Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

It does, you did, and I don't care.

SO, my guess was correct, you were trying to pin the Lefty Race riots on Trump?

If Trump had done something, that caused the riots, that would be reasonable. For instance, if he started massive deportations of illegals, and it caused massive race riots from the Hispanics,

then discussing the reaction to his policies, as a cost, vs benefit way, would be valid.

But the riots we did get, they were just because he was there, and thus, people like me had a voice for the first time in a long time.

That's NOT on Trump.

And realizing that, and dealing with it, would be something that you could do, that would be productive and helpful.
The more you post, the more you prove yourself a moron
/----/ Hugo, this message started appearing on the bottom of your posts. Just an FYI
Great. I've already concluded that you people don't care about this, for obvious reasons.

Good stuff.
/----/ And apparently the majority of Americans don't care either. It must suck being you.

TV Ratings For Jan. 6 Hearing Are In. Liberals Are FURIOUS

TV Ratings For Jan. 6 Hearing Are In. Liberals Are FURIOUS- The ratings have finally come in concerning Thursday evening's prime-time hearing put on by the House panel that is investigating the riot that occurred at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and they are not at all what liberals were hoping for.

All three of the major networks that aired the hearing actually ended up with a smaller viewing audience than if they had just provided their usual news content. They were hoping folks would tune into this mess in droves, falsely believing the vast majority of Americans are on their side on this issue. Big mistake.

“For example, ABC’s haul of 4.35 million viewers for the hearing might seem impressive, but it usually draws 7.4 million viewers for “World News Tonight,” based on ratings from the week of June 1,” the report said.

“The same trend was repeated on NBC, where the novelty of a prime-time hearing attracted 3.31 million viewers, about half of the 6.06 million viewers who usually watch the news on NBC. Over at CBS, curiosity managed to attract 3.24 million viewers, but that was below the nightly average of 4.3 million viewers,” the report continued.
So, you don't know anything about the bill.
So, you don't either?
Someone gave this talking point to you and you are pushing it.
So, you automatically assume there is something wrong with it?
A bill is a talking point now?

TITLE I—COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS IN THE UNITED STATES Subtitle A—Programs To Support Sec. 101 Victims and Persons Vulnerable to Human Trafficking
Sec. 102 Modifications to grants to assist in the recognition of trafficking.
Sec.103 Human trafficking survivors employment and education program.
Sec.111 Extending sunset for Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. Subtitle B—Monitoring Child, Forced, and Slave Labor
Sec.112 Sense of Congress on submission of Department of Justice reports on time.
Sec.201 Sense of Congress on requiring child welfare agencies to report information on missing and abducted foster children and youth. TITLE II—FIGHTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABROAD
Sec. 202 Modifications to program to end modern slavery grants.
Amendments to tier standards.
Sec.203 Expanding prevention efforts at the United States Agency for International Development. Sec. 204.
Sec. 301 Sense of Congress on human trafficking crisis in Ukraine. TITLE III—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS S
Sec 302 Extension of authorizations under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.
Extension of authorizations under the International Megan’s Law.

You "got it" alright.
The orange kool-aid is a helluva drug.
So, you don't either?

So, you automatically assume there is something wrong with it?
A bill is a talking point now?

TITLE I—COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS IN THE UNITED STATES Subtitle A—Programs To Support Sec. 101 Victims and Persons Vulnerable to Human Trafficking
Sec. 102 Modifications to grants to assist in the recognition of trafficking.
Sec.103 Human trafficking survivors employment and education program.
Sec.111 Extending sunset for Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. Subtitle B—Monitoring Child, Forced, and Slave Labor
Sec.112 Sense of Congress on submission of Department of Justice reports on time.
Sec.201 Sense of Congress on requiring child welfare agencies to report information on missing and abducted foster children and youth. TITLE II—FIGHTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING ABROAD
Sec. 202 Modifications to program to end modern slavery grants.
Amendments to tier standards.
Sec.203 Expanding prevention efforts at the United States Agency for International Development. Sec. 204.
Sec. 301 Sense of Congress on human trafficking crisis in Ukraine. TITLE III—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS S
Sec 302 Extension of authorizations under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.
Extension of authorizations under the International Megan’s Law.

