Trump supporters still obsessed with Clinton

Hate motivates people. Hillary is head and shoulders morally above draft dodger and sexual predator Donnie John Trump, but you'd never know it. HRC hatred shows how easily some can be led and how they come to believe and follow.

Why Republicans secretly yearn for a Hillary Clinton presidency

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

'Russia’s purchase of the company "had as much of an impact on national security as it would have if they set the money on fire," said Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation, in an interview with PolitiFact last year. "That’s probably why (CFIUS and the NRC) approved it." Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium: What you need to know

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Tell FBI's Mueller to Deliver Uranium to Russians in 2009 'Secret Tarmac Meeting'?


Truth is, I don't like the bitch either. The only reason I thought her better than Trump was because she doesn't ramble nonsense on Twitter and actually knows a bit about law and politics. When she lost, I was mostly indifferent.

But she's a nobody now. All this vitriol toward her is just giving her credit and relevance that she doesn't deserve.

She is relevant as to what the dems WANT and were willing to support.

And as we cons are often questioned as to why we voted for Trump, discussing the alternative is of course on topic.

Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.
Hate motivates people. Hillary is head and shoulders morally above draft dodger and sexual predator Donnie John Trump, but you'd never know it. HRC hatred shows how easily some can be led and how they come to believe and follow.

Why Republicans secretly yearn for a Hillary Clinton presidency

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

'Russia’s purchase of the company "had as much of an impact on national security as it would have if they set the money on fire," said Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation, in an interview with PolitiFact last year. "That’s probably why (CFIUS and the NRC) approved it." Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium: What you need to know

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Tell FBI's Mueller to Deliver Uranium to Russians in 2009 'Secret Tarmac Meeting'?


Truth is, I don't like the bitch either. The only reason I thought her better than Trump was because she doesn't ramble nonsense on Twitter and actually knows a bit about law and politics. When she lost, I was mostly indifferent.

But she's a nobody now. All this vitriol toward her is just giving her credit and relevance that she doesn't deserve.

She is relevant as to what the dems WANT and were willing to support.

And as we cons are often questioned as to why we voted for Trump, discussing the alternative is of course on topic.

Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.

That has a lot more to do with the backroom than the grassroots. Compared to, say, Obama, or her husband, she was very unloved. Unable to inspire, unable to demonstrate why she would make a good president other than saying, "I may suck, but I'm still better than that guy over there." Came off as a greedy, power-hungry robot who would say anything to get elected. The only reason she got the votes she did was because her opponent was so bad that many felt compelled to go and vote against him.
Hate motivates people. Hillary is head and shoulders morally above draft dodger and sexual predator Donnie John Trump, but you'd never know it. HRC hatred shows how easily some can be led and how they come to believe and follow.

Why Republicans secretly yearn for a Hillary Clinton presidency

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

'Russia’s purchase of the company "had as much of an impact on national security as it would have if they set the money on fire," said Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation, in an interview with PolitiFact last year. "That’s probably why (CFIUS and the NRC) approved it." Hillary Clinton, Russia, and uranium: What you need to know

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Tell FBI's Mueller to Deliver Uranium to Russians in 2009 'Secret Tarmac Meeting'?


Truth is, I don't like the bitch either. The only reason I thought her better than Trump was because she doesn't ramble nonsense on Twitter and actually knows a bit about law and politics. When she lost, I was mostly indifferent.

But she's a nobody now. All this vitriol toward her is just giving her credit and relevance that she doesn't deserve.

She is relevant as to what the dems WANT and were willing to support.

And as we cons are often questioned as to why we voted for Trump, discussing the alternative is of course on topic.

Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.

That has a lot more to do with the backroom than the grassroots. Compared to, say, Obama, or her husband, she was very unloved. Unable to inspire, unable to demonstrate why she would make a good president other than saying, "I may suck, but I'm still better than that guy over there." Came off as a greedy, power-hungry robot who would say anything to get elected. The only reason she got the votes she did was because her opponent was so bad that many felt compelled to go and vote against him.

Her polices were pretty standard. Her divisiveness, was widely supported. And we already had one of her partisans jump forward to defend her, as you saw.

