Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon

So Lewis attacks trump but he can't respond due to MLK Jr day on Monday?

Dims like to contrive all these bullshit reasons why Republicans can't respond to their smears.

It's mind-boggling that they still don't understand that it's the bs like this that lead to trump being elected. They haven't learned. Instead they double down on this nonsense.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
Unfortunately, a lot of Trump supporters applaud Trump for every racist comment, attack on civil rights, or minorities. To them that's what's going to make America great.

How is encouraging Lewis to focus on his district, many of whom are minorities, an attack on minorities or civil rights?
Martin Luther King Jr wanted a color blind world. He hated racism. today's black leaders only see color. They profit off of racism

No way would Martin Luther King Jr support Cop-hating, racist "Black Lives Matter." No way. He'd be an "All Lives Matter" guy

In fact, if he were alive today, Martin Luther King, Jr would lead an "All Lives Matter" March on Washington, DC. Would be wonderful.
Dr King's dream is Dr Trump's dream!

"I don't buy it, I don't think the American people buy it, and he's not going to get away with it," - Crazy Maxine Waters loses it on MSNBC when discussin Trump
Why do people care about racial equality more on MLK day than the other 364 days of the year?
To quote our first Black President: " Elections have consequences".
There is no need to be "gracious" to people like Pelosi or Schumer. Or Lewis for that matter.
Yes, there is always a need for graciousness in politics because politics is not just about power, money or ideology. It's about relationships.
To quote our first Black President: " Elections have consequences".
There is no need to be "gracious" to people like Pelosi or Schumer. Or Lewis for that matter.
Yes, there is always a need for graciousness in politics because politics is not just about power, money or ideology. It's about relationships.

You should have told Obama that.
Fuck them now.
To quote our first Black President: " Elections have consequences".
There is no need to be "gracious" to people like Pelosi or Schumer. Or Lewis for that matter.
Yes, there is always a need for graciousness in politics because politics is not just about power, money or ideology. It's about relationships.
Bullshit. For Dims it's all about power.
Martin Luther King Jr. tried to free blacks from victimhood.

Today, The Democrat Party has ensured they remain victims of big government.
Trump is smart to defend himself. Bush didn't and see what that got him, nothing but trouble and sinking poll numbers. Trump is the new way. Hit him and get hit back harder. That is how you deal with little pussy democrat back stabbers. and fuck the icon shit. He marched broke the law and got his butt kicked for it.
Donald Trump does not defend himself. He attacks often with insults. That is not a defense. When a person makes an accusation against you and you just attack them, then their accusation stands unchallenged.

Donald Trump learned from his old friend and mentor Roy Cohn, you never defend. You attack, attack, attack and never apologize. That might be a good strategy in marital arts or in a war of words, but in the world of national politics it's only a distraction from the original accusation. If you deflect by making attacks, the accusation will be brought up again and again. The smart thing to do is either meet the accusation head on with a defense, or ignore it.

When Obama was accused of not being a US citizen, he met the challenges by issuing birth certificates but refused to get into back and forth banter. The issue eventually died because Obama refused to play the game.
So Lewis attacks trump but he can't respond due to MLK Jr day on Monday?

Dims like to contrive all these bullshit reasons why Republicans can't respond to their smears.

It's mind-boggling that they still don't understand that it's the bs like this that lead to trump being elected. They haven't learned. Instead they double down on this nonsense.
We understand the "bs" alright....a back lash....a final back lash.
Trump is smart to defend himself. Bush didn't and see what that got him, nothing but trouble and sinking poll numbers. Trump is the new way. Hit him and get hit back harder. That is how you deal with little pussy democrat back stabbers. and fuck the icon shit. He marched broke the law and got his butt kicked for it.
Donald Trump does not defend himself. He attacks often with insults. That is not a defense. When a person makes an accusation against you and you just attack them, then their accusation stands unchallenged.

Donald Trump learned from his old friend and mentor Roy Cohn, you never defend. You attack, attack, attack and never apologize. That might be a good strategy in marital arts or in a war of words, but in the world of national politics it's only a distraction from the original accusation. If you deflect by making attacks, the accusation will be brought up again and again. The smart thing to do is either meet the accusation head on with a defense, or ignore it.

When Obama was accused of not being a US citizen, he met the challenges by issuing birth certificates but refused to get into back and forth banter. The issue eventually died because Obama refused to play the game.
You just defined the strategy of the Democrat party.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
Unfortunately, a lot of Trump supporters applaud Trump for every racist comment, attack on civil rights, or minorities. To them that's what's going to make America great.

How is encouraging Lewis to focus on his district, many of whom are minorities, an attack on minorities or civil rights?
Trump said, “Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!“

Trump's response is a backhanded way of saying mind your own business. However, Lewis is from an affluent district that is certainly not in horrible shape, falling apart, or crime infested. Trump must of jumped to this inaccurate conclusion simply because Lewis was black or he didn't bother checking the facts.

Trump never really attempts to defend himself. He just attacks and diverts. Trump should have ignored Lewis. Instead, he just made a fool of himself with a clumsy, inaccurate response.
Trump is smart to defend himself. Bush didn't and see what that got him, nothing but trouble and sinking poll numbers. Trump is the new way. Hit him and get hit back harder. That is how you deal with little pussy democrat back stabbers. and fuck the icon shit. He marched broke the law and got his butt kicked for it.
Totally agree. Republicans who are down on Trump for being quarrelsome need to remember the eight years of Bush keeping a stiff upper lip and being made out to be the devil. At least Trump isn't going to stand with both hands up and take it in the stomach just for the sake of decorum. Motherfuck him and he's gonna Motherfuck back. I like it.

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