Trump sets a "pattern of behavior" with his pardon....

How many sympathizers are there? You know, people who give them the benefit of the doubt?

Or as Trump clearly stated, "there were some 'good people' among the racist KKK, White supremacists and neo-Nazis....".......MORON !!!

He said there were good people on BOTH sides..

He was half-right, which is better than average for Trump.

I'd like to see a link stating he said 'racist KKK, White Supremacists, and neo-Nazis' tho.

He didn't. He said there were good people among that crowd, pay attention.
Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.

If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?
Presidents have been pardoning people for a long time.

President Donald Trump has the absolute Constitutional power to pardon any of his family, advisers, campaign staff, former and current appointees, and former business associates (including at Trump corporations), regardless of how controversial doing so might be. Issuing a pardon certainly sounds easy, much like waving a magic wand to slam the door shut on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. However, the decision is complicated with real ramifications for all those pardoned, and likely Trump’s Presidency.

President Trump Can Preemptively Pardon His Advisers And Family, But Will He?
Pardons....for what?
Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.

If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?

No, it's not. Get a dictionary.
How many sympathizers are there? You know, people who give them the benefit of the doubt?

Or as Trump clearly stated, "there were some 'good people' among the racist KKK, White supremacists and neo-Nazis....".......MORON !!!

He said there were good people on BOTH sides..

He was half-right, which is better than average for Trump.

I'd like to see a link stating he said 'racist KKK, White Supremacists, and neo-Nazis' tho.

He didn't. He said there were good people among that crowd, pay attention.

I know what he said.

Obviously, nat doesn't
Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.

If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?

No, it's not. Get a dictionary.
So what did Trump do to get Flynn, "off the hook?"
Speaking of pattern of behavior Any of you republican idiots think of why Trump is so defensive on investigations into russia? He tweets he fires he does everything he can to stop it Ever hear the saying Methinks you protest too much??? and every move he makes shows he's unfit for office and probably will have to pardon himself

And yet even The Nation now states the democrats were not hacked by the Russians.....and going on almost a year, and no evidence of all....anywhere.....but keep might get someone mistating something about a traffic ticket that mueller can use for a perjury offense....
Guy you must be out of what little mind you have There is NO DOUBT that Russia hacked our election Where there IS doubt is if it affected our election
There is abundant doubt that the Russians are the source of the Podesta emails or the DNC emails. All the evidence points to an inside source in the later case.
Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.

If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?

No, it's not. Get a dictionary.
So what did Trump do to get Flynn, "off the hook?"

He asked Comey to stop the investigation. That is what Comey testified to, if Comey had testified that someone else told him that Trump said this then that would be hearsay.
Many in Clinton's base are racist, like Moslems. They are all antisemitic, but turds like you don't have a problem with that so long as they vote Democrat.

Moslem? When did you get old-timey finger boi?

Clinton support (who won the popular vote) was diverse, whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, LGBTQ, Jews and yeah, Muslims, hell even Christians.

The klan, neo-nazis and alt-right humped the Trump train.

Commies, ISIS, convicted felons, child molesters, perverts, terrorists - those are Clinton's base. She even had the father of the pig who killed 50 people in Orlando standing behind her at one of her rallies.

Commies? Oh, noez.

ISIS? When did ISIS endorse anyone for president?

She 'didn't have' the father of the homophobic terrorist at her rally, they didn't know who he was.

Perverts? I'm pretty sure Trump voted for himself.

In other words, she had the father of a mass murdering Muslim terrorist at one of her rallies. The man was standing behind her, and you don't get those spots by accident.

She also firmly endorsed BLM, an organization that promotes the murder of cops. She supports ANTIFA, which uses violence to crush anyone who dares to express opposition to Hillary's agenda.

ISIS supports Democrats. Hillary was closely associated with many terrorist supporting organizations like CAIR, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood Ties

That got me to wondering: Any chance Speaker Boehner might take just a couple of minutes out of his busy jihad against Bachmann to focus on how the State Department — during Ms. Abedin’s tenure — has cozied up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s chief sharia jurist?

Sheikh Qaradawi is a promoter of jihadist terror. His fatwas endorse terrorist attacks against American personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombing — by both men and women — against Israel. He is a leading supporter of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. He also runs an umbrella organization called the Union for Good (sometimes referred to as the “Union of Good”), which is formally designated a terrorist organization under American law. The Union for Good was behind the “Peace Flotilla” that attempted to break our ally Israel’s blockade of the terrorist organization Hamas (the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch) in 2010.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Huma Abedin’s mother, Saleha, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s female division (the “Muslim Sisterhood”), is a major figure in not one but two Union for Good components. The first is the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR). It is banned in Israel for supporting Hamas under the auspices of the Union for Good. Then there’s the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC) — an organization that Dr. Saleha Abedin has long headed. Dr. Abedin’s IICWC describes itself as part of the IICDR. And wouldn’t you know it, the IICWC charter was written by none other than . . . Sheikh Qaradawi, in conjunction with several self-proclaimed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oh, Jesus, bullshit mixed with conspiracy theories. 'Boehner's jihad against Bachmann', ha, nice touch National Review, this is obviously before they became never Trumpers.