She is one of the major faces of the left, same as Obama and Kerry now.
Truth is, I don't like the bitch either. The only reason I thought her better than Trump was because she doesn't ramble nonsense on Twitter and actually knows a bit about law and politics. When she lost, I was mostly indifferent.

But she's a nobody now. All this vitriol toward her is just giving her credit and relevance that she doesn't deserve.

She is relevant as to what the dems WANT and were willing to support.

And as we cons are often questioned as to why we voted for Trump, discussing the alternative is of course on topic.

Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.

That has a lot more to do with the backroom than the grassroots. Compared to, say, Obama, or her husband, she was very unloved. Unable to inspire, unable to demonstrate why she would make a good president other than saying, "I may suck, but I'm still better than that guy over there." Came off as a greedy, power-hungry robot who would say anything to get elected. The only reason she got the votes she did was because her opponent was so bad that many felt compelled to go and vote against him.

Her polices were pretty standard. Her divisiveness, was widely supported. And we already had one of her partisans jump forward to defend her, as you saw.

She is one of the major faces of the left, same as Obama and Kerry now.

She was hardly on the left. Far more of a centrist. The left did not like her, by and large. They were for Sanders.

She was a liar and unable to conceal it, lacking the rabid support base that Trump had, people who didn't care that he lied out his ass every other sentence as long as he made America white again (yes, that was a primary motivation for the Trump vote, as you guys continually remind me with your own comments). She was a horrible candidate and I'm glad she lost. I'm just sad that Trump had to win to make that happen.
Lol. C'mon boys. This is getting downright sad. No one gives a fuck about Hillary ... except for you.

If you care about Russian should be furious with Hillary, funding fusion GPS who was colluding with Russia on the dossier (yes the very same dossier that the trump Russia collusion claims are based on. But what’s even worse, Russia conveniently was making large donations to Clinton foundation and flying bill out to make 100,000 dollar speeches at the time Hillary OK’d, as SOS, sellling 20% of US uranium (one the rarest and most dangerous resources on the planet) to Russian state ran company uranium 1. That’s right, 20% of our uranium given to our chief geo-political rival, while they were giving heavy donations to Clinton foundation...if that’s not collusion, I don’t know what is. It’s certainly more definite collusion than the already discredited, Clinton funded, Russia state sourced, dossier...THAT THE WHOLE TRUMP COLLUSION CLAIM RESTS ON. You’ve got to be kidding me. When it comes to Hillary the left is see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.
She is relevant as to what the dems WANT and were willing to support.

And as we cons are often questioned as to why we voted for Trump, discussing the alternative is of course on topic.

Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.

That has a lot more to do with the backroom than the grassroots. Compared to, say, Obama, or her husband, she was very unloved. Unable to inspire, unable to demonstrate why she would make a good president other than saying, "I may suck, but I'm still better than that guy over there." Came off as a greedy, power-hungry robot who would say anything to get elected. The only reason she got the votes she did was because her opponent was so bad that many felt compelled to go and vote against him.

Her polices were pretty standard. Her divisiveness, was widely supported. And we already had one of her partisans jump forward to defend her, as you saw.

She is one of the major faces of the left, same as Obama and Kerry now.

She was hardly on the left. Far more of a centrist. The left did not like her, by and large. They were for Sanders.

She was a liar and unable to conceal it, lacking the rabid support base that Trump had, people who didn't care that he lied out his ass every other sentence as long as he made America white again (yes, that was a primary motivation for the Trump vote, as you guys continually remind me with your own comments). She was a horrible candidate and I'm glad she lost. I'm just sad that Trump had to win to make that happen.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you.

YOur credibility will be downgraded appropriately.

She ran to center because she thought that was the way to win.

THe lefties who went for Sanders, sucked up him having the nomination stolen, as did he himself.

According to the dems, or at least many of them, she was great candidate.
Lol. C'mon boys. This is getting downright sad. No one gives a fuck about Hillary ... except for you.

