Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Yes, that's like asking "When did you stop beating your wife and children?" Presumptive guilt and, the far left Democrats have mastered the technique.
It's a variation on fallacious inquiries of the type, yes.

He's asked a "What if?" question with the clear intent of playing "Gotcha!"

Anyone could post a thread asking the following:

"If Joe Biden raped a basket of puppies, should he be held accountable?"

And the proper reply would not be yes or no, but rather to question the competence of the questioner, and the basis of, and motivation for, their inquiry.
This is a pretty freakin' easy question for anyone who values the rule of law more than partisan politics.

All these non-answers are no surprise, though.
The law only applies to some folks. Minorities were right all along.
If anyone breaks the law they should be held legally accountable.
That being said...we need to TRUST that our legal system is affording all of us our legal rights! The authorities do not have the right to come to your house and go through it looking for evidence you've committed a crime unless they have a warrant from a judge that they have obtained by showing said judge compelling evidence that you have committed a crime! That goes for Donald Trump but more goes for ALL of us!
We need to trust the legal system or we don’t need to follow the law?

Lotta black folks don’t trust the system. Should laws not apply to them?
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?


Just as soon as Hillary Clinton is held accountable.

Let me know . . .
I think the FBI broke the law. President Trump is being framed again for not cowtowing to Nancy Pelosi and calling a spade a spade. The Democrats do not want anything but selfish desires, shown by none other than the Biden family who got rich on using the Vice Presidency for a way to gouge extortion money from third world countriew who are receiving Foreign aid passed by Congress, and the Vice President is President of the Congress and can even break ties. It also carries a clout when the President and Vice President work together. As Vice President, Biden put the bite on the Ukraine when Obama was President. He brought home 30% of the Foreign Aid Package being given to the Ukraine by telling the head of state pro-tem to have one billion dollars American cash put on Air Force 2 in less than 6 hours, when he was leaving. I saw the video of Biden bragging to a room full of cronies how he told them that the Ukraine would get nothing of the 3.5 billion of foreign aid unless they put that cash on Air Force 2. He told them he had the money before he left, and as a side bonus, he demanded his son Hunter be given a million dollars a year for being on the board of directors of a company called the Burisma Oil Co. He left six hours after he made the threat, but nobody knows what he did with all that cash. Did he put it in an offshore account that never tells? Ooooh, oh, oh, oh, Omerta! Can you say Omerta? That's what liars do. They do crimes and threaten third world country with pulling strings to deprive them of what a Congress orders if he doesn't get his damn 30 per cent before they get the money, or they never will get the money. Has Biden given that billion dollar extortion cash back to the taxpayers he stole it from? Nooooooooooo. He laundered it somewhere, and he didn't say where he put it, it sure didn't get put back in the national treasury, that's for certain, because Joe Biden thinks somebody owes him a king's ransom.

Oh, and the Pelosi family fortune derived from Congressional grants to Democrat-colluding businesses who respect the Omerta code the House Speaker uses on an hourly basis? Isn't her husband taking the rap for amassing millions of dollars on a grant to a business the House Speaker announced was a law? Ka-CHING!!!!!!
"You think?" :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 :laughing0301: :aargh: :spinner: :banana2:
Don't you believe in Democracy and Due Process?

Or do you get a woody over Nazi secret courts, Nazi secret hearings, Nazi secret witnesses, Nazi secret grand juries, Nazi open ended secret warrants, and Nazi secret sealed indictments?

Tell me how much you love America and Freedom, and Individual Rights and Liberties again, Mr. Partiot.
Explain in an intelligent and informative way how Democracy and due process are not being followed? Just saying that, is worth about two buckets of shit.

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