Why hasn't Trump done anything about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood? Where are the Republican investigations? So, full of shit you are.

In the meantime you have posters like Tipscatlover openly wishing the confederacy won the civil war.
"Why hasn't Trump done anything?" That's your excuse?

The bottom line: Muslim terrorist groups support the Democrat party.
Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.

If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?

No, it's not. Get a dictionary.
So what did Trump do to get Flynn, "off the hook?"

He asked Comey to stop the investigation. That is what Comey testified to, if Comey had testified that someone else told him that Trump said this then that would be hearsay.
No, he didn't ask Comey to stop the investigation.
If the pardon of Arpaio were the ONLY stupid thing that Trump had done, then it would not be a "pattern of behavior".......However, to have done it AFTER trying to get Flynn "off the hook", is the establishment of a pattern.
Isn't getting Flynn, "off the hook" just hearsay?

No, it's not. Get a dictionary.
So what did Trump do to get Flynn, "off the hook?"

He asked Comey to stop the investigation. That is what Comey testified to, if Comey had testified that someone else told him that Trump said this then that would be hearsay.
No, he didn't ask Comey to stop the investigation.

Right, he only *asked*.
He asked Comey to stop the investigation. That is what Comey testified to, if Comey had testified that someone else told him that Trump said this then that would be hearsay.

CORRECT.......Otherwise,ANY testimony of two people's conversation would always be hearsay.

Comey testified under oath.....NOW,Trump backtracked and stated that he would NOT testify under oath......Interesting.
Moslem? When did you get old-timey finger boi?

Clinton support (who won the popular vote) was diverse, whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, LGBTQ, Jews and yeah, Muslims, hell even Christians.

The klan, neo-nazis and alt-right humped the Trump train.

Commies, ISIS, convicted felons, child molesters, perverts, terrorists - those are Clinton's base. She even had the father of the pig who killed 50 people in Orlando standing behind her at one of her rallies.

Commies? Oh, noez.

ISIS? When did ISIS endorse anyone for president?

She 'didn't have' the father of the homophobic terrorist at her rally, they didn't know who he was.

Perverts? I'm pretty sure Trump voted for himself.

In other words, she had the father of a mass murdering Muslim terrorist at one of her rallies. The man was standing behind her, and you don't get those spots by accident.

She also firmly endorsed BLM, an organization that promotes the murder of cops. She supports ANTIFA, which uses violence to crush anyone who dares to express opposition to Hillary's agenda.

ISIS supports Democrats. Hillary was closely associated with many terrorist supporting organizations like CAIR, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood Ties

That got me to wondering: Any chance Speaker Boehner might take just a couple of minutes out of his busy jihad against Bachmann to focus on how the State Department — during Ms. Abedin’s tenure — has cozied up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s chief sharia jurist?

Sheikh Qaradawi is a promoter of jihadist terror. His fatwas endorse terrorist attacks against American personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombing — by both men and women — against Israel. He is a leading supporter of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. He also runs an umbrella organization called the Union for Good (sometimes referred to as the “Union of Good”), which is formally designated a terrorist organization under American law. The Union for Good was behind the “Peace Flotilla” that attempted to break our ally Israel’s blockade of the terrorist organization Hamas (the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch) in 2010.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Huma Abedin’s mother, Saleha, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s female division (the “Muslim Sisterhood”), is a major figure in not one but two Union for Good components. The first is the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR). It is banned in Israel for supporting Hamas under the auspices of the Union for Good. Then there’s the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC) — an organization that Dr. Saleha Abedin has long headed. Dr. Abedin’s IICWC describes itself as part of the IICDR. And wouldn’t you know it, the IICWC charter was written by none other than . . . Sheikh Qaradawi, in conjunction with several self-proclaimed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oh, Jesus, bullshit mixed with conspiracy theories. 'Boehner's jihad against Bachmann', ha, nice touch National Review, this is obviously before they became never Trumpers.

Why hasn't Trump done anything about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood? Where are the Republican investigations? So, full of shit you are.

In the meantime you have posters like Tipscatlover openly wishing the confederacy won the civil war.
"Why hasn't Trump done anything?" That's your excuse?

The bottom line: Muslim terrorist groups support the Democrat party.

Not an excuse, it's an obvious question that should be asked if in fact you believe in those brain scrambled conspiracies.

I heard OBL support Obama too, look where that got him.

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