Trump supporters started arriving on Tuesday.....

Thanks. :)

Which candidate are you supporting?

I do not know yet. The other parties have not yet set their candidates. Still a bit early for such things outside of the duopoly.
Still waiting for others to tell you who you should support?

No, still waiting to see who is running. The field is not set yet.
Ahh... is that your way of saying you'll kiss the ass of the person they decide?

No, this is my way of saying that I will wait till the field is set to see whom I am going to vote for.

I do not worship, or really even care, for politicians. I leave that to you sheep.
We've seen how capable you are of thinking for yourself, Golfing Gator. lol
Geez, look at the size of the crowd at his rally in NH! He's pulling in thousands of enthusiastic supporters while the Democrats are pulling in measly hundreds.

It's pretty obvious that all this goofy talk about his approval being in the tank, is nothing but smoke, mirrors, propaganda, and wishful thinking.
Are you good with supporting protesters who don’t have jobs and still relying on their parents?

Thank you for so perfectly making my point for me.
That explains why you were confused about these people being able to attend a Trump rally... and why you were clueless when I asked about you having a good job.

Nothing is going to improve until you start thinking differently, Golfing Gator.
You can’t expect better results by following the same path that has failed.

You have an almost epic lack of self awareness. I made my comment as a rub against you bigots that assume people do not have jobs and then you go and prove my point by saying that exact thing.

Then to top it off, you think I am the confused one?

you are so fucking stupid you cannot even see the trap you set for yourself.

There is no way you are off the fryer yet, you are too stupid to run the drive through.
Wait a minute.

Assuming these antifa fucks don’t have jobs is bigotry?

Are you shittin’ me?

They are not the only people that protest and this "they should get jobs' being said about such people predates ANTIFA.

But I know, it is always different when your side does it.
LOL! It’s pretty damn easy to spot who has a job in these groups.

You can’t possibly be this blind to who is a productive member of society when you see a MAGA hat vs an antifa clown.

You see it. You know.
He had 15,000 people in the New Hampshire stadium revved up and held them in the palm of his hand for 1:35 hrs. An amazing event. There is not one of the Dumbokratz who can hold a candle to him
I do not know yet. The other parties have not yet set their candidates. Still a bit early for such things outside of the duopoly.
Still waiting for others to tell you who you should support?

No, still waiting to see who is running. The field is not set yet.
Ahh... is that your way of saying you'll kiss the ass of the person they decide?

No, this is my way of saying that I will wait till the field is set to see whom I am going to vote for.

I do not worship, or really even care, for politicians. I leave that to you sheep.
We've seen how capable you are of thinking for yourself, Golfing Gator. lol

It is a thing you would never understand or even recognize. you have never posted an original thought on this forum in all your time here. you are nothing but a parrot for your party and your god sitting in the White House.
Idiots cheer on the most legal invasion ever,trampling on gun rights,less deportations than under Obama,hasn't gotten us out of wars in ME,wall is NO WHERE near being built....jesus people WAKE UP!
Damn... that was an awesome rally. :)

Glad you enjoyed your worship service

The best part was when the police dragged those two protesters out kicking and screaming. CSPAN didn't show the incident but FOX News did.

I was hoping they'd pepper-spray their nasty asses but they didn't.

Good job police. No need to bother people when they are worshiping. That is pretty low
You seem to be really fixated on this religious angle you have going on.

Why? I seriously don’t get it. Unless your just being a troll.
people must want to get one last look at the fat prick -

92 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of non-whites, 59 percent of independents, and 53 percent of whites say Trump is tearing the country apart
75% of Americans won't vote for a socialist. You lose again. :lol:
you said it was like a concert, I said it was like a revival...and yes people cheer differently at a concert than a revival.
And what would those differences be?

I’m dogging you on this because you really want to put a negative spin on people going to see Trump. But not other candidates.

So is the ultimate political rally one where nobody shows up because you may accuse them of worshipping?

Can you not just be happy with what is going on and cheer for that?

I really don’t get your point here.

He can’t. Golfinggator is a brainwashed liberal asshole.

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Wow, i have a new little puppy dog following me around begging for my attention.

Hi little buddy!

Know it’s more like a pit bull that thinks your an asshole. Follower no. I don’t follow scum. You run your big mouth too much.

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Ahhh.cute little puppy dog needs a pat on the head! :11_2_1043:

Your funny. Your a loser like your Democratic Party That’s a good little pond scum boy.

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You seem to be really fixated on this religious angle you have going on.

Why? I seriously don’t get it. Unless your just being a troll.

I call it like I see it. Obama's followers were the same way and I said the same thing about them at the time.

For far too many the fixation on Trump is more than just political. We have a server case of a Cult of Personalty going on.

Think about this forum for example, there are those on here that could not bring themselves to say a bad thing about Trump no matter what he does. Nothing is ever his fault and everything good that happens is because of him.
And what would those differences be?

I’m dogging you on this because you really want to put a negative spin on people going to see Trump. But not other candidates.

So is the ultimate political rally one where nobody shows up because you may accuse them of worshipping?

Can you not just be happy with what is going on and cheer for that?

I really don’t get your point here.

He can’t. Golfinggator is a brainwashed liberal asshole.

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Wow, i have a new little puppy dog following me around begging for my attention.

Hi little buddy!

Know it’s more like a pit bull that thinks your an asshole. Follower no. I don’t follow scum. You run your big mouth too much.

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Ahhh.cute little puppy dog needs a pat on the head! :11_2_1043:

Your funny. Your a loser like your Democratic Party That’s a good little pond scum boy.

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You are just so darn cute.

I am not a Dem, never been a Dem, never will be a Dem.
people must want to get one last look at the fat prick -

92 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of non-whites, 59 percent of independents, and 53 percent of whites say Trump is tearing the country apart
Polls? Didn't you clowns learn anything from November 8, 2016? :21:
He can’t. Golfinggator is a brainwashed liberal asshole.

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Wow, i have a new little puppy dog following me around begging for my attention.

Hi little buddy!

Know it’s more like a pit bull that thinks your an asshole. Follower no. I don’t follow scum. You run your big mouth too much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahhh.cute little puppy dog needs a pat on the head! :11_2_1043:

Your funny. Your a loser like your Democratic Party That’s a good little pond scum boy.

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You are just so darn cute.

I am not a Dem, never been a Dem, never will be a Dem.

Then your just a loser who likes to troll around. Now go have fun with your goat little girl

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He had 15,000 people in the New Hampshire stadium revved up and held them in the palm of his hand for 1:35 hrs. An amazing event. There is not one of the Dumbokratz who can hold a candle to him

I'm no way a hillary fan, but she beat trump by almost 3 million with the popular vote even though she wasn't too popular and didn't pack them in at rallies. Her base was probably of a higher mentality than those folks at trump's rallies chanting 'trump trump trump' like robots.

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