Trump sinks further on Rasmussen

If a Republican can't poll well on Rassmussen....where can he?
We've all seen that polls are useless, lets just wait until congressional elections appear...that is the litmus test of whether this clown in cheat is polling well.
We've all seen that polls are useless,

No, polls are only useless when...One, they fraudulently keep on polling the same folks instead of random sampling,,,,,and Two, when those folks polled LIE to the pollsters.
We've all seen that polls are useless, lets just wait until congressional elections appear...that is the litmus test of whether this clown in cheat is polling well.

trump by far is the most erratic and most corrupt piece of shit to have ever been elevated to POTUS in my lifetime which extends back to FDR. He has far, far exceeded LBJ's and Nixon's poor reps in less than 2 months already! His non-statesmanship behavior and conduct is wearing his thinning veil of support down. He will be either impeached or run out under Amendment XXV before the 2018 congressional elections, your prognostication notwithstanding.

The Nation can start making America great again by shit canning trump and his crooked crew!
Yeah and they had shitbitch up by about eight points. so fukin whut mofo? you stupid asses never learn that YOU ARE HATED by everyone but stupid indoctrinated liberal shit. YOU LOST your little rapist group that was raping America and Trump is working day and night to heal Her. TRUMP won, America WON you thieving racist vomit spitting liberals LOSTTTTT. Spit your vomit and venom all you want, you are just Jokes. LOOOOSSSSEEERRRSS you ain't shit and never will be LOOOOOOSSSEEERSS And you are all so FFFFFFFUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAHHHH to all who see.
So where's the juggernaut of Mr. Popular President Trump when it comes to the ACA repeal and replace.

Shouldn't that be history by now, given this president's popularity?
Yeah and they had shitbitch up by about eight points. so fukin whut mofo? you stupid asses never learn that YOU ARE HATED by everyone but stupid indoctrinated liberal shit. YOU LOST your little rapist group that was raping America and Trump is working day and night to heal Her. TRUMP won, America WON you thieving racist vomit spitting liberals LOSTTTTT. Spit your vomit and venom all you want, you are just Jokes. LOOOOSSSSEEERRRSS you ain't shit and never will be LOOOOOOSSSEEERSS And you are all so FFFFFFFUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAAAHHHH to all who see.

That's an even better meltdown that I anticipated this thread would inspire.
Morons like 12braincells don't realize that they've ALSO LOST.....they're just too dumb to realize it....... yet.

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