Trump supporters: I feel sorry for you..

Why would we want ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists armed.
It should be canceled.

"True"....ESPECIALLY when Putin demands that Trump should do that......or else?.....LOL


No "link".......I just find it a "coincidence" that after Putin has a tete-a-tete with Putin, all of a sudden we are complying with Russian interests such as NOT arming Syrian rebels who have given the Russian some trouble in Syria...AND, that we are giving back to Russia the 2 compounds (spy-dens) that Obama vacated when he kicked out 35 Russian spies.

It's good for the world not just Russia, I thought it bazaar the Obama wanted them armed, they are the enemy.
Why would Obama want to aid the ones who want to control Islam?
The very groups that have been fighting each other ever since Muhammad died in the 7century.
Ever ask yourself that one when it happened?
Nobody wants to arm ISIS and Alqaeda DUHHHH's the democratic rebels who will someday rule
I feel sorry for anyone who is so thick in the head that they still think the majority of Trump Voters were voting FOR him instead of simply AGAINST Hitlary.
Either way they were duped as always...

Let's see.... we voted against Hitlary and she fucking lost.... how does that amount to a dupe to you tards? Is this like new math or something? Are you butthurt because you didn't get a participation trophy?
Jackass, how could I be the poster child for something that I am reporting myself having happened SINCE I went to school?!

Well, the amazing syntax on that sentence speaks for itself...LOL

Nat, your problem is that you are a glutton for punishment, but just not bright enough to know when you've made an ass of yourself, so you always think you're winning the argument.
Trump supporters: You folks are honest, hard working people, who sincerely want the best for America. I applaud you efforts to make our country a better place. I feel sorry for you though. You backed a President who thinks he's above the law, who thinks the executive branch of government functions just like a for profit business, who thinks he can bully Judges, Senators, Congressman, and Governors. Who thinks making deals with countries like Russia to enrich himself and his family while he's President is "no big thing" I'm an older guy, and I've seen how things like this end, and it's not pretty. The end for Trump and Co. is not yet, but it's coming, and it's coming fast.....

No need to feel sorry at all. The Hildebeast is out of power and that was the main objective.
Nat, your problem is that you are a glutton for punishment, but just not bright enough to know when you've made an ass of yourself, so you always think you're winning the argument.

No, no freak.......keep your posts coming.....they're "delightful." LOL
toobfreak, post: 17757306
I can find people with more functional common sense on a bar stool than most modern Ph.D.'s,

"Why level downward to our dullest perception always, and praise that as common sense? The commonest sense is the sense of men asleep, which they express by snoring." Henry David Thoreau

There is absolutely no common sense, it is common non-sense. Henry David Thoreau

I don't know what you think functional common sense might be coming from beer bellied fat lazy Trump asses squatting their lives away on a bar stool.

I enjoy watching the World Series, NBA playoffs and NFL games while resting my bones on a bar stool once in a while. But I suffer no pretense that the bar stool mode of relaxation after a week's hard work infuses my mind with something called common sense for the betterment of mankind.

I believe you have put your finger on the problem with many of Trump's high school and less educated deplorables.

They think they are smarter than their higher educated peers who are to blame for their "left behind in flyover country" plight.

I doubt they would get medical care from a barstool educated heart or brain surgeon.

Common nonsense indeed. Deplorables.
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Jackass, how could I be the poster child for something that I am reporting myself having happened SINCE I went to school?!

Well, the amazing syntax on that sentence speaks for itself...LOL

Nat, your problem is that you are a glutton for punishment, but just not bright enough to know when you've made an ass of yourself, so you always think you're winning the argument.

I hope someone lets me know when nat finally wins an argument. Hell, when he argues with himself he loses. :)
Trump supporters: You folks are honest, hard working people, who sincerely want the best for America. I applaud you efforts to make our country a better place. I feel sorry for you though. You backed a President who thinks he's above the law, who thinks the executive branch of government functions just like a for profit business, who thinks he can bully Judges, Senators, Congressman, and Governors. Who thinks making deals with countries like Russia to enrich himself and his family while he's President is "no big thing" I'm an older guy, and I've seen how things like this end, and it's not pretty. The end for Trump and Co. is not yet, but it's coming, and it's coming fast.....

I think the best thing about Trump winning is the left going crazy every day since the election. It is absolutely the best entertainment. Every day something gets their panties in a wad and they go crazy.
^^^ that's ^^^ what idiots argue to explain why they're not idiots.

^^^that's^^^ what the idiotic Left always claims to cover up the fact that they really don't know anything and rely on fake documentation to support their cause. I can find people with more functional common sense on a bar stool than most modern Ph.D.'s, that is because today's college degree gathers you about as much true education about the real world as when I was a kid out of 8th grade. The Bachelor's Degree of today is doubtfully as good as a high school diploma was 40 years ago because they have been dumbing down everything ever since.
^^^ that's ^^^ what it looks like when an idiot proves my point when I said, "that's what idiots argue to explain why they're not idiots."
Papageorgio, post: 17762035
I think the best thing about Trump winning is the left going crazy every day since the election. It is absolutely the best entertainment. Every day something gets their panties in a wad and they go crazy.

You can be sure there were plenty of intelligent, decent highly moral people of great character in Germany that went crazy (opposed is the better word) as Adolph and the Brownshirts came to power in Germany.

Fortunately in America at this time the people of intellect and of higher moral character are a solid majority and our legal system and our free system of government and our economy is wuite strong and capable of overcoming the temporary debacle that is Trump and his deplorable following.
Papageorgio, post: 17762035
I think the best thing about Trump winning is the left going crazy every day since the election. It is absolutely the best entertainment. Every day something gets their panties in a wad and they go crazy.

You can be sure there were plenty of intelligent, decent highly moral people of great character in Germany that went crazy (opposed is the better word) as Adolph and the Brownshirts came to power in Germany.

Fortunately in America at this time the people of intellect and of higher moral character are a solid majority and our legal system and our free system of government and our economy is wuite strong and capable of overcoming the temporary debacle that is Trump and his deplorable following.
The Nazis were the ones foaming at the mouth - just like now.
^^^ that's ^^^ what idiots argue to explain why they're not idiots.

^^^that's^^^ what the idiotic Left always claims to cover up the fact that they really don't know anything and rely on fake documentation to support their cause. I can find people with more functional common sense on a bar stool than most modern Ph.D.'s, that is because today's college degree gathers you about as much true education about the real world as when I was a kid out of 8th grade. The Bachelor's Degree of today is doubtfully as good as a high school diploma was 40 years ago because they have been dumbing down everything ever since.
^^^ that's ^^^ what it looks like when an idiot proves my point when I said, "that's what idiots argue to explain why they're not idiots."

Yes, you are an expert on idiots.

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