Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Sassy is a fool who does not understand our Constitution and the rule of law. Simple minded people do not understand. They are stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elmmmerrr? You're ridiculous and everyone knows it Lol

Maybe you can explain how Republicans are destroying democracy? Your two predecessors scampered off.... ass and elbows
Process of what? I'm thinking you don't know what democracy is...and by the way the United States is a republic.

Why do you silly leftists keep avoiding that?

J6 isn't going to save you, 99.9%of America doesn't care, they care about trying to make ends meet in a horrible economy.

Now stop the nonsense

Presidential elections by the states. The constitutional mechanism as well as the symbolic ones to help the Country heal after a bitter election battle. You know that concession speech he should have made when most all his advisors told him he lost the election. But see for Benedict Donald and his Neo-GOP, it's all about him, not the country.
As long aa people give money to the democrats, the democrats will pretend to love you
Presidential elections by the states. The constitutional mechanism as well as the symbolic ones to help the Country heal after a bitter election battle. You know that concession speech he should have made when most all his advisors told him he lost the election. But see for Benedict Donald and his Neo-GOP, it's all about him, not the country.

What gibberish, Blind Boob

I asked how Republicans are destroying democracy.

You blabber about.... who knows
Separation of powers, the backbone of our democratic union has nothing to do with globalism. Respecting our voting system, our institutions, law enforcement has nothing to do with globalism.

Those who cannot compete in a global market, fear it. Put your big boy pants on and learn to compete in it. The weak, like you, want someone to make the world easier for you. Grow a couple.
Swallowing Democrat corruption and criminality is not "respecting our voting system." The FBI is not deserving of respect. Only the corrupt "respect" them.
Presidential elections by the states. The constitutional mechanism as well as the symbolic ones to help the Country heal after a bitter election battle. You know that concession speech he should have made when most all his advisors told him he lost the election. But see for Benedict Donald and his Neo-GOP, it's all about him, not the country.
No one should give such a speech after a swindled election, dumbass.
No.. They fight to keep keep it a Social Democracy...

I think you first need to know the difference between Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy...

Why do you want to stop US being a Social Democracy?
There's no different. Socialism is bad no matter what the label.
Prog scum like you are trying to destroy the country.

Who are you trying to kid?
You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals. WRONG DUMBASS.
It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism.
Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem
The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat
Elmmmerrr? You're ridiculous and everyone knows it Lol

Maybe you can explain how Republicans are destroying democracy? Your two predecessors scampered off.... ass and elbows
I repeat, Republicans are not the problem. It is Trumpism who have hijacked the Republican party.

You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals. WRONG DUMBASS.
It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism.
Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem
The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat
I repeat, Republicans are not the problem. It is Trumpism who have hijacked the Republican party.

You are such a dumbass you think as a Trumper, it is you against the liberals. WRONG DUMBASS.
It is many Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats against Trumpism.
Anyone with a half of brain know Trump is the problem
The key to bringing down Trump will be Republicans and Independents. Almost 100% of the evidence at the Jan 6 hearing that incriminates Trump is coming from Republicans.
Trump is counting on dumbasses like you to keep him afloat

Your problem is I don't care for Trump, dumbass

Geez Elmerr catch a clue
Your problem is I don't care for Trump, dumbass

Geez Elmerr catch a clue
So you feel our elections are free and fair?
So you feel a former President calling our election system rigged is a danger to the Democracy
So you feel those saying defund the FBI or the Police are wrong
So you feel Trump stacking the DOJ with yes men was not the right thing to do?
So you think Trump or any President consolidating power to the administrative branch is wrong
Trump supporters fight for Trump, the rest of us fight for our country, the USA

Not really. You fight for puberty blockers and transsexual bathrooms. You fight for women trading a rewarding life as a stay-at-home mom and homemaker for a career as an accountant and being single and childless in their late 40s, hooked on antidepressants and heading towards becoming the lonely lady with the thirty cats. The MAGAS have their flaws and bad ideas but so do we on the left.

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