Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Since when did Democrats love the USA? All I have met continually bash our country and act as if Europe is the holy grail. They the country hating, flag burners. You are quite confused.
Elmer: You have never been in the military, have you? Who is "WE" you mention? I see Biden & co. abandon Afghanistan, and saddle up to a country that is basicaly a Russian suburb and risk WW3 in the meantime. Let's not mention Hunter Biden's involvement in Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.
I have not been in the military but I honor all who have. May I remind you that Trump signed the agreement for the US to get out of Afghanistan in spring of 2020 and in December 2020 he tried to sign an order for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Syria. He was stopped by the military generals. Getting out of Afghanistan was going to be an issue no matter how it was done. Biden did not do a good job. Biden son is a slime bucket. He should have been a Trump.
I see, almost nobody, fighting for Biden. Trumpers fight for Trump. Republicans, Independents and Democrats who do not like Trump, fight for our country. Trumpism is a cult not a political movement. Trumpism is closer to a bowel movement than a political movement.
You are an idiot to not see the the danger of Russian expansionism to the west including the US. If you are Putin lover like Trump, you will protect Putin. shameful.
Since when did Democrats love the USA? All I have met continually bash our country and act as if Europe is the holy grail. They the country hating, flag burners. You are quite confused.
Anti-Trumpers include Republicans, Independents and Democrats. Many Democrats have fought and died for their country. What a dumbass to paint all Democrats the same. A simple minded idiot.
No link, no real point, just a TDS screed.

That's bottom of the barrel even for you.
No link? Do you think I could provide documentation that you were a squealer and hated by all in school?
You are, probably, going to turn me in on this post for not being nice to you.
DeSantis 2024!
No Trump?
Biden begs the Butcher of Khashoggi to interfere / alter a US election by delaying tbe move / news to cut Saudi oil production, causing gas prices in the US to rise, until after the midterm elections are over.

The GOP has asked Pelosi and the House Oversight Committee to investigate Biden's crime ... and Impeachable offense.

'...the rest of us fight for our country, the USA.'​

Biden just got caught breaking US law for the benefit of DEMOCRATS!

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Nobody is standing up for Biden. We are talking about the dangers of Trump.
Since when did Democrats love the USA? All I have met continually bash our country and act as if Europe is the holy grail. They the country hating, flag burners. You are quite confused.
Those who paint any political party member the same as the rest are simple minded idiots. There are plenty of Republicans who see the danger of Trump.
Smart Republicans are moving away from Trump.
you mad bro?

I think you mad.
I was a little upset you are a squealer. Can't a couple people have a back and forth without one going crying to the powers to be to shut the other up?
I am not that kind of guy. You are, that is your prerogative.
I was a little upset you are a squealer. Can't a couple people have a back and forth without one going crying to the powers to be to shut the other up?
I am not that kind of guy. You are, that is your prerogative.

Your post was setup as nothing more as a callout troll attempt, I thought the mods were trying to cut down on those.
I have not been in the military but I honor all who have. May I remind you that Trump signed the agreement for the US to get out of Afghanistan in spring of 2020 and in December 2020 he tried to sign an order for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Syria. He was stopped by the military generals. Getting out of Afghanistan was going to be an issue no matter how it was done. Biden did not do a good job. Biden son is a slime bucket. He should have been a Trump.
I see, almost nobody, fighting for Biden. Trumpers fight for Trump. Republicans, Independents and Democrats who do not like Trump, fight for our country. Trumpism is a cult not a political movement. Trumpism is closer to a bowel movement than a political movement.
You are an idiot to not see the the danger of Russian expansionism to the west including the US. If you are Putin lover like Trump, you will protect Putin. shameful.

