Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

No, I'm someone who thinks shitposts are just that. Shitposts.

And you notice I didn't do it behind your back, you TDS fucktard.
Wow, I didn't see this post. You didn't tattle tale behind my back. Whatb a guy.
You are definitely one of those who everyone hated in school
Nancy Pelosi refused troops for January 6th. Fact.
An absolute lie. There is a video with Pelosi calling Maryland and Virginia governors to bring in the National Guard.
It should have been Trump doing so but he did not.
He was in his office watching police get the crap beat out of him and did not do a thing.

You are such liars. Is there any truth in your life?
It is much more than the left who is trying to neuter Trump and Trumpism. You will go down with him.

I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.
Let me see if I understand you. Success and prosperity came about due to the leadership of President Trump and you ran in the opposite direction? Why? Because he treated you as an adult and sent mean Tweets? Well, that sounds like good, logical thinking to me! :D
Let me see if I understand you. Success and prosperity came about due to the leadership of President Trump and you ran in the opposite direction? Why? Because he treated you as an adult and sent mean Tweets? Well, that sounds like good, logical thinking to me! :D
Simple minds like yours, make decisions on limited variable.
Because Biden has lowered the unemployment rate, does not make him a good President. Many other issues must be examined.

Because Trump added 7 trillion dollars to the national debt, the most of any President, does not make him a bad President. Many other things must be examined
Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

I doubt that very much. Many people are fighting for themselves and their own interests.

What does it even mean to "fight for our country"???? How do you know what your country wants?
I doubt that very much. Many people are fighting for themselves and their own interests.

What does it even mean to "fight for our country"???? How do you know what your country wants?
Trump is trying undo the basic principles of separation of powers and saying our election system cannot be trusted, the backbone of our Democracy.
That is fighting for our country. I agree forget about that stuff and fight for themselves.
Simple minds like yours, make decisions on limited variable.
Because Biden has lowered the unemployment rate, does not make him a good President. Many other issues must be examined.

Because Trump added 7 trillion dollars to the national debt, the most of any President, does not make him a bad President. Many other things must be examined
As you know, President Biden lowered the unemployment rate due to the fact that millions quit looking for a job and are kicking back on taxpayer dollars.



Trump is trying undo the basic principles of separation of powers and saying our election system cannot be trusted, the backbone of our Democracy.
That is fighting for our country. I agree forget about that stuff and fight for themselves.

Well, I don't disagree with you about Trump, but the current system is rotten to the core. Anyone who doesn't support a change, with something better like Proportional Representation is, in my opinion, not fighting for their country.
Democrats think anything not about the democrat party is against the government. They think only their supporters are American citizens. Anyone who supports Trump is the enemy of democracy in their feeble minds.
An absolute lie. There is a video with Pelosi calling Maryland and Virginia governors to bring in the National Guard.
It should have been Trump doing so but he did not.
He was in his office watching police get the crap beat out of him and did not do a thing.

You are such liars. Is there any truth in your life?
The Sergeants at Arms for the House and Senate report to the Speaker Pelosi and McConnell. They're responsible for security, not the President. Two different branches of government. You're stupid. Educate yourself and try again.
Democrats think anything not about the democrat party is against the government. They think only their supporters are American citizens. Anyone who supports Trump is the enemy of democracy in their feeble minds.

The Sergeants at Arms for the House and Senate report to the Speaker Pelosi and McConnell. They're responsible for security, not the President. Two different branches of government. You're stupid. Educate yourself and try again.

Many of the posts falsely claiming Pelosi was responsible as leader of the House were promoted by accounts showing support for President Donald Trump.


Many of the posts falsely claiming Pelosi was responsible as leader of the House were promoted by accounts showing support for President Donald Trump.

Do your research. The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for security in the House. His boss is the Speaker of the House. Period.
Well, I don't disagree with you about Trump, but the current system is rotten to the core. Anyone who doesn't support a change, with something better like Proportional Representation is, in my opinion, not fighting for their country.
So, in your opinion, doing away with our Republic is a grand idea. Having the largest dozen or so cities run the country is the far superior plan!

I agree that Trump was possible because the Democrats ignored the unemployed and under employed, mainly in the mid west, mainly white. There was an arrogance about these people being "deplorables" because of their assumed bad values including racism and sexism. Despite values, they were still Americans and deserve the help as any American that is under-employed, unemployed, uneducated or undereducated and poor. The assumption was that all these people are like you. They are not. Even if they are they deserve more attention.
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE TOO many Americans feel the white uneducated, unemployed values and attitudes are as bad as yours. They are not. It is like other demographics. Some people paint all blacks because of the worst of the worst blacks.
Bad people give their demographic a bad wrap.
Do you ever read for comprehension?
They don't only fight for Trump, given a choice between Biden and Putin they'd jump at the chance to support Putin and many do. That is the difference between republicans/trump supporters and everyone else in this country. They're chopping at bit for some sort of authoritarian government as long as republicans are in charge. Look at the glee many of them take at restricting women's rights, just like in Iran, Russia, North Korea and Afghanistan. What do all these places have in common?
globalism is from the capitalists, to maximize profit. To sell for the highest price anywhere on the planet -> to have the largest market as possible. While also producing a the most cost effective location, wherever on earth that might be, or the most productive location.
They don't get to reshape our politics for their rent seeking profit motives.

They don't get to do that.

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