Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Separation of powers, the backbone of our democratic union has nothing to do with globalism. Respecting our voting system, our institutions, law enforcement has nothing to do with globalism.

Those who cannot compete in a global market, fear it. Put your big boy pants on and learn to compete in it. The weak, like you, want someone to make the world easier for you. Grow a couple.

It's not

Man, I don't know if they come more fucking stupid than you.
Tell us again how Hillary Clinton initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history with help from Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election is an attempt to result in her becoming President was not solely for her own benefit.
Tell us again how Hillary Clinton initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history with help from Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election is an attempt to result in her becoming President was not solely for her own benefit.

Tell us again how Democrats personally threatening USSC Justices, calling for violence and intimidation against them, and inciting 2 political assassination attempts, one resulting in R-Scalise being shot, was 'fighting for the country'.
You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals. WRONG DUMBASS.
It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism.
Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem
The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat
Nancy Pelosi refused troops for January 6th. Fact.
Tell us how protecting liberal extremist domestic terrorists who have firebombed over 70 churches, womens' clinics, and pro-life organizations is 'fighting for the country'.
Tell us again how the FBI just admitting to intentionally, knowingly defrauding the FISA Court, violating the Patriot Act by illegally spying on US citizens / a sitting President / his team, and admitting to intentionally, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt despite their own internal investigation showing there was nothing to the false claim of Russian Collusion is somehow 'fighting for the country'.
'Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA'


I learned all I needed to know about "republicans" like you back in the early '90s.....You wouldn't know a principle if it walked up and punched you in the face.

I'm now beyond certain that you're exactly the kind of smarmy little shit that made Trump possible, and you hate yourself for it.....Hence, your near-daily primal scream lash-out sessions at him and his scores of millions of voters.

Some protracted couch time would do you a world of good.
I agree that Trump was possible because the Democrats ignored the unemployed and under employed, mainly in the mid west, mainly white. There was an arrogance about these people being "deplorables" because of their assumed bad values including racism and sexism. Despite values, they were still Americans and deserve the help as any American that is under-employed, unemployed, uneducated or undereducated and poor. The assumption was that all these people are like you. They are not. Even if they are they deserve more attention.
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE TOO many Americans feel the white uneducated, unemployed values and attitudes are as bad as yours. They are not. It is like other demographics. Some people paint all blacks because of the worst of the worst blacks.
Bad people give their demographic a bad wrap.
Tell us again how the FBI just admitting to intentionally, knowingly defrauding the FISA Court, violating the Patriot Act by illegally spying on US citizens / a sitting President / his team, and admitting to intentionally, knowingly participating in a failed coup attempt despite their own internal investigation showing there was nothing to the false claim of Russian Collusion is somehow 'fighting for the country'.
The words you have been trained to say as one of Trump's trained monkeys.
I agree that Trump was possible because the Democrats ignored the unemployed and under employed, mainly in the mid west, mainly white. There was an arrogance about these people being "deplorables" because of their assumed bad values including racism and sexism. Despite values, they were still Americans and deserve the help as any American that is under-employed, unemployed, uneducated or undereducated and poor. The assumption was that all these people are like you. They are not. Even if they are they deserve more attention.
YOU ARE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE TOO many Americans feel the white uneducated, unemployed values and attitudes are as bad as yours. They are not. It is like other demographics. Some people paint all blacks because of the worst of the worst blacks.
Bad people give their demographic a bad wrap.

'The Forgotten Man', or American, is all-inclusive!
They come in all colors in Techniscope.
Lol! If the Left thinks they represent what is “America”… it’s gonna be a short trot to the rock pile. You, and your ideals were never US. You’ve just been squatters taking up space at our grace. It seems you may have worn out your welcome… Sorry, not sorry…
It is much more than the left who is trying to neuter Trump and Trumpism. You will go down with him.

I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.

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