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Trump Takes Putin's Word Over The US Intelligence Community...Again

Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

After all the time and money "investigating Russian interference" they came up with Facebook ads.

Was it wrong for Obama to interfere with the Israel's electon? Foreign governments interfere with our government and we do the same. Unless it is proven that Trump is the Manchurian Candidate it won't be much else more then what we and other countries do to each other.

It's quite simple actually.

You are either a supporter of your own country over Russia.

Or you are a supporter of Russia over your own country.

There is no middle ground.

There are no gray areas.

Hating Obama, or loving Trump excuses nothing.

If you're a traitor against your own country. You deserve anything that happens to you.

I don't care what your politics are.
Democrats are not the country. They are dingleberries on the ass of the country. Yes. I believe Putin over any democrat.

Which intelligence community do you want us to believe? The intelligence community that got busted in Columbia in a hooker and cocaine party. The intelligence community that left a gun laying around that was used to kill American Citizen Kate Steinley. How about the intelligence community that boozed it up and lost his gun and his badge to "woman unknown". This is what the democrats built in the intelligence community. So no, I wouldn't believe them either.

So thousands of intelligence officers of the NIA, CIA, and FBI, Army, Navy, all are liars?

I just want to be clear where you stand on this.
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

They are a Democrat company because you don't like what they say. You are the bullshit.
The same intelligence community that confirmed the existence of WMDs in Iraq? Why would anyone not take their word for something?
This is inaccurate. The intelligence community tried to resist Bush's assertions that their were wMDs in Iraq. They actually denied the likleihood quite strongly.

It is also moronic to suggest even had they made that mistake everything they produce is therefore false. Especially, when the universality of agreement in this case well surpasses the uniformity of thought of WMD in Iraq. False analogies are the prime strategy of those unaware they are ignorant.

Look: "Colombus thought he sailed to India. Thus he was wrong the world was round." Your logic.

"Einstein's initial theory of relativity was wrong. Thus everything he said was wrong."

"Bush was wrong about WMD in Iraq, thus everything he said was wrong."

Its the thought process dismissed by animals.
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

After all the time and money "investigating Russian interference" they came up with Facebook ads.

Was it wrong for Obama to interfere with the Israel's electon? Foreign governments interfere with our government and we do the same. Unless it is proven that Trump is the Manchurian Candidate it won't be much else more then what we and other countries do to each other.

It's quite simple actually.

You are either a supporter of your own country over Russia.

Or you are a supporter of Russia over your own country.

There is no middle ground.

There are no gray areas.

Hating Obama, or loving Trump excuses nothing.

If you're a traitor against your own country. You deserve anything that happens to you.

I don't care what your politics are.

So we are going to start World War 3 over Facebook ads? We are going to hold an evil sociopath to a higher standard than ourselves?

Do I like that countries interfere with each other's governments? No, but I am not going to hold others to a higher standard than ourselves.

It is a lot more than Facebook ads. Social media was used to spread false information. Russians have hacked into our voting systems and into state election commissions.
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

Then there is Obama, who knew Putin was trying to interfere with us, and gave him leeway and 20% of our uranium mines as a punishment.

Where is your phony outrage over the Putin/Obamy love fest, comrade?

oh here we go again with that tired old but what about obamaaaaaaa comeback...

i cannot recall anything obama did or got in return regarding putin. do you? after 5+ years, nothing ever was suggested that anything came of it. unless, of course you know.... do you? have ANY idea what could have happened? & if anything nefarious did... shirley the watchdogs that foam at the mouth just thinking of hanging obama would have came forth with something.... anything.

soooooooooooooooo............... it's just another false equivalency. let me know when you can produce anything close to the 'both sides do it equally' when it comes to russian interference & obama's cabinet m'k?
Last edited:
Putin says the United States intereferes in Russian elections; slapped the President down:

Watch Putin accuse the US of interfering in Russia’s election

I will take Republicans, over a KGB killer, spy and liar. But you like the weight lifting, petite KGB thing.
Putin disappointed me. I thought he would come here, drag obama out of the white house and chain him to the back of a pick up truck. Drag him around DC until his head popped off, like James Byrd.

Since he didn't do that, he's not much good as a dictator.

lol... your attempt at bit of sarcasm fell a little flat. perhaps next time 'eh? :itsok:

Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

Then there is Obama, who knew Putin was trying to interfere with us, and gave him leeway and 20% of our uranium mines as a punishment.