If you care about Russian should be furious with Hillary, funding fusion GPS who was colluding with Russia on the dossier (yes the very same dossier that the trump Russia collusion claims are based on. But what’s even worse, Russia conveniently was making large donations to Clinton foundation and flying bill out to make 100,000 dollar speeches at the time Hillary OK’d, as SOS, sellling 20% of US uranium (one the rarest and most dangerous resources on the planet) to Russian state ran company uranium 1. That’s right, 20% of our uranium given to our chief geo-political rival, while they were giving heavy donations to Clinton foundation...if that’s not collusion, I don’t know what is. It’s certainly more definite collusion than the already discredited, Clinton funded, Russia state sourced, dossier...THAT THE WHOLE TRUMP COLLUSION CLAIM RESTS ON. You’ve got to be kidding me. When it comes to Hillary the left is see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.

Opposition research is conducted by every campaign. They paid a foreign national to conduct it, but not a foreign government. That's why it wasn't illegal. I should note that the dossier was originally republican funded, so ...

The Bill Clinton speech was pretty suspicion in timing, but not evidence of criminal activity.

The Uranium One deal extended to far more parties than the Clintons. In fact there were, what ... twelve or thirteen other people who had to sign off on it other than Clinton?

All of these things were previously known, other than Clinton paying Steele which isn't illegal.
Actually Hillary was pretty unpopular with democrats, which is why she failed. Very few people actually liked her. They just hated Trump more.

So that's not exactly the strongest of arguments.

Yet the party establishment supported her and the dems lined up as told.

And plenty of lefties on this site still her partisans.

That has a lot more to do with the backroom than the grassroots. Compared to, say, Obama, or her husband, she was very unloved. Unable to inspire, unable to demonstrate why she would make a good president other than saying, "I may suck, but I'm still better than that guy over there." Came off as a greedy, power-hungry robot who would say anything to get elected. The only reason she got the votes she did was because her opponent was so bad that many felt compelled to go and vote against him.

Her polices were pretty standard. Her divisiveness, was widely supported. And we already had one of her partisans jump forward to defend her, as you saw.

She is one of the major faces of the left, same as Obama and Kerry now.

She was hardly on the left. Far more of a centrist. The left did not like her, by and large. They were for Sanders.

She was a liar and unable to conceal it, lacking the rabid support base that Trump had, people who didn't care that he lied out his ass every other sentence as long as he made America white again (yes, that was a primary motivation for the Trump vote, as you guys continually remind me with your own comments). She was a horrible candidate and I'm glad she lost. I'm just sad that Trump had to win to make that happen.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you.

YOur credibility will be downgraded appropriately.

She ran to center because she thought that was the way to win.

THe lefties who went for Sanders, sucked up him having the nomination stolen, as did he himself.

According to the dems, or at least many of them, she was great candidate.

For a long time I defended Trump supporters on the race issue, saying that was only a small piece of the pie. But as I spent more time on here, I came to realize that, no, it was a very LARGE piece of the pie. Trump supporters are indeed terrified that they will be supplanted by blacks, brown people, and Muslims. Not all of them, but enough to make a huge difference. They tell me about it all the time on these very boards, so don't try and say I'm making it up. You know damn well it's the truth.

But that has little to do with the topic, so I'll say no more about it.
Lol. C'mon boys. This is getting downright sad. No one gives a fuck about Hillary ... except for you.
HMmmm... The FBI Director held a press conference and told us the Secretary of State violated the Espionage Act on over 100 individual occasions.

Each violation carries up to 10 years in federal prison. That means she could be sentenced to over 1000 years.

No big deal.
Lol. C'mon boys. This is getting downright sad. No one gives a fuck about Hillary ... except for you.
HMmmm... The FBI Director held a press conference and told us the Secretary of State violated the Espionage Act on over 100 individual occasions.

Each violation carries up to 10 years in federal prison. That means she could be sentenced to over 1000 years.

No big deal.

Cool. Lock her up. I couldn't give the slightest of fucks.

And that's the point. I don't care where Clinton is because she is IRRELEVANT. She doesn't matter. She's less important now than the old lady with 14 cats who lives on the corner.
Just stoping by to point out the irony of this coming from the people who gave us but Bush for first term of the Obama Presidency. We got that despite the fact Bush unlike HRC had the class to step out the limelight when his second term was up if you want people on the right to stop talking about Hillary maybe she should stop trying to stay in the news and in the limelight.
Every time they make this about H. Clinton, it makes me they are so obsessed with who is now just a private citizen.

