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Trump shares stage with talkshow host who describes Jews as "stinking excrement"

("Jews Will Not Replace Us.")

I do not support that remark, and neither do the overwhelming vast majority of other conservatives.
And yet, Bob.
Yet, so few of what appear to be 'conservative' voices on this venue.....condemn it.


These next two posts, by two different posters, seem to be of a kind, in a way:

  • Im not sure if Trump believes all this shit but you can see that his followers love it.
  • "You're a piece of British shit. You have no standing, no say, and no usable knowledge pertaining to anything at all to do with my country. My ancestors fought and won two wars with your ancestors, to establish this once and for all."
Well, what poor Bob doesn't acknowledge is that prior to the family feuds in 1775 and 1812...those now hated Brits of his imagination established an enduring form of America on the eastern seaboard. Gave us laws, infrastructure, mores, commerce, jurisprudence, organization, and language.

But now some have gone all uber-xenophobia. I kinda suspect a lot of the insecure were into that parochialism/xenophobia gig before Don Trump and Steve Bannon harnessed it and rode it into the White House. But now, today, they feel they can give a full-throated cry to their resentment of the perceived rejection by others.


Go fuck yourself, you lying piece of British shit.
I'm kinda hopin' the kinetic dynamism between the two posters continues.
For one thing, we get treated to (in my opinion) a sober-sided perceptive from one who isn't embroiled in the mosh-pit of America's cultural wars vs. the foul mouthed histrionics of a parochialist.
I like the contrast.

"The hate that libs feel for conservatives is not different at all"

Well, Mac-7, I cannot speak for "libs". I ain't one.
And don't really know anyone who I might think may be.
('lean-that-way'? Oh sure. But not actual 'libs'.)

Nonetheless, I would argue that it ain't "hate" that you are detecting from certain slices of our poli-think.
Rather, it is disrespect. And ridicule.


This Hungarian CPAC event should give both parties an opportunity to make friends and share beliefs.

Zolt Bayer hates gypsies as well, describing them as "animals".

All the gang were there Tucker,Meadows rthe pizzagate guy.
America, Wake Up.

Orange Man Bad.

The presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee also was the main draw in Austin at last Saturday’s for profit “American Freedom Tour,” attended by 6,000-7,000 of his most passionate fans, many paying big bucks to attend.

Trump’s speech was meandering and nothing new, but what was interesting was the reaction of this hard-core audience, who followed Trump’s every word. The most riotous cheers were not for Trump, however, but for 74-year-old rocker Ted Nugent, who said:

“I love you people madly, but I’d love you more if you went forward and just went berserk on the skulls of the Democrats and the Marxists and the Communists.”

Earlier that day, an eighteen-year-old white supremacist in Buffalo had killed 10 people — an echo of the 2019 shooting by a white supremacist at a Walmart in El Paso that killed 23 and a 2018 shooting by a white nationalist at a Pittsburgh synagogue that killed 11. All three shooters believed in the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, an idea that Trump-supporting Republicans have more and more widely embraced, and popular media “stars” like Tucker Carlson routinely and irresponsibly push.

I do not accuse Conservatives or Republicans as a group of supporting domestic terrorism, and I’m sure even the great majority of Trump voters oppose these lunatic racist mass murderers.

But malevolent talk of violence against Democrats is now widely accepted and even cheered on within activist circles of Trump’s movement. This can not be excused, nor can Trump’s personal role in trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power after he lost the 2020 election. Republican voters, wake up before it’s too late!
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Providing cover for anti Semitic holocaust deniers by saying they are just engaging in name calling. All because the orange pile of shit god needs cover.

Nice work Mac-7 . The true colors will always come out.
You bozos are hilarious.

Don't you have a country to run or something?

This Hungarian CPAC event should give both parties an opportunity to make friends and share beliefs.

Zolt Bayer hates gypsies as well, describing them as "animals".

All the gang were there Tucker,Meadows rthe pizzagate guy.
America, Wake Up.
You know, Toro posted this article, and I was curious, so I read it, It seems a bit on the hyperbolic side. Although, yes, it is xenophobic, it is nothing like day of yore, when the fascists in Europe roamed the streets. I agree, it is uncoath, but, given the way the wokers attack native folks of Europe?

I really don't see that you can expect anything different.

On top of that, there is a non-profit in America called, "The United Negro College Fund," So?

When this article states;

". . .Bayer, a television talkshow host in Hungary, has been widely denounced for his racism. During the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, he wrote on his blog: “Is this the future? Kissing the dirty boots of fucking [racist epithet] and smiling at them? Being happy about this? Because otherwise they’ll kill you or beat you up?”

And the 'racist epithet," is in fact the word "negro?" I have a hard time trusting the rest of this reporting, especially given the very attacks the rest of Eurpoe launches upon the interests of poor white nativists. . . . upshot? Both sides are guilty of hate here. And the Guardian? Is not a source to trust when it comes to global politics. They are not unbiased.

You beat down the locals when it comes to the natives and implicit bias, you are going to breed reactionary hatred. . . IMO? I think the ruling elites do this on purpose. They did it in the 1930's when the world economy was shit, and they are doing it now.

What a surprise, huh?
Mostly, a skeptical optimist.

To others though, I'm a freedom loving patriot.......who seldom suffers fools gladly.

Unless they make me laugh.
I’m not impressed

While you smugly wander in Never-Never Land the nation continues to decline

As the smartest person you know, inferiors in one of the two major parties could use your wisdom and leadership

But you are too busy wallowing in your self proclaimed superiority

From now on I’ll count you as a Tweener along with Golfing Gator and Mac1958
Mostly, a skeptical optimist.

To others though, I'm a freedom loving patriot.......who seldom suffers fools gladly.

Unless they make me laugh.
There are many here who chafe when confronted by those who prefer to just think for themselves, as if that's a big deal.

It makes them angry, and they act out. That tells me that, at some level, they must know that they're sheep.
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Unlike your ideology, the overwhelming vast majority of us on the right do not support nor defend some of the extreme fringes by which you try to smear us with association.

Your side supports violent criminals, depraved sexual perverts, and other forms of subhuman filth. Not just the extreme fringes of your side, but the mainstream.

Do something about the beams in your own eyes before you fuss about the motes that you think you see in ours.

Your words betray you.

This Hungarian CPAC event should give both parties an opportunity to make friends and share beliefs.

Zolt Bayer hates gypsies as well, describing them as "animals".

All the gang were there Tucker,Meadows rthe pizzagate guy.
America, Wake Up.
and our current president calls african americans negros, and fought against desegregation out of fear his kids would grow up ina racial jungle
Why are you incapable of owning the ugly extreme of your ideology. You just redefine it…”no true Scotsman”…

So, you hold lib politicians responsible for the views of people they are interviewed by? Cool. Can you give me an example of a lib politician cancelled for such a....crime?

This Hungarian CPAC event should give both parties an opportunity to make friends and share beliefs.

Zolt Bayer hates gypsies as well, describing them as "animals".
I agree -- Zolt Bayer is evil. Trump is wrong to share a stage with him.

Overall, President Trump has supported Israel and not shown anti-Semitism.

PS. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

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