Trump shames John Lewis for disrespecting his own sacrifices......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
14,699 can't make this crap up. Seems that Trump in his latest lashing out has decided to shame John Lewis for not attending the opening of a civil rights museum that honors...........wait for it...............................JOHN LEWIS!!!

Seems that Lewis doesn't want to go to the opening because Trump is going to be there, and he doesn't want to share a stage with Trump if there is a chance of Trump saying something stupid, as well as the fact that Trump has repeatedly brought Obama's place of birth and presidency into question.

But to tell you the truth, I can understand his reluctance. Remember the Pocahontas crack Trump made at a ceremony that was to honor Navajo code talkers? He couldn't resist taking a cheap shot at Warren when he was speaking with Native Americans.

White House Shames John Lewis for Disrespecting the Sacrifices of John Lewis

This weekend, a new museum honoring the civil-rights movement will open in Mississippi — and president Trump will be on hand to honor the occasion. Given that Trump has fomented racist conspiracy theories about the first African-American president; called for banning all Muslims from the United States; encouraged police officers to brutalize criminal suspects; called for black athletes who protest racial discrimination during pre-game ceremonies to lose their jobs; and, just days ago, retweeted hateful propaganda from a (literal) fascist organization, the NAACP has called Trump’s presence at the grand opening “an affront to the veterans of the civil rights movement.”

John Lewis shares this assessment. The former civil-rights organizer and current Georgia congressman said Thursday that he would not attend the opening this weekend, as doing so would require him to share a stage with Trump. Mississippi congressman Bennie Thompson said that he, too, would not appear at the celebration this weekend, should the president be in attendance.

“I think his presence would make a mockery of everything that people tried to do to redeem the soul of America and to make this country better,” Lewis told reporters.

In response, the White House issued a statement saying, “we think it’s unfortunate that these members of Congress wouldn’t join the President in honoring the incredible sacrifice civil rights leaders made to right the injustices in our history.”
By the way, don't you think the WH should have done a bit of research before they released their stupid statement? Lewis was a civil rights hero of the time, and he isn't disrespecting anything, he was one of the reasons the movement succeeded.
Flood warning issued for New Orleans....

From all the tears shed by Mississippians who miss out on John Lewis and only get to see the President of the United States.
I think the WH's point is that it is a shame political motivations can't be put aside one night to honor a civil rights leader. I happen to agree. If he has any class, Trump will politely decline the invitation in light of the honoree's refusal to attend. That said, Lewis is the one being a big baby.

Oh, and I doubt Trump has that class, but perhaps Ivanka can point out to him it would be the tasteful thing to do. Every now and then, he follows advice from her in matters of etiquette.
He has run his mouth off about Trump since the Democrats lost the election. He needs to man up and stop whining! Trump is doing the right thing.

Lewis needs to be at the event. He shouldn't be basing his decision on assumptions about what Trump might or might not do.
You know, I think that Lewis is right to pass on the opening ceremony if Trump is going to be there.

He doesn't want to be used as a political tool like the Navajo were used when Trump made his dig at Warren. can't make this crap up. Seems that Trump in his latest lashing out has decided to shame John Lewis for not attending the opening of a civil rights museum that honors...........wait for it...............................JOHN LEWIS!!!

Seems that Lewis doesn't want to go to the opening because Trump is going to be there, and he doesn't want to share a stage with Trump if there is a chance of Trump saying something stupid, as well as the fact that Trump has repeatedly brought Obama's place of birth and presidency into question.

But to tell you the truth, I can understand his reluctance. Remember the Pocahontas crack Trump made at a ceremony that was to honor Navajo code talkers? He couldn't resist taking a cheap shot at Warren when he was speaking with Native Americans.

White House Shames John Lewis for Disrespecting the Sacrifices of John Lewis

This weekend, a new museum honoring the civil-rights movement will open in Mississippi — and president Trump will be on hand to honor the occasion. Given that Trump has fomented racist conspiracy theories about the first African-American president; called for banning all Muslims from the United States; encouraged police officers to brutalize criminal suspects; called for black athletes who protest racial discrimination during pre-game ceremonies to lose their jobs; and, just days ago, retweeted hateful propaganda from a (literal) fascist organization, the NAACP has called Trump’s presence at the grand opening “an affront to the veterans of the civil rights movement.”

John Lewis shares this assessment. The former civil-rights organizer and current Georgia congressman said Thursday that he would not attend the opening this weekend, as doing so would require him to share a stage with Trump. Mississippi congressman Bennie Thompson said that he, too, would not appear at the celebration this weekend, should the president be in attendance.

“I think his presence would make a mockery of everything that people tried to do to redeem the soul of America and to make this country better,” Lewis told reporters.

In response, the White House issued a statement saying, “we think it’s unfortunate that these members of Congress wouldn’t join the President in honoring the incredible sacrifice civil rights leaders made to right the injustices in our history.”

Well hey, where was John Lewis when Orange Rumpy was courageously waging his own "personal Vietnam" in Noo Yawk sex clubs---- despite the devastating bone spurs in his foot?? Was John Lewis there helping him walk on those bone spurs? Heck no, he was out on the street having a grand old time selfishly getting his head busted in while Rump nobly sacrificed and bravely shed blood semen for his ****-ry. At a fair price of course.
He has run his mouth off about Trump since the Democrats lost the election. He needs to man up and stop whining! Trump is doing the right thing.

Lewis needs to be at the event. He shouldn't be basing his decision on assumptions about what Trump might or might not do.

Actually Rump should not be presumtuously trying to ride Lewis' coattails to respectability. That's supposed to be earned, not co-opted.
By the way, don't you think the WH should have done a bit of research before they released their stupid statement? Lewis was a civil rights hero of the time, and he isn't disrespecting anything, he was one of the reasons the movement succeeded.

All he had to do is ask Frederick Douglass, who I understand "is doing an amazing job". And gets great ratings.
Can't imagine why a black man would not want to share a stage with a white racist who is zealously endorsing a man who thinks our country hasn't been as great as it was,

since slavery ended.
Wasn't it about a week ago that USMB went through another hilarious rightwing rantfest about how blacks were going to start voting Republican?
John Lewis is a shitstain on the history of civil rights. He's a race pimp who keeps blacks poor and on government assistance by continuing the fallacy that blacks are "victims".

I sincerely hope that black folks will see through the charade that those like Lewis are playing, and throw their asses out of Congress in 2018.
I think the WH's point is that it is a shame political motivations can't be put aside one night to honor a civil rights leader. I happen to agree. If he has any class, Trump will politely decline the invitation in light of the honoree's refusal to attend. That said, Lewis is the one being a big baby.

Oh, and I doubt Trump has that class, but perhaps Ivanka can point out to him it would be the tasteful thing to do. Every now and then, he follows advice from her in matters of etiquette.

Trump is the president, he is doing the Presidential thing. Loud mouth Lewis needs to put his big boy democrat panties on. It’s probably a good thing Lewis doesn’t go, I cannot understand most of what he bladders out of his big as* lips .

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He’s pulling a Pelosi and Schumer. They learned it was the wrong thing to do.
By the way, don't you think the WH should have done a bit of research before they released their stupid statement? Lewis was a civil rights hero of the time, and he isn't disrespecting anything, he was one of the reasons the movement succeeded.

Lewis is a sell out. Fuck’em.

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