Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling

When Republican leadership vows that they're 'not sure' they can get Tax-Cuts done, it's pretty much rock-bottom for the Party. They're either outright sabotaging Trump, or they're just shockingly lazy & incompetent. It might be a little of both.

I mean, how did Hussein get everything he wanted, but now it's suddenly 'impossible' to get things like Tax-Cuts done? They control Congress and the damn White House for God sake. What a bleepin mess. It's a real shame too. The GOP is blowing it bigtime. All those historic wins just being thrown away.
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can get Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
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For the good of the American people, President Donald 'Art of the Deal' Trump crossed the aisle, teaching the GOP how to get things done and teaching both parties how to engage in bi-partisanship in the process.

Art of the deal? Trump wins big for disaster aid, Pelosi-Schumer pact - Hot Air

"It didn’t take long for Congress to act on Donald Trump’s deal with Democratic leaders. After an 80-17 win in the Senate yesterday, the House passed it by more than a 3:1 margin."

Not long ago some USB snowflake was claiming Trump was not a good leader because he could not lead / get Congress to get anything done. Bwuhahahaha......

It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
You do know that it is not just those 2 spoiled political millionaires saying that, right? Liberals completely oppose getting anything done on tax cuts / tax reform...
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
You do know that it is not just those 2 spoiled political millionaires saying that, right? Liberals completely oppose getting anything done on tax cuts / tax reform...

I don't expect Democrats to fight for it. But i 100% expect Republicans to. I mean, what good is controlling the White House and Congress, if you won't do anything? Obama got just about everything he wanted without controlling Congress. So why are Republicans struggling so much to get things done? Is the leadership just outright sabotaging Trump? Or is it really just that shockingly lazy & incompetent?
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can get Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
Not to defend them so much, but generally they GO HOME to their districts and states to see "the common folk."

But what's interesting is just what the Orange One wants out of this. He's set a self imposed 3 month window, after which he has to again pass a debt limit hike, and he got this one with dem votes. There's no sure thing of the gop coming to his rescue in Dec, so the Dems may have him by whatever is leftover of his balls after Putin.

You're right that it appears some tax reform is his goal. G5000 linked Ryan's plans for eliminating "loopholes" and lowering rates. However, Bannon doesn't favor lower taxes on the rich, and lowering those taxes are Ryan and McConnell's bread and butter. But if taxes are lowered, spending has to be cut or other revenue found. Ryan is at least honest to admit that spending isn't going down, because despite what wingnuts like to believe, the mythical unicorn does not exist, esp when military, social sec, medicare and Medicaid are going .... UP

Ryan's plan is not quick thing, because special interests don't want to see tax loopholes go away. Bannon, on the other hand, is honest enough to admit he doesn't care about higher deficits.

So, the result of Trump's cozying up to the dems is most likely a tax cut paid for with higher deficits. If that works for you.... be happy.
I am not sure you understand the issue. Maybe you are blinded by your partisan hackery. What did you expect from Trump? Denying aid to Harvey's victims? This is the prime example of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" It wouldn't matter for the imbeciles of the left whatever Trump did, they would attack him regardless.

The Democrats got everything they wanted on this despite being the minority party. I guess this makes Trump a RINO and McConnell and Ryan who know they were screwed to be real Republicans.

You have to admit, Trump isn't much of a negotiator.
But Trump may have gotten what he wanted. All the talking heads have been saying "Trump must learn everything goes though McConnell (and Ryan)" Trump maybe can force votes in both chambers when the gop doesn't have the votes to pass something without the dems.

And Trump may have actually learned something here.

Since I don't care for most of Trump's agenda, I haven't minded so much his ineptness at dealing with Congress so far.

But Trump may have learned that if he works with both parties- he can play them off of each other to get his agenda through Congress.

What would this mean in reality?

It might cut the extremes on the right and the left out- and leave middle that can actually write good legislation.

We will see- this may be an aberration.
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can get Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
Not to defend them so much, but generally they GO HOME to their districts and states to see "the common folk."

But what's interesting is just what the Orange One wants out of this. He's set a self imposed 3 month window, after which he has to again pass a debt limit hike, and he got this one with dem votes. There's no sure thing of the gop coming to his rescue in Dec, so the Dems may have him by whatever is leftover of his balls after Putin.

