Trump Shutdown Day 1 America Held Hostage

A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.

You should go to Tijuana. They sound like your kind of people.
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.

You should go to Tijuana. They sound like your kind of people.
That’s not logical. They are where we want them. You’re confused as always
Interesting that Trump said he would accept the blame. Of course now he is blaming Democrats. Typical cowardly Trump. The House Freedom Caucus is continuing to destroy Republicans as they did in the midterms. Republicans are apparently acting like lemmings walking off a cliff for something that is not going to be built.

Actually this could HELP Trump and the Republicans if they play it correctly. Probably 80% of the Federal employees who are not military or postal service are filling illegal jobs in illegal departments. The nation will continue on without the 25% who are furloughed. This is an opportunity to show people the Government will still run without these people - and bang the drum for the budget savings if their jobs were to be permanently removed.

It is not going to help Republicans. Among the federal agencies that have no money is federal law enforcement agencies. Think they are not required? Trump and Republicans have shown their inability to run the government. What would happen in a business if employees did not get their work done on time.
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.
Serves them right for not stopping it at THEIR border!
Interesting that Trump said he would accept the blame. Of course now he is blaming Democrats. Typical cowardly Trump. The House Freedom Caucus is continuing to destroy Republicans as they did in the midterms. Republicans are apparently acting like lemmings walking off a cliff for something that is not going to be built.

Actually this could HELP Trump and the Republicans if they play it correctly. Probably 80% of the Federal employees who are not military or postal service are filling illegal jobs in illegal departments. The nation will continue on without the 25% who are furloughed. This is an opportunity to show people the Government will still run without these people - and bang the drum for the budget savings if their jobs were to be permanently removed.

It is not going to help Republicans. Among the federal agencies that have no money is federal law enforcement agencies. Think they are not required? Trump and Republicans have shown their inability to run the government. What would happen in a business if employees did not get their work done on time.
The cops here are paid by local and state taxes. Again a leftist confused
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.

You should go to Tijuana. They sound like your kind of people.
That’s not logical. They are where we want them. You’re confused as always

You are a idiot as always.
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.
Serves them right for not stopping it at THEIR border!
Maybe they will speak up now to their government eh?
The sun came up this pot still worked..........Internet is still on........

T.V. and Satellite still work..............I though we were all going to die because of the shutdown.
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The Republican Party hates Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Women and anyone else except white men. The fact is that these illegals are escaping drug lords who are fueled by American dollars. You want to make war on women and children rather than the drug wars.

Donald Trump is not making America great. He is turning his back on what America means.
Ronald Reagan said it best. "“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980. Reagan made America great. He defeated the Soviet Union, passed major tax cuts and passed tax reform by compromising with Republican moderates and Democrats.
The people of Tijuana call it an invasion.

You should go to Tijuana. They sound like your kind of people.
That’s not logical. They are where we want them. You’re confused as always

You are a idiot as always.
Facts suck eh?:itsok:
It's funny how demos are trying to project this shutdown desperately. Out of the expense not letting government workers get their pay over the border security.

Trump: "I will shut down the government"

Even Trump disagrees with you.
The sun came up this pot still worked..........Internet is still on........

T.V. and Satellite still work..............I though we were all going to die because of the shutdown.

Loons like Dizzy Bee think they'll perish without government to take care of them
A selfish party that advocates globalism, open borders, a continued invasion of this country by thousands of unidentified illegals per day, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration law, cities violating federal law by providing safe haven to violent illegals, election fraud by allowing illegals to vote, and illegals violently trying on US citizens has forced the President's hand in using one of the only tools he has in an attempt to stand up for this nation's sovereignty, securing our borders, and Protecting American citizens.

The President is willing to shut down the government for the protection of this country and our citizens while Democrats seek to further target and punish Americans on behalf of illegals, choosing once again to stand will violent illegals invading this nation rather than to stand up for and with Americans.

It's just that simple; yet, Democrats and snowflakes will continue to try to convince everyone that it is those who stand up for this country and the American people before siding with illegals who are the 'bad guys' in this standoff.

For years Democrats have put the welfare of illegals above the sovereignty and security of this nation and its citizens.

From the moment Pesident Trump began running for president the Democrats reacted to the slogan and idea of making America great again like a vampire reacts to sunlight and garlic.

Now, again, their disregard for our national sovereignty, lack of respect for our laws, lack of concern for our security, and uncaring attitude about the safety of American citizens in favor of standing with illegals and the continued illegal invasion of this country is on display.

There is no invasion. The
Sure there is. It stalled in Mexico at the wall :auiqs.jpg:

BTW, who’s bringing the ladder?

Illegals are not invading as claiming asylum is not illegal.:ahole-1:

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