Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

I repeat, Republicans are not the problem. It is Trumpism who have hijacked the Republican party.

You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals. WRONG DUMBASS.
It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism.
Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem
The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat
You're such a phony, disingenuous, lying sack of shit it's hard to know where to start.

You couldn't care less about the GOP...Were it that the squishy, mealy-mouthed, double-dealing, sellout wing of the party regain its quickly eroding power, you'd be hating on them with the heat of a thousand stars, as sure as you're sitting there.
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Anti-Trumpers are made up of Republicans, Independents and Democrats.
I was disgusted by demonstrations that resulted in rioting, burning and looting businesses and attacks on police. I was even more disgusted by a riot in attempt to stop our federal government with assaults on law enforcement and an damage to our Capitol.
Then you are a retard.
Not really. You fight for puberty blockers and transsexual bathrooms. You fight for women trading a rewarding life as a stay-at-home mom and homemaker for a career as an accountant and being single and childless in their late 40s, hooked on antidepressants and heading towards becoming the lonely lady with the thirty cats. The MAGAS have their flaws and bad ideas but so do we on the left
I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
It is many Republicans, many independents and most Democrats/left who are against Trumpism.
I am anti-Trump. Not left, I am a moderate. I was a registered Republican until Trump came along.
Then it's arguable that you're exactly the kind of rudderless, principle-free, sellout jackass that made Trump possible.

No wonder you're so deranged.
Can you explain why you feel I am a "retard". People with disabilities are more capable than most people on this site, including you, FYI.
Well lets see, your left wing riots were tremendously destructive, you terrorized entire communities, ruined lives and businesses, THOUSANDS of people were assaulted and there were a bunch of people who were ACTUALLY murdered (including cops), as opposed to having a stroke the next day, but you think the mini riot on jan 6th was worse, so you are a stupid fucking retard.
You're such a phony, disingenuous, lying sack of shit it's hard to know where to start.

You couldn't care less about the GOP...Were it that the squishy, mealy-mouthed, double-dealing, sellout wing of the party regain its quickly eroding power, you'd be hating on them with the heat of a thousand stars, as sure as you're sitting there.
Oddball, there is much you could learn from me. There is much you could learn from every human on earth. You are as stupid as they come.

Were you able to absorb the supreme court rulings on the 1st amendment I provided you. When you have I will provide you more knowledge on how our government works.

The USA is a wonderful place. It accepts all people. Even people as stupid as you.
Well lets see, your left wing riots were tremendously destructive, you terrorized entire communities, ruined lives and businesses, THOUSANDS of people were assaulted and there were a bunch of people who were ACTUALLY murdered (including cops), as opposed to having a stroke the next day, but you think the mini riot on jan 6th was worse, so you are a stupid fucking retard.
I am not downplaying the summer riots and the destruction done and the people hurt and killed. How dare you for down play any riot where hundreds of law enforcement personnel were attacked. How dare you downplay a law enforcement officer dying for any reason. How dare you downplay a riot whose purpose is to stop the functioning of our government. A riot opposed by both the left and right. Thank goodness for Pence.
You do not deserve to be a US citizen. You are a slime ball.
Perhaps, you may be fighting for our country, but we will not let you loons take over our country.
We are in charge. That is why Trump is not President. Many Republicans, Independents and Democrats are doing everything he will never be in charge again.
Oddball, there is much you could learn from me. There is much you could learn from every human on earth. You are as stupid as they come.

Were you able to absorb the supreme court rulings on the 1st amendment I provided you. When you have I will provide you more knowledge on how our government works.

The USA is a wonderful place. It accepts all people. Even people as stupid as you.
I learned all I needed to know about "republicans" like you back in the early '90s.....You wouldn't know a principle if it walked up and punched you in the face.

I'm now beyond certain that you're exactly the kind of smarmy little shit that made Trump possible, and you hate yourself for it.....Hence, your near-daily primal scream lash-out sessions at him and his scores of millions of voters.

Some protracted couch time would do you a world of good.
I am not downplaying the summer riots and the destruction done and the people hurt and killed. How dare you for down play any riot where hundreds of law enforcement personnel were attacked. How dare you downplay a law enforcement officer dying for any reason. How dare you downplay a riot whose purpose is to stop the functioning of our government. A riot opposed by both the left and right. Thank goodness for Pence.
You do not deserve to be a US citizen. You are a slime ball.
You havent made your case for why January 6th was worse.
When Biden went to Saudi to beg the Butcher of Khashoggi to pump more oil until after the midterm elections, tell us all again how Biden was doing that for ALL Americans and NOT just for Democrats up for re-election / election.

Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA
And yet you don’t care gas prices doubled, home mortgage rates now cost 850 more a month, illegal intruders get tax money, while vets suffer. Your America sucks
Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA
Lol! If the Left thinks they represent what is “America”… it’s gonna be a short trot to the rock pile. You, and your ideals were never US. You’ve just been squatters taking up space at our grace. It seems you may have worn out your welcome… Sorry, not sorry…
Please tell us how the FBI intentionally defrauding the FISA Court and violating the Patriot Act by illegally spying on US citizens, a sitting President, and his team was 'for the country'.

Tell us how the FBI partisanly hiding Hunter Biden's laptop and the criminal evidrnce on it, thus protecting Hunter and 'the Big Guy' from Impeachment and / or indictment, is 'for the country'.

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