Trump says Rubio has “tremendous credit card problems.”

This peabrain cuban can't even add up a column of numbers but he can manage our $4 trillion budget?

Trump: Rubio Has 'Tremendous Credit Card Problems' - Breitbart

oct 12 2015 On Sunday’s “MediaBuzz” on Fox News Channel, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked by host Howard Kurtz about his remarks on fellow GOP presidential candidate

Kurtz asked Trump if being a middle-class guy, as opposed to having your name on a building is a disqualification for being president, and the GOP front-runner said that is not, but he did say that Rubio is facing “tremendous credit card problems.”

“[Marco Rubio] has tremendous credit card problems. You know that, Marco has had tremendous problems with his credit card,” stated Trump. “What I’m saying is, he has not handled his financial affairs very well. You look at the credit cards, you look at his problems and I said he was a lightweight.”

Do people really listen to the "shit" that comes out of Trump's mouth? How in the hell would Donald Trump know about Marco Rubio's credit cards? What did he do run an UNAUTHORIZED credit check on Marco Rubio's PRIVATE financial information?

You've got to be dumber that dirt to be a supporter of Donald Trump. This is why he's going after Rubio.

Even more ironic is that Trump's bonds were so shitty, institutional buyers treated them like toxic waste. The people he fucked over in restructurings were mostly moms and pops, the people he claims to be representing today.

Trump really scares you doesn't he. You america-hating libs want america to let africa and latin america dump all their welfare trash on us and trump says no way.

Way to deflect away from what I wrote, racist retard.
Do people really listen to the "shit" that comes out of Trump's mouth? How in the hell would Donald Trump know about Marco Rubio's credit cards? What did he do run an UNAUTHORIZED credit check on Marco Rubio's PRIVATE financial information?

HAHAHA. Really makes you mad that trump has 10 billion bucks doesn't it.?
For the sake argument, let's say trump is telling the truth.

Considering he has declared bankruptcy 4 times, where does he get off complaining about Rubio having debt?
Even more ironic is that Trump's bonds were so shitty, institutional buyers treated them like toxic waste. The people he fucked over in restructurings were mostly moms and pops, the people he claims to be representing today.

Trump really scares you doesn't he. You america-hating libs want america to let africa and latin america dump all their welfare trash on us and trump says no way.

Why wouldn't trump scare people? He is incredibly corrupt and full of hubris. Just like Obama
For the sake argument, let's say trump is telling the truth.

Considering he has declared bankruptcy 4 times, where does he get off complaining about Rubio having debt?
Hey einstein. If you got $10 billion you ain't bankrupt. THINK
Why wouldn't trump scare people? He is incredibly corrupt and full of hubris. Just like Obama

Obama has no hubris. He knows he's a semi-literate black moron who would be washing cars right now, but for affirmative action.
For the sake argument, let's say trump is telling the truth.

Considering he has declared bankruptcy 4 times, where does he get off complaining about Rubio having debt?
Hey einstein. If you got $10 billion you ain't bankrupt. THINK

If you think someone who has declared bankrupcy four times has that much money you need to take your own advice. It's a fact that he has declared bankruptcy that many times.

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