You "got it" alright.
The orange kool-aid is a helluva drug.

Sounds great. What were the complaints?
/----/ And apparently the majority of Americans don't care either. It must suck being you.

TV Ratings For Jan. 6 Hearing Are In. Liberals Are FURIOUS

TV Ratings For Jan. 6 Hearing Are In. Liberals Are FURIOUS- The ratings have finally come in concerning Thursday evening's prime-time hearing put on by the House panel that is investigating the riot that occurred at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and they are not at all what liberals were hoping for.

All three of the major networks that aired the hearing actually ended up with a smaller viewing audience than if they had just provided their usual news content. They were hoping folks would tune into this mess in droves, falsely believing the vast majority of Americans are on their side on this issue. Big mistake.

“For example, ABC’s haul of 4.35 million viewers for the hearing might seem impressive, but it usually draws 7.4 million viewers for “World News Tonight,” based on ratings from the week of June 1,” the report said.

“The same trend was repeated on NBC, where the novelty of a prime-time hearing attracted 3.31 million viewers, about half of the 6.06 million viewers who usually watch the news on NBC. Over at CBS, curiosity managed to attract 3.24 million viewers, but that was below the nightly average of 4.3 million viewers,” the report continued.
Whatever makes you happy.
Sounds great. What were the complaints?
The bill calls for allocating more than $1.1 billion over five years to reapprove and bolster programs that were created under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.

A spokesperson for Gaetz told Newsweek that the congressman voted against the bill because of the "government's failure to accurately and specifically define human trafficking," which he claimed "allows this legislation to act as a backdoor loophole for illegal immigration and amnesty."

"The bill also costs over half a billion dollars to implement and gives more taxpayer money to overfunded, inefficient grant programs," Gaetz's spokesperson said.

Of course, republicans are worried about the national debt...............NOW.
After racking up $8 trillion in 4 years.
Whatever makes you happy.
/----/ Does this make you happy? Your guy is doing a bang up job. We're officially in a recession now. But hey, no more mean tweets.
U.S. economic activity contracted for the second consecutive quarter in Q2, data from the Commerce Department showed Thursday.
/----/ Does this make you happy? Your guy is doing a bang up job. We're officially in a recession now. But hey, no more mean tweets.
U.S. economic activity contracted for the second consecutive quarter in Q2, data from the Commerce Department showed Thursday.
You're free to blame him. I'm well aware of what you are.

Congratulations. Enjoy. Have a good day.
It’s understandable that you and others on the dishonest right would try to deflect from the topic – conservatives are in fact cowards; that’s one of many things that makes conservatism dangerous and a threat to America’s democracy.
Trump, his supporters, and conservatism is a cancer on the country, a malignant disease attacking America’s democracy.
so you are saying with this post that there is no place for opposition opinion in a free america? That what you personally believe can never be challenged?
Last edited:
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

How was the capital attacked? Protesters went to protest at the capital and were attacked by some capital police. We watched Democrats storm the capital for the past five years. They were let in, many capital police on 1/6 let protesters in.. are we ever going to get a answer why democrats can protest and not republicans?
You're free to blame him. I'm well aware of what you are.

Congratulations. Enjoy. Have a good day.
yes, we challenge the demofks attempt to screw america. Yes sirie-bob. Who's bob, I don't know.
How was the capital attacked? Protesters went to protest at the capital and were attacked by some capital police. We watched Democrats storm the capital for the past five years. They were let in, many capital police on 1/6 let protesters in.. are we ever going to get a answer why democrats can protest and not republicans?
Yes, I know, the peaceful protestors were the victims. Got it.
You're free to blame him. I'm well aware of what you are.

Congratulations. Enjoy. Have a good day.
Yes, we are free to blame biden because he’s the man in charge and thats how the game is played

And we understand that you allowed your distaste for trump’s personality to make you vote for biden

Which is why you are NOT FREE to blame biden because it would be indirectly blaming yourself for putting biden in a position to do so much harm

Dont you wish you had stayed on the sidelines and voted for your usual 1% loser instead?
Yes, I know, the peaceful protestors were the victims. Got it.
You don’t even attempt to address the obvious that democrats are always let in the capital, but on 1/6 were attacked by some left wing police.. mad trump won

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