Trump Runs Out of Promises to Keep

/----/ The RINOs didn't want to overturn Obozocare.
The reason for that is because health care costs would skyrocket even faster than they are under ObamaCare.

As I have shown the rubes countless times, health care costs were skyrocketing for DECADES before ObamaCare, and the Republicans did NOTHING about it.

If ObamaCare was repealed, we'd go back to the days of even faster growing costs.

The GOP has massively hoaxed the rubes. Massively.

Trump and the GOP got elected by promising to repeal and replace ObamaCare. They had no intention of doing so.

Trump didn't have a replacement. His entire plan was to take credit for whatever the hard workers in Congress came up with. Barring that, Plan B was to blame the Democrats and Republicans for stopping him.

Stopping him! How do you stop someone who doesn't even try? How do you stop someone who never put a replacement on the table?

Somehow, amazingly, the rubes have not caught on to this hoax. There's a reason I call them retards.
Letting in illegal Mexicans who don't pay their bills didn't help either.

Both useless major parties are guilty of that.

Illegals get free healthcare --- gee, who knew
You knew.
Illegals get free healthcare --- gee, who knew
If you don't know how...never vote again.

Can't blame Trump: He's the man with the plan.

You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
/----/ President Trump basically gutted Obozcare. He didn't foresee the Never Trumpers. RINOs and democRATs fighting him every step of the way. You can't blame him for that.

Thanks for admitting to his unconstitutional ways of doing things .

Ya fuken imbecile!!
barry care was unconstitutional.

yeah, so unconstitutional the Congressional Republicans couldn't overturn it - ya dumbass.

So you really dont know the path barry took to make it pass muster?
Can't blame Trump: He's the man with the plan.

You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Troll, no one here "bleevs" anything you post.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.

You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Troll, no one here "bleevs" anything you post.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.
And you were homeless living in a car before Trump...


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
/----/ President Trump basically gutted Obozcare. He didn't foresee the Never Trumpers. RINOs and democRATs fighting him every step of the way. You can't blame him for that.

Thanks for admitting to his unconstitutional ways of doing things .

Ya fuken imbecile!!
barry care was unconstitutional.

yeah, so unconstitutional the Congressional Republicans couldn't overturn it - ya dumbass.

So you really dont know the path barry took to make it pass muster?

states refused to expand medicade - oh the irony

Lawmakers included subsidies for low-income immigrants who weren’t eligible for Medicaid specifically to avoid a coverage gap. Ironically, there are currently about 2.6 million people in 18 states who are in a coverage gap that exists because those states have refused to expand Medicaid. Congress went out of their way to ensure that there would be no coverage gap for recent immigrants, but they couldn’t anticipate that the Supreme Court would make Medicaid optional for the states, and that numerous states would block expansion, leading to a coverage gap for millions of U.S. citizens.
It has never occurred to the tards that if Trump actually had a plan which provided healthcare at his promised "tiny fraction of the cost", it would pass unanimously.

But...Trump lied.

I defy anyone to show me Trump's proposed legislation which would provide health care at a tiny fraction of the cost.

You can't.

Because you were hoaxed.

You dumbasses blame the Democrats for defeating a plan which does not exist! :lol:
It has never occurred to the tards that if Trump actually had a plan which provided healthcare at his promised "tiny fraction of the cost", it would pass unanimously.

But...Trump lied.

I defy anyone to show me Trump's proposed legislation which would provide health care at a tiny fraction of the cost.

You can't.

Because you were hoaxed.

You dumbasses blame the Democrats for defeating a plan which does not exist! :lol:
Building a wall was part of the plan.
Troll, no one here "bleevs" anything you post.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.
And you were homeless living in a car before Trump...

Trolls like this have to lie at every turn.
/----/ The RINOs didn't want to overturn Obozocare.
The reason for that is because health care costs would skyrocket even faster than they are under ObamaCare.

As I have shown the rubes countless times, health care costs were skyrocketing for DECADES before ObamaCare, and the Republicans did NOTHING about it.

If ObamaCare was repealed, we'd go back to the days of even faster growing costs.

