Trump supporters: Two clear and direct questions

What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
Plenty of evidence out that says its real.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits say its real. Anyone signing a false affidavit is headed for a perjury charge. None of these folks work for Trump and some were Dem watchers. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It damned sure is real even if the lefty loons on this board don't want to believe it.
You keep touting all these "sworn affidavits" . They are giving you false hope.

One Michigan judge noted that the evidence wasn’t direct evidence, despite the Trump campaign’s contention that it was:​
TRUMP LAWYER: Your Honor, in terms of the hearsay point, this is a firsthand factual statement made by Ms. Connarn, and she has made that statement based on her own firsthand physical evidence and knowledge —​
JUDGE: “I heard somebody else say something.” Tell me why that’s not hearsay. Come on, now.​
TRUMP LAWYER: Well it’s a firsthand statement of her physical –​
JUDGE: It’s an out-of-court statement offered where the truth of the matter is asserted, right?​
The judge later dismissed the complaint as “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay.”​
Other witnesses signed affidavits that said, “I believe my vote for Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence was not counted.” But when pressed by judges, they admitted they didn’t have any actual evidence to support that.​
A similar thing happened in Chatham County, Ga., where the GOP called two witnesses as part of its allegation that 53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid. But under questioning, the witnesses acknowledged they didn’t know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline, while witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that they were received on time.​
I believe the science. Three published statistical analysis say it's highly improbable Joe won.
Nothing as I am not going to act like Hillary supporters did in 2016 and claim the election was stolen. I think there was fraud and cheating to some degree I think there is in every election but not enough to change the outcome in my opinion. If Trump wants to challenge the results that is his right just as it would be Bidens if it had went the other way if some want to support Trump in this effort that is their choice I have moved on from all this. If Trump should decide he is going to run again in 2024 I will probably vote for him.

I see it the same way. Plenty of evidence out there, hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits from folks who were there but I don't see it changing the outcome.

Like you, if Trump runs in 2024 I'll vote for him as he's been a great POTUS for this country. If not for the Chinese releasing their virus on the world Trump would have won handily. If he runs in 2024 I believe he will win. After four years of the Biden shit show people will be begging to get rid of his stupid ass.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.

Bugger off.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
I'm not the one who believes in conspiracy theories
I believe that democrats conspired to steal the 2020 presidentisl election

beyond that I think the republican establishment is too lazy or corrupt to fight for the rights of trump voters

that part is not a conspiracy but just the nature of the beast
Plenty of evidence out that says its real.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits say its real. Anyone signing a false affidavit is headed for a perjury charge. None of these folks work for Trump and some were Dem watchers. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It damned sure is real even if the lefty loons on this board don't want to believe it.

And how many of those sworn "affidavits" have made it in front of a judge to be heard?.....answer...none. Because the moment there is a possibility of those people's statements making it into a court of law, they'll disappear faster than Trump did after the election. :)

It...isn't...real. Except in the minds of you card carrying members of the true believer club.

So. You think people signed false affidavits and stood to be charged with perjury?? As far as I've read none of the judges wanted to see the affidavits. If one does then they will want to see all in their jurisdiction.

I doubt any of them will disappear. Too many people saw what was going on and new it was illegal.

It is real. Except in the minds of all you card carrying Biden supporters. A vote you will live to regret once Biden, if he's sworn in, institutes what he says he will. I see four years of hell for the American taxpayer. You will to.

If you think that won't happen then you are one dumb fuck.

I believe ALL of them would disappear if there was any chance to seeing the inside of a courtroom. These "affidavits" were collected for a media sideshow. Have you asked yourself why none of these "patriots" affidavits haven't been read to a judge? Nah..that would be too much like thinking for a true believer.

Trump lost. Biden won. Move on.
Sincerely, I'm really starting to NOT care what Trump supporters want anymore.
You people are just fucked in the head. :)

LMAO The only fucked in the head people I see are Biden supporters. Folks who voted for a man who will try for a carbon tax, amnesty for 22 million illegals and the green shit he wants to do.

You and those that voted for him will regret it big time once you have to pay more for everything and you will. Enjoy, the rest of us sure won't.
I'm not the one who believes in conspiracy theories
I believe that democrats conspired to steal the 2020 presidentisl election

beyond that I think the republican establishment is too lazy or corrupt to fight for the rights of trump voters

that part is not a conspiracy but just the nature of the beast

I believe that Republicans conspired to do the same thing in 2016. And the vote differentials were A LOT smaller then.

See how I did that? Turned it around.
Sigh...I sincerely hope we can put the cult of Trump in the rear view mirror.
The guy has been nothing but a divisive cancer.
Plenty of evidence out that says its real.

Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits say its real. Anyone signing a false affidavit is headed for a perjury charge. None of these folks work for Trump and some were Dem watchers. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It damned sure is real even if the lefty loons on this board don't want to believe it.

And how many of those sworn "affidavits" have made it in front of a judge to be heard?.....answer...none. Because the moment there is a possibility of those people's statements making it into a court of law, they'll disappear faster than Trump did after the election. :)

It...isn't...real. Except in the minds of you card carrying members of the true believer club.
Holy shit you are one backwards ignorant hick
Their dyed in the wool HillBilly worshipers or commie bots

What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.

Bugger off.

Did it to himself.
Deal with it.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
There was not enough evidence to convict OJ for those that judged him but we all know the truth.
I believe that Republicans conspired to do the same thing in 2016. And the vote differentials were A LOT smaller then.
Repubs have never been accused of massive street-level cheating that democrats are known for
I believe that Republicans conspired to do the same thing in 2016. And the vote differentials were A LOT smaller then.
Repubs have never been accused of massive street-level cheating that democrats are known for

Neither have Democrats. The difference is that Democrats don't have an entire alt-right media machine pumping out misinformation and conspiracy theories 24x7.

Trump lost. Just like Hillary lost in 2016. Deal with it. We had to. :)
Neither have Democrats.
Are you kidding?

democrats have been using ballot box stuffing to flip elections since 1960 with Nixon and JFK

And normally spineless republicans just look the other way

but not this time
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Did you actually read what he said?

Who am I kidding? You didn't read cock sucking shit. You're a fucking parrot for the propaganda arm of the DNC.

You voted for Kommie Harris. That's how fucking dumb you are.
Mac, you can’t argue with denialism mixed with stupidity.
Yep. The arrogant ignorance of Trumpism.

The non-answers that we're seeing are what I expected, and they are answers in themselves.

I'm seeing two groups here: The poor souls who have simply been duped (and even may mean well), and those who know they were beaten but just want to punish the Democrats and the country for it, regardless of the damage it causes. Electing Trump was their first FUCK YOU to the country, and this circus is the last.

Both are represented on this board.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
Exactly, not as long as they're being told otherwise by those who have conned them.

Let them (continue to) make fools of themselves.
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
How was the count done?
Both hand and rescan?
What goes through your mind when you see the Attorney General say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

What goes through your mind when you see Trump-appointed judges say that the "evidence" you're so sure of isn't real?

Both have analyzed the "evidence" and said there was a lack of evidence. That's a pretty clear indication of what this "evidence" is.

Thanks in advance.
Every ballot has to be hand AND scanner counted.
It was in Georgia after three counts of the vote, but still Trumpers insist there was fraud. Nothing will satisfy them.
Exactly, not as long as they're being told otherwise by those who have conned them.

Let them (continue to) make fools of themselves.
You want a President who is going to cause thousands of small businesses to close.

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