Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking Civil Right hero icon

Art_Allm gives the Russian fascist propaganda of the big bad USA.

Russians, stay in your own country.

Russians, the troops stay in Poland.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
Unfortunately, a lot of Trump supporters applaud Trump for every racist comment, attack on civil rights, or minorities. To them that's what's going to make America great.

I don't see Trump saying anything that's racist. People take some of his words about illegals and muslims and twist them into being racist statements is all. Trump's the only one who can keep America from becoming a third world country, and that starts with stopping importing third worlders here with no money or skills, and a great many needs. We have too many needy Americans to take care of and little money to do it with as it is. Charity starts at home. And yes, a certain amount of muslims who come here have terrorist inclinations. The law of percentages. To deny that is to throw common sense out the window.
Art_Allm gives the Russian fascist propaganda of the big bad USA.

Russians, stay in your own country.

Russians, the troops stay in Poland.

No, American people are not bad, they are our white Christian brothers, who were misused by their corrupt Establishment.

Poles are always good in their role of "useful idiots", when the banksters need to stampede white Christians into a fratricidal war.

But after that the banksters do not care a rat's ass about Poland or the Polish people, Poland is just a small and disposable figure on the grand chessboard of the Globalists.

Wars are always good for financial oligarch, but the usual old warmongers have now big difficulties with their hate- and war propaganda.

Due to the Internet the warmongers are exposed, and the hate propaganda against the Russian Christians does not work any more.

Calling name does not work, either, that is old and boring.
To be fair, Trump was attacked and then responded to the attack. It isn't right to disregard the fact he was attacked, and only focus on his response. That's kinda low. He was labeled a 'Racist', and he defended himself. We need to be fair and logical on this stuff. If you're gonna attack others, you have to accept that they have the right to respond. .
You are right, Dschrute3: Lewis attacked Trump, rightfully so. Lewis knew what he was doing. Lewis knew Trump would respond failingly with flailing.

Lewis now leads Donald as the latter falters around the ring.

Lewis revealed the dark character of Trump.
To the Russian low info posters: USA will stay in NATO, will stay in Poland, no matter what says the president-elect.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.
Unfortunately, a lot of Trump supporters applaud Trump for every racist comment, attack on civil rights, or minorities. To them that's what's going to make America great.

I don't see Trump saying anything that's racist. People take some of his words about illegals and muslims and twist them into being racist statements is all. Trump's the only one who can keep America from becoming a third world country, and that starts with stopping importing third worlders here with no money or skills, and a great many needs. We have too many needy Americans to take care of and little money to do it with as it is. Charity starts at home. And yes, a certain amount of muslims who come here have terrorist inclinations. The law of percentages. To deny that is to throw common sense out the window.
Sometimes his comments are clearly racist such as when he says a person can't do their job because they are Mexican or when he says I guess some of them (Mexicans) are good people or when he said incorrectly 81% of white homicide victims are perpertrated by blacks. However, most of his racism is implications and actions or lack of them such as slow rejection of KKK support and a pattern of discrimination against blacks throughout his business career, and nomination of a career racist, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, the man who will be responsible for prosecution of civil rights violations. If you're not aware of Trump's racism, you are either a racist yourself or you're turning a blind eye to it.
You are right, Dschrute3: Lewis attacked Trump, rightfully so. Lewis knew what he was doing. Lewis knew Trump would respond failingly with flailing.

Lewis now leads Donald as the latter falters around the ring.

Lewis revealed the dark character of Trump.
Attacks on Trump by Lewis are like those of reporters, showbiz personalities, and other celebrities. They all want Trump to defend himself, to fight back because it makes him look insecure in his position and elevates them in the eyes of their peers.

If Trump continues to portray himself as a victim being picked on by everyone feeling he must defend himself, the world will not see him as being a strong leader but as a victim who can't stand criticism or personal attacks. This is why presidents so often ignore criticism and personal attacks. Engaging in verbal battles with people well below his rank, makes him look weak and petty.
Trump needs to let out his better Trump if he wishes to succeed in office.
Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

For those who thought Trump would start acting like a grown up when faced with responsibility of the office he will soon hold, guess again.

Donald J. Trump continues to bring shame and disgrace onto our country. I don't care how bad people in OH, PA, WI were hurting for work, this can not go on. We've come to far to be taking these huge steps backwards.

The criticism of US congressman John Lewis came on the day of a civil rights march in Washington aimed at Trump’s incoming presidency, two days before America observes the annual Martin Luther King Jr Day and six days before the country’s first black president leaves office.

Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers during the historic 1965 march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, is the first leading Democrat to publicly question Trump’s right to govern.

“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press this week.

The 76-year-old congressman from Georgia, seen by some as the moral conscience of the nation, will boycott Trump’s inauguration, the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago.

“I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Clinton received 2.9m more votes than Trump but lost the electoral college. When assailed, Trump is known to favour a playbook of hitting back harder, even against seemingly no-win targets such as Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a US soldier killed in Iraq; Alicia Machado, a Miss Universe winner; and Meryl Streep, the Oscar-winning actor.

Just because John Lewis did something brave 50 years ago does not make him beyond reproach for the rest of his life.
Of course not, and no one has found anything to reproach him for, certainly in not questioning the legitimacy of the illegitimacy of Trump's election.
I don't agree with what Trump said, but I also have no problem with him going after John Lewis. I understand it -- Trump's not going to let someone talk crap about him without addressing it. He was going to let him know that he doesn't care what his legacy is, he can get it too. This is why you don't mess with certain people; they tend to mess right back.

Plus, this was an obvious ploy by Democrats. They want to hold the Russia hacks of the DNC over Trump's head, but they know saying "Trump is an illegitimate President because Russia hacked the DNC and made Hillary look bad which is why she lost" because that sounds kinda crazy, and Democrats can't afford to sound crazy given the epic levels of sore-loser-dom they've reached in the past two months, and especially when they've whined over Trump's comments about birtherism for years, which is exactly why they got John Lewis to say it. They basically dared Trump to attack their sacred cow, and Trump is all balls and nerve, so they got the angry tweet they were looking for. And right before MLK day, too!

Whatever. Trump's gonna Trump. Don't be surprised if he Trumps on someone you like if someone you like talks shit about him.
So Lewis attacks trump but he can't respond due to MLK Jr day on Monday?

seriously, who gives a shit about MLK to start with? I honestly dont. With or without him I believe that things would be just what they are today anyway, maybe even better, equal.
played properly however we could end up with 5 days off each year, Jessie Jackass and Al Sharpton could be the next holidays, we could have good old Martin on Monday, then we can have Jackass Day on Tuesday, then we can have poo flinging Wed. add the weekend to that and we get 5 days in a row off.
Seriously though, are we supposed to honor him for the crap he started, or are we celebrating the end of his starting crap?
To quote our first Black President: " Elections have consequences".
There is no need to be "gracious" to people like Pelosi or Schumer. Or Lewis for that matter.
Trump is smart to defend himself. Bush didn't and see what that got him, nothing but trouble and sinking poll numbers. Trump is the new way. Hit him and get hit back harder. That is how you deal with little pussy democrat back stabbers. and fuck the icon shit. He marched broke the law and got his butt kicked for it.

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