Trump says he can shoot someone and people will still vote for him


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

No shit....liberals have no sense of humor......remind me of Coolio vs al yankovic
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

She has a LOT of people who are going to vote for her, bucko. Check with me in November.
All Trump's comment shows is his incredible ego. The man is a disgrace.

Yes, he is. However, she has provably sold her influence in a manner that is detrimental to the safety of the USA. So, I will take his bombastic idiocy over her treason any day of the week.
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

She has a LOT of people who are going to vote for her, bucko. Check with me in November.

Yes, she does. The question is why? She is a PROVEN liar, she has compromised US security, policies that she implemented have led to the creation of ISIS and their now worldwide campaign against the western philosophy's. So, once again, why?
All Trump's comment shows is his incredible ego. The man is a disgrace.

Hillary actually did those things and people are still going to vote for her. What can Hillary do at this point that can change people's minds about her? Thank God she isn't Hitler!
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

She has a LOT of people who are going to vote for her, bucko. Check with me in November.

Yes, she does. The question is why? She is a PROVEN liar, she has compromised US security, policies that she implemented have led to the creation of ISIS and their now worldwide campaign against the western philosophy's. So, once again, why?
Hillary would not be doing as well if the alternative were not so terrifying. We know what to expect with Hillary but Trump is a flaming bag of something lying on America's doorstep. No one can say with any certainty what he will do, not even him.
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

She has a LOT of people who are going to vote for her, bucko. Check with me in November.

Yes, she does. The question is why? She is a PROVEN liar, she has compromised US security, policies that she implemented have led to the creation of ISIS and their now worldwide campaign against the western philosophy's. So, once again, why?
Hillary would not be doing as well if the alternative were not so terrifying. We know what to expect with Hillary but Trump is a flaming bag of something lying on America's doorstep. No one can say with any certainty what he will do, not even him.

The fact that solid Hillary voters won't stop voting for her even after what she did says more about them than her. I would expect her to vote for herself just as I would expect Hitler to vote for himself but it is the people who continued to vote for Hitler even after all the things he said and did that have me worried.
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!
He can shoot someone and still have support because Hillary has already killed people and she got the Democratic nomination.
All Trump's comment shows is his incredible ego. The man is a disgrace.

Hillary actually did those things and people are still going to vote for her. What can Hillary do at this point that can change people's minds about her? Thank God she isn't Hitler!

When you have a President that's a proven compulsive liar and his administration is fully corrupt, you can't expect much..

Democrats know Hillary is a criminal, they simply don't care...
This may be true but...

Hillary can allow secure emails to be hacked by foreign powers and her supporters would still vote for her.

Hillary can allow Americans to die in benghazi and her voters will still vote for her

At least with Trump we knew he wasn't serious with that but Hillary has actually did those things and she still has people who would vote for her. Total hypocrisy!

She has a LOT of people who are going to vote for her, bucko. Check with me in November.

Yes, she does. The question is why? She is a PROVEN liar, she has compromised US security, policies that she implemented have led to the creation of ISIS and their now worldwide campaign against the western philosophy's. So, once again, why?
Hillary would not be doing as well if the alternative were not so terrifying. We know what to expect with Hillary but Trump is a flaming bag of something lying on America's doorstep. No one can say with any certainty what he will do, not even him.

The fact that solid Hillary voters won't stop voting for her even after what she did says more about them than her. I would expect her to vote for herself just as I would expect Hitler to vote for himself but it is the people who continued to vote for Hitler even after all the things he said and did that have me worried.
I am not a Hillary fan and never have been. The fact that such a weak, flawed candidate is doing so well is a testament to the horrible candidate choice your party has made. We may very well have the worse choice we have ever had. Lots of people are going to holding their nose as they vote this November.

All Trump's comment shows is his incredible ego. The man is a disgrace.

Hello George... I haven't seen you around in a while...:beer:

Thanks, Lumpy. I haven't been around for a while. I suspect this current circus will bring me out of hiding, especially as we get closer to show time in November.

It's been fun, a frenzy of frothing... :laugh:

It could only get better... well, let's have some fun ole friend, no lasting hard feeling from me...:wink_2:
I just can't believe what I am seeing with this campaign. Hillary Clinton CLEARLY outclasses and outqualifies Trump in all respects. She speaks clearly, rationally and civilly. She states her goals and how she expects to achieve them. She is presidential.

Trump, on the other hand, demonstrates NONE of the qualities that Hillary does. He is crude, bigoted, egotistic, arrogant, uninformed and a liar. He is simply annoying, in all respects. He is clearly not the type of person we should have as our President. Hillary Clinton is a lady. Trump is not a gentleman. He is a blustering jerk who offends others almost every time he opens his mouth. In short, he is a loutish boor who obviously thinks only of himself.

How ANYONE can even come close to considering him for our highest office is beyond me.
All Trump's comment shows is his incredible ego. The man is a disgrace.

Hello George... I haven't seen you around in a while...:beer:

Thanks, Lumpy. I haven't been around for a while. I suspect this current circus will bring me out of hiding, especially as we get closer to show time in November.

It's been fun, a frenzy of frothing... :laugh:

It could only get better... well, let's have some fun ole friend, no lasting hard feeling from me...:wink_2:

Thanks. It is going to be a real show and I, for one, am REALLY looking forward to it. Let the dancing begin! :dance:

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