You're right that it appears some tax reform is his goal. G5000 linked Ryan's plans for eliminating "loopholes" and lowering rates. However, Bannon doesn't favor lower taxes on the rich, and lowering those taxes are Ryan and McConnell's bread and butter. But if taxes are lowered, spending has to be cut or other revenue found. Ryan is at least honest to admit that spending isn't going down, because despite what wingnuts like to believe, the mythical unicorn does not exist, esp when military, social sec, medicare and Medicaid are going .... UP

Ryan's plan is not quick thing, because special interests don't want to see tax loopholes go away. Bannon, on the other hand, is honest enough to admit he doesn't care about higher deficits.

So, the result of Trump's cozying up to the dems is most likely a tax cut paid for with higher deficits. If that works for you.... be happy.

Get it done! How the hell did Obama get just about everything he wanted, without controlling the US Congress? How can Republican leadership be this inept? We don't wanna hear that they're 'Not sure they'll get Tax Cuts done anytime soon.' We expect them to do their job. I can truly understand why Trump is reaching out to Democrats. He sees the Republican Party as a rudderless ship at this point. Republican leadership is giving him no choice.
I am not sure you understand the issue. Maybe you are blinded by your partisan hackery. What did you expect from Trump? Denying aid to Harvey's victims? This is the prime example of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" It wouldn't matter for the imbeciles of the left whatever Trump did, they would attack him regardless.

The Democrats got everything they wanted on this despite being the minority party. I guess this makes Trump a RINO and McConnell and Ryan who know they were screwed to be real Republicans.

You have to admit, Trump isn't much of a negotiator.
But Trump may have gotten what he wanted. All the talking heads have been saying "Trump must learn everything goes though McConnell (and Ryan)" Trump maybe can force votes in both chambers when the gop doesn't have the votes to pass something without the dems.

And Trump may have actually learned something here.

Since I don't care for most of Trump's agenda, I haven't minded so much his ineptness at dealing with Congress so far.

But Trump may have learned that if he works with both parties- he can play them off of each other to get his agenda through Congress.

What would this mean in reality?

It might cut the extremes on the right and the left out- and leave middle that can actually write good legislation.

We will see- this may be an aberration.

I think his agenda is pretty much himself. But I think he campaigned on lower taxes for workers, infrastructure and blow up the debt some more.
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can get Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
Not to defend them so much, but generally they GO HOME to their districts and states to see "the common folk."

But what's interesting is just what the Orange One wants out of this. He's set a self imposed 3 month window, after which he has to again pass a debt limit hike, and he got this one with dem votes. There's no sure thing of the gop coming to his rescue in Dec, so the Dems may have him by whatever is leftover of his balls after Putin.

You're right that it appears some tax reform is his goal. G5000 linked Ryan's plans for eliminating "loopholes" and lowering rates. However, Bannon doesn't favor lower taxes on the rich, and lowering those taxes are Ryan and McConnell's bread and butter. But if taxes are lowered, spending has to be cut or other revenue found. Ryan is at least honest to admit that spending isn't going down, because despite what wingnuts like to believe, the mythical unicorn does not exist, esp when military, social sec, medicare and Medicaid are going .... UP

Ryan's plan is not quick thing, because special interests don't want to see tax loopholes go away. Bannon, on the other hand, is honest enough to admit he doesn't care about higher deficits.

So, the result of Trump's cozying up to the dems is most likely a tax cut paid for with higher deficits. If that works for you.... be happy.

Get it done! How the hell did Obama get just about everything he wanted, without controlling the US Congress? How can Republican leadership be this inept? We don't wanna hear that they're 'Not sure they'll get Tax Cuts done anytime soon.' We expect them to do their job. I can truly understand why Trump is reaching out to Democrats. He sees the Republican Party as a rudderless ship at this point. Republican leadership is giving him no choice.
Seriously, WTF. Obama got obamacare and Porkulus with 70(69) senators and the house. After he lost congress, he couldn't get jack shit, even by offering to lower future spending by $4 for every additional $1 in future revenue.

Trump's "agenda" of higher deficits is NOT a republican agenda. He is NOT a republican.

And the gop just never had 50 senators who would vote to end Obamacare's Medicaid expansion.
All of the sudden wingnuts are just fine with the debt ceiling being raised. Funny how that changed.
It's disaster emergency. Dumshit.