The GOP has massively hoaxed the rubes. Massively.

Trump and the GOP got elected by promising to repeal and replace ObamaCare. They had no intention of doing so.

Trump didn't have a replacement. His entire plan was to take credit for whatever the hard workers in Congress came up with. Barring that, Plan B was to blame the Democrats and Republicans for stopping him.

Stopping him! How do you stop someone who doesn't even try? How do you stop someone who never put a replacement on the table?

Somehow, amazingly, the rubes have not caught on to this hoax. There's a reason I call them retards.
Letting in illegal Mexicans who don't pay their bills didn't help either.

Both useless major parties are guilty of that.

Illegals get free healthcare --- gee, who knew

Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay For Illegal Immigrants’ Care

/----/ President Trump basically gutted Obozcare. He didn't foresee the Never Trumpers. RINOs and democRATs fighting him every step of the way. You can't blame him for that.

Thanks for admitting to his unconstitutional ways of doing things .

Ya fuken imbecile!!
barry care was unconstitutional.

yeah, so unconstitutional the Congressional Republicans couldn't overturn it - ya dumbass.

So you really dont know the path barry took to make it pass muster?

states refused to expand medicade - oh the irony

Lawmakers included subsidies for low-income immigrants who weren’t eligible for Medicaid specifically to avoid a coverage gap. Ironically, there are currently about 2.6 million people in 18 states who are in a coverage gap that exists because those states have refused to expand Medicaid. Congress went out of their way to ensure that there would be no coverage gap for recent immigrants, but they couldn’t anticipate that the Supreme Court would make Medicaid optional for the states, and that numerous states would block expansion, leading to a coverage gap for millions of U.S. citizens.

Why are we covering low income immigrants again?
Troll, no one here "bleevs" anything you post.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.
And you were homeless living in a car before Trump...

I'm still living where I went though the barry years yet I have a shitload more disposable income under Trump.
See I wont be poor no matter who's in office,but I do make more money when a conservative is in office.
My theory? I dont make trades or do anything that will boost the economy while a dem is in office mainly because I make less money.
I'd imagine there are others smart enough to make the connection.
You don't have to believe me. Just open your eyes and see for yourself Trump has not repealed ObamaCare. He has not replaced ObamaCare. He has never put a replacement for ObamaCare on the table.

These facts are self-evident, dumbass!

It's pathetic I have to even point this out to you. It speaks to your amazingly profound willful blindness.

So what's your point? Do you not realize that at the end of the day, you've changed nothing. You've changed nobody's opinion one way or the other, and things go on as they are.

You're just one solitary person standing out there on a street corner, holding a cheap cardboard sign and babbling incoherently. But everyone either thinks you're a nutcase, or they're just ignoring you.

Why even bother?
That's right, cuckold. Just sit there and take it up the ass from Trump. Ignore the smart people telling you that you have been conned.

Trump counts on your stupidity. He absolutely relies on it.

For being conned I sure am making a lot more money.
And you were homeless living in a car before Trump...

I'm still living where I went though the barry years yet I have a shitload more disposable income under Trump.
See I wont be poor no matter who's in office,but I do make more money when a conservative is in office.
My theory? I dont make trades or do anything that will boost the economy while a dem is in office mainly because I make less money.
I'd imagine there are others smart enough to make the connection.

Dels laughing to keep from crying.....
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush
We have the economy roaring!

You can thank Obama for that,
So Now He’s Keeping Other Presidents’ Promises May 14, 2018
We got Kim Jong-un promising to denuke his country and to show everybody in a ceremony when it’s happening. We have the upcoming summit. We have trade negotiations redone, trade agreements renegotiated. We are pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal. We’ve pulled out of the Paris climate accords. We have a possible Middle East peace agreement. What has not been reported is that the Trump administration has a peace proposal for Israel and the Palestinians following the opening of the embassy today in Jerusalem when the time is right.

We have the economy roaring! We have tax cuts. The Democrats are puzzled why people aren’t angry at them. Record small-business profits. We have jobs for everyone. - Rush
We have the economy roaring!

You can thank Obama for that,

And we can thank dean for the increase of std's

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