Ukraine's criminal problem - was part of Obama's & Joe's official 'US Foreign Policy'....

Ummm....explain to us again how Barry's & Joe's extortion was going to 'help clean up Ukraine's reputation'...


"And he tried to call Easy a 'moron'.....bwuhahahaha!'

You moron. US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment.

So Obama's and Joe's extortion of Ukraine's PM into firing their top, moral, ethical, law-enforcing prosecutor - who was investigating the known-criminal Ukrainian energy company owner known for collaborating / working with Putin and the United States VP's son who was making the Biden family a lot of money through Influence Peddling, thereby cleaning up Ukraine's criminal problem - was part of Obama's & Joe's official 'US Foreign Policy'....

Ummm....explain to us again how Barry's & Joe's extortion was going to 'help clean up Ukraine's reputation'...

View attachment 494281

"And he tried to call Easy a 'moron'.....bwuhahahaha!'

The guy was a criminal.


You moron. US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment.

So Obama's and Joe's extortion of Ukraine's PM into firing their top, moral, ethical, law-enforcing prosecutor - who was investigating the known-criminal Ukrainian energy company owner known for collaborating / working with Putin and the United States VP's son who was making the Biden family a lot of money through Influence Peddling, thereby cleaning up Ukraine's criminal problem - was part of Obama's & Joe's official 'US Foreign Policy'....

Ummm....explain to us again how Barry's & Joe's extortion was going to 'help clean up Ukraine's reputation'...

View attachment 494281

"And he tried to call Easy a 'moron'.....bwuhahahaha!'

The guy was a criminal.

What crime was broken there?

Trump did.. US foreign policy dictated what Biden did.. Do you know anything about US foretgn policy regarding Ukraine?

US Foreign Policy - OBAMA'S foreign policy, FORCED Biden into admittedly extorting the PM of Ukraine to force the firing of the Ukraine's top prosecutor investigating his son for proven crimes?


Biden admitted on videotape to extorting the Ukraine PM, WITH OBAMA'S KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL.

I did not know that EXTORTION was 'Foreign Policy'...but according to Joe it was.


You moron. US foreign policy was to help Ukraine clean up their reputation so they could attract foreign investment. Congress agreed.The objective was to drive out the corrupt politicians and train the Ukrainians up in transparency and best practices.

Your ignorance is amazing. firing the Attorney General who was investigating corruption??
God help us but I think the crazy radical angry left is proposing "a reign of terror" on the rest of us with invented crimes.

Trump really screwed his WH employees.. He had them withold payroll taxes for months to make his economy look better.. and promised them all would be forgiven.. Now they all have huge tax bills and 30 days to pay.
How would withholding a handful of employees taxes boost the economy??
Donald Trump and his regime committed many criminal, evil and otherwise despicable acts in plain sight. Those include, with no attempt to be comprehensive:

Of course, the Republican Party and its followers and propagandists are doing everything in their power to sabotage any efforts to investigate the public and private crimes of the Trump regime. For reasons of political expediency or incompetence, perhaps coupled with pathological weakness, the Democrats seem all too willing to ignore the Trump regime's crimes in an effort to "move forward" and bring the country back to "normalcy."

The Grand Jury that has just been seated, will no doubt uncover even more crimes to add to the list. It will meet for an unprecedented three days per week, for the next 6 months. It has now received all of the transcripts from prosecutors in the Rudy Giulliani case also. Which undoubtedly, will have even more former regime members added also.
And despite all this republicans still defend him.

Republicans wanted us to stop defending Bill Clinton over one blowjob. That’s all he did.

Just imagine biden or Obama trying to lie like trump. Republicans would call them on it if they tried
Republicans at that time remembered Watergate. Our government was in a bad way and we ended up off what was left of any attachment to the Gold with our currency with Bretton Woods and the First oil shock as we did not pay attention to OPEC as a Presidency crumbled. Biden and the Clinton's have done far worse and nothing is investigated. We convince ourselves of crimes and do nothing when the ones we like commit them.
What did Biden and Clinton do? I mean it's not like they stole an election in 2000, lied us into Iraq, lied to us about the economy when we were slipping into the greatest recession since the great depression or lied to us about a pandemic that was coming because it might hurt their chances of re election.

That was Bush and Trump who did those things.
Worst recession?

Congress (Frank) did that you ignorantl waste of oxygen.
That's who Rush limbaugh, Republicans in Congress and Fox blamed. It was Bush.

No one is going to remember Nancy Pelosi was the Majority leader during the pandemic. All people know is Trump dropped the ball. Bush too. It was the Greatest Recession our country had seen since the Great Depression. That's a fact. And it happened at the end of his 8 years. Like Trump said before he was President, "Leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible".

You can blame barnie frank, bernie mack, freddy mack, fanny mae, clinton.....It was at the end of Bush's 8 years. He firmly owns it. That's why you didn't nominate Jeb. If Bush was good why didn't you go with Jeb?

You can't be intellectually honest.
Ah yes. Bush.

Of course.

Bush, Trump, Reagan......all of them there righties.

Nice stuff.
Donald Trump and his regime committed many criminal, evil and otherwise despicable acts in plain sight. Those include, with no attempt to be comprehensive:

Of course, the Republican Party and its followers and propagandists are doing everything in their power to sabotage any efforts to investigate the public and private crimes of the Trump regime. For reasons of political expediency or incompetence, perhaps coupled with pathological weakness, the Democrats seem all too willing to ignore the Trump regime's crimes in an effort to "move forward" and bring the country back to "normalcy."

The Grand Jury that has just been seated, will no doubt uncover even more crimes to add to the list. It will meet for an unprecedented three days per week, for the next 6 months. It has now received all of the transcripts from prosecutors in the Rudy Giulliani case also. Which undoubtedly, will have even more former regime members added also.
I have never seen such a long list of blatant lies.

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