Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

I saw a lot of undereducated, under-employed, poor white people support Trump. After his Presidency they were still undereducated, under-employed, poor white people.
Tell me how things were so much better except for people who already had money, education and jobs.
The MSM you devotedly follow really do hide the truth from you, don't they? Ignorance is bliss, is it not? A serious question, please. Why is the far-left so adamantly opposed to doing any research on their own and obediently simply following the party line on their favored, biased, sources?

Under Trump, Americans Have Seen Their Best Wage Growth In 40 Years

NOVEMBER 02, 2020
Over the past 40 years, the inflation-adjusted growth trend for the U.S. median weekly wage has been $4.05 per quarter. During the first three years of the Trump administration, it was a staggering $6.90 per quarter.* During the Obama years, median wages grew at the anemic rate of $3.20 per quarter.

The 10th percentile U.S. weekly wage grew by $3.25 per quarter for African Americans during Trump’s first three years, nearly double the historic rate of $1.65. The best Obama growth rate was only $1.68. Perhaps having a businessman at the helm of the world’s largest economy is not such a bad idea. Will any deniers admit they were wrong?

Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA
We Americans support Trump because he is a Nationalist that puts America first.

You Moon Bats can't stand that.

You stupid greedy Moon Bats support the Democrat filth because they keep your welfare checks coming.
It is much more than the left who is trying to neuter Trump and Trumpism. You will go down with him.

I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.
No one cares... I didn't support Trump because I "loved" Trump. I supported Trump because I loved my own self interst. And my love has never changed.
The MSM you devotedly follow really do hide the truth from you, don't they? Ignorance is bliss, is it not? A serious question, please. Why is the far-left so adamantly opposed to doing any research on their own and obediently simply following the party line on their favored, biased, sources?

Under Trump, Americans Have Seen Their Best Wage Growth In 40 Years

NOVEMBER 02, 2020
Over the past 40 years, the inflation-adjusted growth trend for the U.S. median weekly wage has been $4.05 per quarter. During the first three years of the Trump administration, it was a staggering $6.90 per quarter.* During the Obama years, median wages grew at the anemic rate of $3.20 per quarter.

The 10th percentile U.S. weekly wage grew by $3.25 per quarter for African Americans during Trump’s first three years, nearly double the historic rate of $1.65. The best Obama growth rate was only $1.68. Perhaps having a businessman at the helm of the world’s largest economy is not such a bad idea. Will any deniers admit they were wrong?

A major factor of wage growth during Trump's Presidency was many municipalities raising the minimum wage substantially.

The national debt went up by 7 trillion dollars under Trump. The most of any one term of a Presidency.

The tax breaks given by Trump provided tax decreases for most. But our children and grandchildren will be pay for the tax break. That is not conservative fiscal policy.
Who cleaned up New York City and who, now, has destroyed the city?
Giuliani did good things as mayor of New York and as a prosecutor before that. But as he got older and became less relevant he sold his soul to get himself back in the limelight. He has turned into a joke. His reputation ruined.
I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.
You're about as "moderate" as Pol Pot. Every commie claims to be an independent.

The majority of intendents voted for Trump, moron.
I agree that Trump was possible because the Democrats ignored the unemployed and under employed, mainly in the mid west, mainly white. There was an arrogance about these people being "deplorables" because of their assumed bad values including racism and sexism. Despite values, they were still Americans and deserve the help as any American that is under-employed, unemployed, uneducated or undereducated and poor. The assumption was that all these people are like you. They are not. Even if they are they deserve more attention.
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE TOO many Americans feel the white uneducated, unemployed values and attitudes are as bad as yours. They are not. It is like other demographics. Some people paint all blacks because of the worst of the worst blacks.
Bad people give their demographic a bad wrap.
You're a racist.
You're about as "moderate" as Pol Pot. Every commie claims to be an independent.

The majority of intendents voted for Trump, moron.
Whatever, those bringing down Trumpism are not just liberals. They are people from all parties who put country over a cult.
A major factor of wage growth during Trump's Presidency was many municipalities raising the minimum wage substantially.

The national debt went up by 7 trillion dollars under Trump. The most of any one term of a Presidency.

The tax breaks given by Trump provided tax decreases for most. But our children and grandchildren will be pay for the tax break. That is not conservative fiscal policy.
Markle, you have no response to what I say? I figured so.
This thread presents an ignorant (or fundamentally dishonest) false dichotomy.

To fight for Trump is to fight for America.

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