Trump says on day one he'll withdraw from TPP

Of course it would be Jeff Sessions who would make the final decision, and this issue will remain on the back burner until after he is confirmed.

Sure sure believe the voices in your head and not what the Trump spokes person says LOLTop aide: Trump won’t pursue Clinton investigation
And it makes sense that he wouldn't pursue at least until Sessions is confirmed, but we already know Congress will continue its investigations of Clinton, Lynch, Comey and perhaps Obama if the trail leads there, and this time these investigations won't be sandbagged by the State Department and Justice Department, so if these investigations turn up convincing evidence of criminal activity, Trump will be "forced" to allow Sessions or an independent prosecutor to take it to a grand jury.
Trump will be investigated too Democrats ...plenty of evil doing Trump U ...he ripped off everyday people with Trump U

plenty more scams where that came from ...conflicts of interest...resistance will be 24/7/365
Trump has different policy stances depending on what time of day it is and the audience ....
is he sworn in? hmmmmm how can someone go back on something before they are in office? hmmmmmmm me thinks you are confused.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.


Ann Coulter has discussed how Bernie Sanders was a bigger threat to Trump than Hillary was, because Sanders platform addressed some of the issues that drove Trump's campaign.

I was SO happy when the Dem Leadership managed to rig the primary to shaft Sanders and his supporters.

I'm not sure Trump could have beaten him.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

Even a Blind Monkey (Bernie) can find a banana once in a while

That 'banana' is what got Trump elected.

That 'banana' is what got Trump elected.


THIS banana is what got Trump elected.


So you honestly think that Trump could have turned around the union vote in the rust belt, which is the only reason he won, by not opposing the trade deals?
I believe it was his stance on regulations along with those bad trade deals.
Of course it would be Jeff Sessions who would make the final decision, and this issue will remain on the back burner until after he is confirmed.

Sure sure believe the voices in your head and not what the Trump spokes person says LOLTop aide: Trump won’t pursue Clinton investigation
And it makes sense that he wouldn't pursue at least until Sessions is confirmed, but we already know Congress will continue its investigations of Clinton, Lynch, Comey and perhaps Obama if the trail leads there, and this time these investigations won't be sandbagged by the State Department and Justice Department, so if these investigations turn up convincing evidence of criminal activity, Trump will be "forced" to allow Sessions or an independent prosecutor to take it to a grand jury.
and that is exactly what I see happening. Trump only stated she'd be in jail, he never said it was going to be his duty to put her there. It will be by his win that get's that deal done.
The one thing that we know with absolute certainty...the things you all wing nuts hate when I post is the fact that Trump could not convince the majority of US citizens to vote for him...when its all said and done he will lose the popular vote by as much as 2 million votes ...yes I am aware of the Electoral college of course I am you be aware that the majority of Americans did not want Trump...that is just a fact ....
Of course it would be Jeff Sessions who would make the final decision, and this issue will remain on the back burner until after he is confirmed.

Sure sure believe the voices in your head and not what the Trump spokes person says LOLTop aide: Trump won’t pursue Clinton investigation
And it makes sense that he wouldn't pursue at least until Sessions is confirmed, but we already know Congress will continue its investigations of Clinton, Lynch, Comey and perhaps Obama if the trail leads there, and this time these investigations won't be sandbagged by the State Department and Justice Department, so if these investigations turn up convincing evidence of criminal activity, Trump will be "forced" to allow Sessions or an independent prosecutor to take it to a grand jury.
Trump will be investigated too Democrats ...plenty of evil doing Trump U ...he ripped off everyday people with Trump U

plenty more scams where that came from ...conflicts of interest...resistance will be 24/7/365
lol Where will the Dems hold thier meetings? In Clinton's basement next tot he private server. The Clintons were paid $17 million to pimp for another for profit college that has settled several lawsuits based on the same charges being alleged against Trump U. Will the Dems want to investigate that, too?
The one thing that we know with absolute certainty...the things you all wing nuts hate when I post is the fact that Trump could not convince the majority of US citizens to vote for him...when its all said and done he will lose the popular vote by as much as 2 million votes ...yes I am aware of the Electoral college of course I am you be aware that the majority of Americans did not want Trump...that is just a fact ....
sure they did, 306 to 232 Trump thumped Clinton.
The one thing that we know with absolute certainty...the things you all wing nuts hate when I post is the fact that Trump could not convince the majority of US citizens to vote for him...when its all said and done he will lose the popular vote by as much as 2 million votes ...yes I am aware of the Electoral college of course I am you be aware that the majority of Americans did not want Trump...that is just a fact ....
That's not true. Only about 57% of eligible voters voted so only just over 25% of Americans didn't want Trump.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.


Silly far left done, Trump has already said he was against this trade deal, even Hilary eventually came out against it.

Another far left drone failed thread!
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

Even a Blind Monkey (Bernie) can find a banana once in a while

That 'banana' is what got Trump elected.

No immigration and jobs is what got trump elected.

Silly far left drone!
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.


Silly far left done, Trump has already said he was against this trade deal, even Hilary eventually came out against it.

Another far left drone failed thread!

What exactly do you think you're responding to?
fact, Trump defeats Clinton 306 to 232 to become the next president. You must have missed that.

Another fact ...1.7 million Americans preferred Clinton...that is not my opinion its is factual ...
fact 306 to 232 elect Trump. Are you having vision issues?

Winner take all state by state does not accurately represent the people's choice. That was never the intention of the electoral college.

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