Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA
Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA
Elmer: You have never been in the military, have you? Who is "WE" you mention? I see Biden & co. abandon Afghanistan, and saddle up to a country that is basicaly a Russian suburb and risk WW3 in the meantime. Let's not mention Hunter Biden's involvement in Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.
Biden begs the Butcher of Khashoggi to interfere / alter a US election by delaying tbe move / news to cut Saudi oil production, causing gas prices in the US to rise, until after the midterm elections are over.

The GOP has asked Pelosi and the House Oversight Committee to investigate Biden's crime ... and Impeachable offense.

'...the rest of us fight for our country, the USA.'​

Biden just got caught breaking US law for the benefit of DEMOCRATS!

Riddle me this riddle me that: How are WE better under Biden? We are living under threat of nuclear war and huge inflation, racial divisiveness? WHAT positive actual thing has Liberal democrats DONE? Point to ONE thing. I am about done with this.
They said Trump would lose in 2016.
Republicans are not the determination of anti-Trumpers gaining. How many of the new Republicans have rejected Trump. Step one. Step two, 2024. No Trump as Republican nominee for President.
2024 and on, the remaining Trumpist will hang with Nazis, KKK, white supremacists. The scourge and embarrassment of our society.

Honestly, people like you are the scourge of this country.
Until the decent people rise up and eliminate people like you - we will never truly thrive.
Honestly, people like you are the scourge of this country.
Until the decent people rise up and eliminate people like you - we will never truly thrive.
Yeah. Playing whack-a-mole with these moronic progtards is EXPENSIVE. Takes cycles away from other priorities.
Marty, your tattle Tailing did not result in the post being pulled. It resulted in a lively back and forth.
Maybe that is what you do not want; a lively back and forth. You are against the 1st amendment.
Were you the guy in school who told on everyone.
The guy everyone hated.

you mad bro?

I think you mad.
Wow, I didn't see this post. You didn't tattle tale behind my back. Whatb a guy.
You are definitely one of those who everyone hated in school

No link, no real point, just a TDS screed.

That's bottom of the barrel even for you.

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