Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

I'm concerned about his age. My answer is a conditional yes.
You are a Trumper.
There are many Republicans who don't want to over ride our voting system and eliminate separations of power. Who have a moral compass who could do a better job than Trump on immigration and trade.
You are a Trumper.
There are many Republicans who don't want to over ride our voting system and eliminate separations of power. Who have a moral compass who could do a better job than Trump on immigration and trade.

Don't try to give me a cute name.

You made a claim about how he supposed ran, ie by telling us to be afraid. I countered with my recall of how he ACTUALLY ran and attracted support.

Your response is to try to give me a cute name, as though that somehow rebutts my ideas.

Yes, there are other republicans. Perhaps you weren't paying attention during the 2016 primaries. TRUMP made those issues, real issues to be debated. Before him they were sidelined because everyone else ignored them, even though the voters actually wanted them addressed.

That WAS, why I supported Trump then. NOW, it is because the reaction of people on the Left, gives me the feeling that they believe that it is wrong for people like me to have a voice, at all.

That terrible paradigm, needs smashed.
It is not his bombastic style. It is actions of trying to solidify all power around himself. He is doing it now in the Republican party. If you do not support him, he try's to chase out of the party. When President, he tried to chase all individuals, out of government, who did not support him.
Our parties and government should be based on policy and principle, not on loyalty to an individual. That is a cult.

We need new candidates in 2024. Not Biden, not Trump.

I am not necessarily in favor of Trump running in 2024. I would rather see DeSantis on the Republican side. One thing is for certain, if Trump did win the nomination, I would absolultely vote for him over Biden. The proof is in the pudding. Biden is destroying our nation on all fronts by giving in to the woke agenda, further politicizing our federal law enforcement agencies and working directly with private media companies to censor speech with which they do not agree. This doesn’t even include his obviously corrupt influence peddling enriching his family. I will NOT support such destruction.
Too bad you don't have any evidence that Biden is corrupt, just garbage propaganda. That's why you can't win in court, you don't even try because you people actually know it's pure crap and it would be a crime to put it up in court. The GOP is a conspiracy cult. Poor America. Murdoch should be thrown out of the country like he has been everywhere else....

You are a sheep, easily duped by the media. You are being spoon fed what they want you to hear. They censor anything they don’t want you to hear and tell you everything contrary to their agenda is misinformation. You are exactly the kind of person these traitors and our foreign adversaries have molded in our country through years of public school and MSM indoctrination.
Do you have to be a certain type of person to post on this site.
If YOU define someone as douchebag, they cannot post.
Once again, you show you do not believe in the 1st amendment. Most tattle tells do not.

How does the 1st amendment count on a message board with rules and you pretty much broke the rules, but were allowed to continue because of something?
How does the 1st amendment count on a message board with rules and you pretty much broke the rules, but were allowed to continue because of something?
The 1st amendment applies to this message board. Are you saying that the 1st amendment does not apply to certain circumstance.
The 1st amendment applies to this message board. Are you saying that the 1st amendment does not apply to certain circumstance.

The first amendment only applies to government. If you want to talk about the concept of free speech, then you are talking about the right topic.

And my reporting was about the structure of your post, not the content. It's a blatant callout with no references and no actual topic besides "fuh fuh fuh, I hate trump and trumpies, fuh fuh fuh, I shove pinapples up my ass, fuh fuh fuh"
The first amendment only applies to government. If you want to talk about the concept of free speech, then you are talking about the right topic.

And my reporting was about the structure of your post, not the content. It's a blatant callout with no references and no actual topic besides "fuh fuh fuh, I hate trump and trumpies, fuh fuh fuh, I shove pinapples up my ass, fuh fuh fuh"
I disagree. It was my honest opinion. It is a valid discussion point. It provided substantial back and forth, from both sides,
Should someone not be allowed to say the election was rigged in 2020. All empirical evidence has shown the opposite.
I disagree. It was my honest opinion. It is a valid discussion point. It provided substantial back and forth, from both sides,
Should someone not be allowed to say the election was rigged in 2020. All empirical evidence has shown the opposite.

People can say what they want, once you start picking and choosing, you get tyranny.

There were issues with the election, but of course Dems have decades of experience hiding their fuckery.

And you are still a fucking troll fuckwit.
You do not have a clue about courage. Trump plays on his minions fear. He controls you, based on your fear. He tells you to fear the government, he tells you to fear immigrants, he tells you to fear anyone who does not support Trump, he tells you to fear the 2022 economy.
You panty ass, wooses follow Trump's instructions. You live in fear. Fear rules you. YOU ARE SPINELESS.

Look faggot troll

Long before Candidate Trump came along -

The majority of Americans wanted something done about illegal Immigration, something done about crime,
etc, etc, we didn't follow President Trump, President Trump sensed the mood of the country and campaigned on issues that the Majority of the country cared about.
No, not dick sucking faggots like you - real Americans.
We have a destroyed economy, depleted strategic oil reserves, an out flacked Military that ran from Afghanistan.
Everything that was up is now down.
All because faggot fucks like you hate the type of American that President Trump and his supporters stand for.
You are about to get slaughtered in 18 days -
See how well gutless coward children like you do when the adults take back over.
I disagree. It was my honest opinion. It is a valid discussion point. It provided substantial back and forth, from both sides,
Should someone not be allowed to say the election was rigged in 2020. All empirical evidence has shown the opposite.

Of course the election was fraudulent -
Unverifiable mail in ballots that neither side should have been comfortable with, put biden in office.
No intelligent person denies that.
Dude - there are no "Trump supporters".

Such a beast doesn't exist.

With the possible exception of some of his family members.

What there is, on the right, are a lot of people who aren't ready to take any more shit from leftards.

And right now, Donald Trump is one of two people in the Republican party who has that same sentiment.

DeSantis is the other. They're both doing very well in the polls. The rest of the Republicans, not so much.

Righties will support ANYONE who's willing to take it to the commies and is capable of doing it.

No one is fooled by the 'cult' bullshit. No one

False, of course.
People can say what they want, once you start picking and choosing, you get tyranny.

There were issues with the election, but of course Dems have decades of experience hiding their fuckery.

And you are still a fucking troll fuckwit.
sounds to me you are trolling me. dimwit, fuckery, fuckwit, with no proof.
Look faggot troll

Long before Candidate Trump came along -

The majority of Americans wanted something done about illegal Immigration, something done about crime,
etc, etc, we didn't follow President Trump, President Trump sensed the mood of the country and campaigned on issues that the Majority of the country cared about.
No, not dick sucking faggots like you - real Americans.
We have a destroyed economy, depleted strategic oil reserves, an out flacked Military that ran from Afghanistan.
Everything that was up is now down.
All because faggot fucks like you hate the type of American that President Trump and his supporters stand for.
You are about to get slaughtered in 18 days -
See how well gutless coward children like you do when the adults take back over.
You are a foul mouthed spineless Trump cult member who is ruled by your fear but you cuss a lot hoping people will not see what a woos you are.
Of course the election was fraudulent -
Unverifiable mail in ballots that neither side should have been comfortable with, put biden in office.
No intelligent person denies that.
Please show facts that over 40 court cases could not find. That Trump's own hand picked attorney general said was not fraudulent. That people are being disbarred and going to jail for fraudulently pushing a rigged election.
And you consider yourself intelligent. Trump does not have intelligent followers. Trump knows intelligent people can bring him down. He wants very stupid people like you.

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