The budget bill and debt ceiling bill had nothing to do with the disaster relief bill.
It's so amazing to me these people can take 6 weeks off for Summer fun on their private Yachts and Jets, and then come back and say 'We're not sure we can get Tax-Cuts done anytime soon." I mean what the fluck good are they? McConnell and Ryan need to go as soon as possible. Period, end of story.
Not to defend them so much, but generally they GO HOME to their districts and states to see "the common folk."

But what's interesting is just what the Orange One wants out of this. He's set a self imposed 3 month window, after which he has to again pass a debt limit hike, and he got this one with dem votes. There's no sure thing of the gop coming to his rescue in Dec, so the Dems may have him by whatever is leftover of his balls after Putin.

You're right that it appears some tax reform is his goal. G5000 linked Ryan's plans for eliminating "loopholes" and lowering rates. However, Bannon doesn't favor lower taxes on the rich, and lowering those taxes are Ryan and McConnell's bread and butter. But if taxes are lowered, spending has to be cut or other revenue found. Ryan is at least honest to admit that spending isn't going down, because despite what wingnuts like to believe, the mythical unicorn does not exist, esp when military, social sec, medicare and Medicaid are going .... UP

Ryan's plan is not quick thing, because special interests don't want to see tax loopholes go away. Bannon, on the other hand, is honest enough to admit he doesn't care about higher deficits.

So, the result of Trump's cozying up to the dems is most likely a tax cut paid for with higher deficits. If that works for you.... be happy.
so the three month was intentional, the GOP wanted 18 months. hmmmm wonder why?
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
does what?
Increases the debt.
for three months. he wanted stability to get work done in the congress, he took the democrat deal to give him that three month window. he has other ideas and still needs the Congress. he's setting up the tax plan.
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
does what?
Increases the debt.
for three months. he wanted stability to get work done in the congress, he took the democrat deal to give him that three month window. he has other ideas and still needs the Congress. he's setting up the tax plan.
Increasing the debt
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
does what?
Increases the debt.
for three months. he wanted stability to get work done in the congress, he took the democrat deal to give him that three month window. he has other ideas and still needs the Congress. he's setting up the tax plan.
Increasing the debt
yep. your stuttering.
For the good of the American people, President Donald 'Art of the Deal' Trump crossed the aisle, teaching the GOP how to get things done and teaching both parties how to engage in bi-partisanship in the process.

Art of the deal? Trump wins big for disaster aid, Pelosi-Schumer pact - Hot Air

"It didn’t take long for Congress to act on Donald Trump’s deal with Democratic leaders. After an 80-17 win in the Senate yesterday, the House passed it by more than a 3:1 margin."

Not long ago some USB snowflake was claiming Trump was not a good leader because he could not lead / get Congress to get anything done. Bwuhahahaha......


Maybe you confuse the four legged animals in front of the stage coach aren't the one's deciding where to go.

This is case of the democrats telling Trump what to do. Pelosi even got Trump to tweet he wasn't gong to do any action against DACA people for 6 months.
For the good of the American people, President Donald 'Art of the Deal' Trump crossed the aisle, teaching the GOP how to get things done and teaching both parties how to engage in bi-partisanship in the process.

Art of the deal? Trump wins big for disaster aid, Pelosi-Schumer pact - Hot Air

"It didn’t take long for Congress to act on Donald Trump’s deal with Democratic leaders. After an 80-17 win in the Senate yesterday, the House passed it by more than a 3:1 margin."

Not long ago some USB snowflake was claiming Trump was not a good leader because he could not lead / get Congress to get anything done. Bwuhahahaha......


Maybe you confuse the four legged animals in front of the stage coach aren't the one's deciding where to go.

This is case of the democrats telling Trump what to do. Pelosi even got Trump to tweet he wasn't gong to do any action against DACA people for 6 months.
well he wasn't. what do you think six months meant? how fking stupid are you?
This is case of the democrats telling Trump what to do. Pelosi even got Trump to tweet he wasn't gong to do any action against DACA people for 6 months.
Nice delusional opinion, rad. Keep telling yourself if that's what you need to do. :p
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Are you morons saying that Trump should have denied federal aid to Harvey's victims? Because that's how it sounds.
No. He should have demanded a clean bill. You know, like the Democrats are saying about DACA.

A CLEAN BILL that deals with Harvey ONLY.

But I'm not really surprised by this. It is one of the reasons I would never vote for Trump. He's already 65% left wing. We see that in a crisis, he'll go the other 35%.

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