Trump supporters: Two clear and direct questions

What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
Exactly, not as long as they're being told otherwise by those who have conned them.

Let them (continue to) make fools of themselves.
You want a President who is going to cause thousands of small businesses to close.
This is a lie.
So far, wow.
Did you expect anything different?


When you are dealing with people who believe Barak Obama was born in Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man, there really is no point in trying to engage any of them. On any level.

It's a total waste of time.
I mentioned elsewhere that I'm seeing two groups of Trumpsters in this whole circus:

First, I think there are naive and possibly well-meaning Trumpsters who have simply swallowed what they have been told by voices they trust. They're just walking around feeling terrified and victimized.

Second are those who realize that they were simply beaten, and are just trying to punish anyone and everyone for it. They just want to pour sand in the gas tank and they don't care what happens. Electing Trump was their first FUCK YOU to a country that is leaving them behind, this is the second.

I guess it's possible that there could be those who are some combination therein.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.

To date the CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE has not been accepted by the courts....My guess is, given the magnitude of potential repercussions the courts want this one sent to SCOTUS on a fast track.
A better, more logical question might be...Why would any American want to ignore the mountains of circumstantial evidence of voting shenanigans?
You won’t answer that question but someone with a sack might.
Well, you're much more informed that I am, so I'll ask you too:

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?

I’m sorry, I thought I just answered that repackaged question...Here, I’ll do it again.
Those in law have made the decision not to except the CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE as evidence in this matter.
NOBODY in law wants to touch a case of this magnitude as it will be backed by circumstantial evidence alone.
People are scared shitless of ruling on this for obvious reasons. SCOTUS won’t have an option.
Does the circumstantial evidence have you concerned at all?
I hadn't read that post. The only time I read your posts is if they are to me, and only about half of those.

So they're just scared. Okay.

I believe you...I always avoid reading the posts of users that have opinions that don’t align with my own as well...That’s what us hate the 1st fascists do...right?
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
Exactly, not as long as they're being told otherwise by those who have conned them.

Let them (continue to) make fools of themselves.
You want a President who is going to cause thousands of small businesses to close.
This is a lie.
Tell me Biden’s Tax proposal and let’s discuss the impact it will have on small businesses.
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
The Democratic governors lied to me?
Ds don’t lie.
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
The Democratic governors lied to me?
Ds don’t lie.
They don't? Okay.
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
The Democratic governors lied to me?
Ds don’t lie.
They don't? Okay.
CNN lies to me?!
No way!
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
The Democratic governors lied to me?
Ds don’t lie.
They don't? Okay.
CNN lies to me?!
No way!
You're going to believe what you're going to believe. I'm fine with that. This is boring.
Plenty of evidence out that says its real.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits say its real. Anyone signing a false affidavit is headed for a perjury charge. None of these folks work for Trump and some were Dem watchers. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It damned sure is real even if the lefty loons on this board don't want to believe it.

And how many of those sworn "affidavits" have made it in front of a judge to be heard?.....answer...none. Because the moment there is a possibility of those people's statements making it into a court of law, they'll disappear faster than Trump did after the election. :)

It...isn't...real. Except in the minds of you card carrying members of the true believer club.

So. You think people signed false affidavits and stood to be charged with perjury?? As far as I've read none of the judges wanted to see the affidavits. If one does then they will want to see all in their jurisdiction.

I doubt any of them will disappear. Too many people saw what was going on and new it was illegal.

It is real. Except in the minds of all you card carrying Biden supporters. A vote you will live to regret once Biden, if he's sworn in, institutes what he says he will. I see four years of hell for the American taxpayer. You will to.

If you think that won't happen then you are one dumb fuck.
This idiot drug addict also thinks it is not true trumps lawyers and postal worker whisteleblowers have not had death threats issued to their familys and none have been beat up. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I believe what I observe.
Okay, let's run with that.

You have observed any number of "blockbuster" stories about clear and obvious fraud in the elections.

You have also observed the Attorney General, Republican state leaders, and Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" provided actually wasn't evidence.

What do your observations tell you in that specific context?
I stayed up election night and “observed” hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly being fed through machines that can’t process that many.
Which is, of course, why the governors were saying for weeks before hand that the winner in each state wouldn’t be known first least 4 days.

I presume you don’t follow what politicians say.
Good thing I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I never do.
I work in data processing.
I have worked the polls.
The only answer YOU want is for me to say I’m a TrumpBot because YOU are mentally ill.
Oh, okay.
Let’s flip the discussion and you tell us an explanation you WOULD accept.

This should be interesting.
I fully accept your answers.

If you want to know what I think is happening, I think it's painfully obvious that your media and your leaders have lied to you. Obviously.
The Democratic governors lied to me?
Ds don’t lie.
They don't? Okay.
CNN lies to me?!
No way!
You're going to believe what you're going to believe. I'm fine with that. This is boring.
You are looking at and watching the idiot box in the living room as you utter
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.


Well you know that is their answer and that the judges refuse to see their reality...

Fact is Donald John Trump sr. and his minions refuse to accept reality and believe that the courts have failed them but the better question is what is their answer to those like Kemp and McConnell that accepted Joe Biden has won and will be the next President?

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