I repeat -

You have to be a troll
No real person would continually demonstrate how fucking retarded they are, as you do.
Your post was setup as nothing more as a callout troll attempt, I thought the mods were trying to cut down on those.
What is the difference in a troll as opposed to try and make a point. I feel it is a real issue, are Trump supporters fighting for the USA first or Donald Trump first.
I have no doubt that Donald Trump fights for Donald Trump first, second and third.
I repeat -

You have to be a troll
No real person would continually demonstrate how fucking retarded they are, as you do.
A troll, to you, is someone who makes points you cannot argue.
So instead of a reply with cognitive ideas you call them a troll or a "retard" Using the word "retard" shows what kind of person you are. I know people with disabilities are much better humans than you.
A troll, to you, is someone who makes points you cannot argue.
So instead of a reply with cognitive ideas you call them a troll or a "retard" Using the word "retard" shows what kind of person you are. I know people with disabilities are much better humans than you.

You are simply a delusional troll.
21 days

Then America will show you what we think about your obsession with Donald Trump
Yes we will.
My biggest hope is the majority of Republicans elected will not be spineless Trump puppets. If real Republicans can take their party back, it will be a huge victory. We will see. The spineless Trump puppets will go the way the wind blows. If the wind starts blowing away from Trump, they will be quick to jump off the Trump sinking ship.
I have not been in the military but I honor all who have. May I remind you that Trump signed the agreement for the US to get out of Afghanistan in spring of 2020 and in December 2020 he tried to sign an order for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Syria. He was stopped by the military generals. Getting out of Afghanistan was going to be an issue no matter how it was done. Biden did not do a good job. Biden son is a slime bucket. He should have been a Trump.
I see, almost nobody, fighting for Biden. Trumpers fight for Trump. Republicans, Independents and Democrats who do not like Trump, fight for our country. Trumpism is a cult not a political movement. Trumpism is closer to a bowel movement than a political movement.
You are an idiot to not see the the danger of Russian expansionism to the west including the US. If you are Putin lover like Trump, you will protect Putin. shameful.
That is an honest response. I respect that. Well, No Biden wasn't obligated to just MANDITORILY remove military from Afghanistan. He had options. What he did? He f*CKEd up. Well, that stuff you posted about Trump...What? Democrats failed twice to impeach a standing president, with NO evidence. What? Twice. Never before has this happened. For what again? And NOW, there is this lop-sided democrat run "Jan. 6th hearings" (even though the FBI said what happened WASN'T AN INSURRECTION!) Why this continual non stop persecution of Trump? WHY? What are Democrats afraid of?
That is an honest response. I respect that. Well, No Biden wasn't obligated to just MANDITORILY remove military from Afghanistan. He had options. What he did? He f*CKEd up. Well, that stuff you posted about Trump...What? Democrats failed twice to impeach a standing president, with NO evidence. What? Twice. Never before has this happened. For what again? And NOW, there is this lop-sided democrat run "Jan. 6th hearings" (even though the FBI said what happened WASN'T AN INSURRECTION!) Why this continual non stop persecution of Trump? WHY? What are Democrats afraid of?
Trump WAS impeached twice. The only President to have been impeached twice. Bill Clinton impeached once and Andrew Johnson once. The house impeaches by a majority. The Senate requires a 2/3 majority to convict. No President has been convicted.
I feel there was more than enough information to impeach as there was for Clinton. I feel there was enough evidence to convict. Pretty tough to get a 2/3 majority against a Republican President in a Senate with a majority Republicans. Trump has been involved in 4000 suits. He has all but admitted fraud with Trump University and the Trump charity by closing both and settling with those injured.
I feel you are horrifically wrong if you do not think Jan 6th was not an attempted insurrection. There have insurrection charges filed. There are guilty pleas from Proud Boys.
You need to study the impeachment process to understand. I suggest you study Trump further. I feel there is much you do not understand.
Broaden your sources of information.
Yes we will.
My biggest hope is the majority of Republicans elected will not be spineless Trump puppets. If real Republicans can take their party back, it will be a huge victory. We will see. The spineless Trump puppets will go the way the wind blows. If the wind starts blowing away from Trump, they will be quick to jump off the Trump sinking ship.

The Trump backed Republicans are the only ones that have a spine.

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