Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

They don't get to reshape our politics for their rent seeking profit motives.

They don't get to do that.
did you forget about the citizens united decision that allowed corporations & the wealthy to spend without limits,
What do you think they get in return from all those billions?
You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals.

It's us against fucking COMMIES, you dumbass leftard.

Commies and Nazis. Take your pick. Birds of a feather.

It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism

Dumb shit, no one cares about Trump. If you morons really believe that stupid shit you're going to wake up one morning with a red hot poker up your ass

Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem

Trump is GONE, you bleeding idiot.

He hasn't been around for TWO WHOLE YEARS

The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat
What a fucking idiot. ^^^

It's the dumbass shit for brains leftards keeping Trump in the news.

The commie fucktards who are trying to nail him, are the very ones who are ensuring he can never be nailed.

Leftard leadership are MORONS. Brain dead totally deluded fucktards. They need to go.
did you forget about the citizens united decision that allowed corporations & the wealthy to spend without limits,
What do you think they get in return from all those billions?
I don't happen to agree with that decision

Speech is the stuff that comes out of your mouth

Money is the stuff in your wallet

I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.

No one cares WHO. We only care THAT.

READ MY LIPS: We're going to shove that Stalinist bullshit right up your asses

Teach you dumbass fucktards a lesson you won't forget any time soon.
I agree that Trump was possible because the Democrats ignored the unemployed and under employed, mainly in the mid west, mainly white. There was an arrogance about these people being "deplorables" because of their assumed bad values including racism and sexism. Despite values, they were still Americans and deserve the help as any American that is under-employed, unemployed, uneducated or undereducated and poor. The assumption was that all these people are like you. They are not. Even if they are they deserve more attention.
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE TOO many Americans feel the white uneducated, unemployed values and attitudes are as bad as yours. They are not. It is like other demographics. Some people paint all blacks because of the worst of the worst blacks.
Bad people give their demographic a bad wrap.
I'm the problem ?

No son, I'm the solution.

I'm the one with the red hot poker.

And it's warming up in the fire right now

Just in case I have to use it.
I am here for you B Kidd. Get help. The most famous Kool-Aid drinkers were cultists, Jim Jones. You are voted most likely to drink Kool-Aid provided by Trump, your cult leader.
You're an asshole.

We don't want your help.

Go away
Do your research. The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for security in the House. His boss is the Speaker of the House. Period.
The fucking idiot leftards are still bleating about this stuff

But no one believes their lying degenerate asses.

The American people right now, are warming the tar and gathering the feathers
That is Trump talk. You look to hate not find similarities. You either believe in Trumpism 100% or you are a RINO, a Communist, a Marxist. You are either a member of the cult or you are the enemy.
Don't you see that. Look at other cults. Can't you see you are the same? Get help.

Sometimes the enemy really is the enemy. Democrats are the enemy. Not only of decent Americans but of non degenerate people all over the world. It would not be out of the question for the cause of a world War to be democrat perversion. Many countries would join the cause of ending the evil of democrats.

Tell Japan and China that democrats would take their children if the parents refuse to surgically mutilate those children. Eastern Europe has already refused to racially diversify and dared Democrats to do something about it.

If it takes the world rising up against them, the world will find allies here.
You've been fooled by a con man. Sorry.
No. Bullshit. You're being a complete fucking idiot, accusing people you don't even know and whose motives you don't understand of being cultists.

That's just stupid, Mac. It's retarded beyond belief. If anyone has a culture of personality around here it's you.
Far-left officials and prosecutors destroying our country.

its just to address this sort of problem.
calling it "far left" is a stretch.
Let me see if I understand you. Success and prosperity came about due to the leadership of President Trump and you ran in the opposite direction? Why? Because he treated you as an adult and sent mean Tweets? Well, that sounds like good, logical thinking to me! :D
I saw a lot of undereducated, under-employed, poor white people support Trump. After his Presidency they were still undereducated, under-employed, poor white people.
Tell me how things were so much better except for people who already had money, education and jobs.
It's us against fucking COMMIES, you dumbass leftard.

Commies and Nazis. Take your pick. Birds of a feather.

Dumb shit, no one cares about Trump. If you morons really believe that stupid shit you're going to wake up one morning with a red hot poker up your ass

Trump is GONE, you bleeding idiot.

He hasn't been around for TWO WHOLE YEARS

What a fucking idiot. ^^^

It's the dumbass shit for brains leftards keeping Trump in the news.

The commie fucktards who are trying to nail him, are the very ones who are ensuring he can never be nailed.

Leftard leadership are MORONS. Brain dead totally deluded fucktards. They need to go.
You cannot be this stupid. Trump is gone? No he isn't. He is doing everything possible to get Trumpists, not Republicans, but Trumpists elected in 2022.
Trumpism is a white nationalist movement to over-ride the principles of our democracy; separation of power and our voting system.

More and more people are understanding what he is doing but their are too many absolute dumbasses who are lemmings following him; like you.
No one cares WHO. We only care THAT.

READ MY LIPS: We're going to shove that Stalinist bullshit right up your asses

Teach you dumbass fucktards a lesson you won't forget any time soon.
Don't you see Trump pushing us toward an autocratic country closer to Russia. Why does Trump have a man crush on Putin. He has Putin envy. He would love to have the autocratic power of Putin.
You cannot be this stupid.

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