A private citizen who still.has a secrete security clearance? Who are you trying to bullshit?
I care about Uranium deals to Russia that have no logical reasoning

What the fuck? No logical reasoning? How about profits from acquisition of a company in a private market?? That doesn't sound like a good reason to you?

Keep brainstorming, you've got many conspiracy theories to polish off....we've got indictments.
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Lol. C'mon boys. This is getting downright sad. No one gives a fuck about Hillary ... except for you.

You dems feel comfortable whining about slavery, something that ended before your great grandfather was born, and you think it's funny that we still talk about Hillary?

Are towns erecting statues glorifying her?
I care about Uranium deals to Russia that have no logical reasoning

What the fuck? No logical reasoning? How about profits from acquisition of a company in a private market?? That doesn't sound like a good reason to you?

Keep brainstorming, you've got many conspiracy theories to polish off....we've got indictments.

I'm talking about HELPING a potentially hostile competitive nation corner the world market on mining and producing a STRATEGICALLY important and limited natural resource. There's NO reason for doing that. Because even tho they'd face heavy issues trying to export it -- they WILL have the ability to limit production in any one country and therefore affect world price and LOCAL availability of that commodity. That's what they were seeking to do. To make it EXPENSIVE for all of their "potentially hostile competitors" and CHEAP for themselves.

It's MORONIC and defenseless to help them do such a thing. Especially if they've already shown they will resort to bribery, extortion, and other illegalities to achieve that goal.

Once given the exclusive rights to MINE 20% of our reserve, they could just NEGLECT it. Refuse to fund repairs, improvements. OR ---- OVER produce just for spite in order to deplete that reserve and drive American competitors out of business. .
I care about Uranium deals to Russia that have no logical reasoning

What the fuck? No logical reasoning? How about profits from acquisition of a company in a private market?? That doesn't sound like a good reason to you?

Keep brainstorming, you've got many conspiracy theories to polish off....we've got indictments.

I'm talking about HELPING a potentially hostile competitive nation corner the world market on mining and producing a STRATEGICALLY important and limited natural resource. There's NO reason for doing that. Because even tho they'd face heavy issues trying to export it -- they WILL have the ability to limit production in any one country and therefore affect world price and LOCAL availability of that commodity. That's what they were seeking to do. To make it EXPENSIVE for all of their "potentially hostile competitors" and CHEAP for themselves.

It's MORONIC and defenseless to help them do such a thing. Especially if they've already shown they will resort to bribery, extortion, and other illegalities to achieve that goal.

Once given the exclusive rights to MINE 20% of our reserve, they could just NEGLECT it. Refuse to fund repairs, improvements. OR ---- OVER produce just for spite in order to deplete that reserve and drive American competitors out of business. .

...or it's just business and your grand conspiracy theory falls apart.

I care about Uranium deals to Russia that have no logical reasoning

What the fuck? No logical reasoning? How about profits from acquisition of a company in a private market?? That doesn't sound like a good reason to you?

Keep brainstorming, you've got many conspiracy theories to polish off....we've got indictments.

I'm talking about HELPING a potentially hostile competitive nation corner the world market on mining and producing a STRATEGICALLY important and limited natural resource. There's NO reason for doing that. Because even tho they'd face heavy issues trying to export it -- they WILL have the ability to limit production in any one country and therefore affect world price and LOCAL availability of that commodity. That's what they were seeking to do. To make it EXPENSIVE for all of their "potentially hostile competitors" and CHEAP for themselves.

It's MORONIC and defenseless to help them do such a thing. Especially if they've already shown they will resort to bribery, extortion, and other illegalities to achieve that goal.

Once given the exclusive rights to MINE 20% of our reserve, they could just NEGLECT it. Refuse to fund repairs, improvements. OR ---- OVER produce just for spite in order to deplete that reserve and drive American competitors out of business. .

...or it's just business and your grand conspiracy theory falls apart.


Here we find yet ANOTHER example of leftists not knowing how their OWN system and economy works. Giving rights to strategically important nat resources IS NOT "just business". That's why foreign acquisitions are ALL scrutinized differently than "just business"..

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