Where is your phony outrage over the Putin/Obamy love fest, comrade?

oh here we go again with that tired old but what about obamaaaaaaa comeback...

i cannot recall anything obama did or got in return regarding putin. do you? after 5+ years, nothing ever was suggested that anything came of it. unless, of course you know.... do you? have ANY idea what could have happened? & if anything nefarious did... shirley the watchdogs that foam at the mouth just thinking of hanging obama would have came forth with something.... anything.

soooooooooooooooo............... it's just another false equivalency. let me know when you can produce anything close to the 'both sides do it equally' when it comes to russian interference & obama's cabinet m'k?

And they use a Russia Today video to make fun of Obama.

The Look Of Love. And Treason

President Donald Trump just sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the US intelligence community. That’s because in one of their conversations during an international summit in Vietnam, Putin denied that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election — and Trump bought it.

“He said he didn't meddle, he said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One today. “Every time he sees me he says I didn't do that and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it.”

It’s remarkable enough that Trump openly admitted he just believed whatever Putin told him. It’s even more startling when you realize that in January, the FBI, CIA, and NSA clearly assessed that Russia did interfere in the election — and that Putin was behind it. Here’s part of that conclusion:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.

Trump also took the chance to go after former prominent intelligence and law enforcement officials who disagree with his Russia views.

"I mean, give me a break, they are political hacks," Trump said. "So you look at it, I mean, you have [former CIA Director John] Brennan, you have [former Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and you have [former FBI Director Jim] Comey. Comey is proven now to be a liar and he is proven now to be a leaker. So you look at that and you have President Putin very strongly, vehemently says he had nothing to do with them."

This isn’t the first time Trump accepted Putin’s account about election interference. On July 7, the two men had a one-on-one meeting at the G20, a gathering of the world’s top 20 economies. There, Putin also denied Russia’s efforts to interfere in the election, and Trump reportedly took it at face value.

Trump and Putin weren’t scheduled to meet during the the forum, but it was always possible that they would run into each other. They shook hands at a dinner for leaders on Friday and stood next to each other during a leaders’s photo on Saturday.

Trump added that he’d now rather discuss issues like Syria and Ukraine with Putin, noting that every time he brings up the Russia issue, Putin is unhappy. “I think he is very insulted by it,” he said.

After Trump’s comments, others might feel insulted, too — especially members of the US intelligence community.

Trump undercuts the US intelligence community again
Trump has, at best, a complicated relationship with America’s spies.

He frequently attacked the intelligence community’s skills and integrity during both the campaign and the early months of his presidency. He dismisses any investigation into Russia’s meddling as a “hoax.” He has repeatedly mocked American intelligence officers for the mistaken conclusion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, a rationale that paved the way for the 2003 invasion.

Trump has likened American spies to Nazis because he believed they leaked information about him.

And he spent part of his first full day in office at a memorial for the CIA’s fallen heroes attacking the media and lying about the size of his crowd at the inaugural.

However, Trump does like CIA Director Mike Pompeo — but that could be because Pompeo has no problem distorting Russia-related intelligence to in Trump’s favor. The CIA told me earlier this week that Pompeo stands by the January assessment. Pompeo is reportedly in consideration to become the next secretary of state.

So Trump doesn’t seem to trust the intelligence community. That’s his choice — but it’s concerning that he’ll trust Putin instead.

Trump chooses Putin's word over the US intelligence community — again
Okay. This again.

After the intel community has been spying on him and leaking to the press, you feel he should trust them????
Putin says the United States intereferes in Russian elections; slapped the President down:

Watch Putin accuse the US of interfering in Russia’s election

I will take Republicans, over a KGB killer, spy and liar. But you like the weight lifting, petite KGB thing.
Putin disappointed me. I thought he would come here, drag obama out of the white house and chain him to the back of a pick up truck. Drag him around DC until his head popped off, like James Byrd.

Since he didn't do that, he's not much good as a dictator.

lol... your attempt at bit of sarcasm fell a little flat. perhaps next time 'eh? :itsok:

I'm wearing Sunglasses because I am SOOOO WASTED!!!!
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

After all the time and money "investigating Russian interference" they came up with Facebook ads.

Was it wrong for Obama to interfere with the Israel's electon? Foreign governments interfere with our government and we do the same. Unless it is proven that Trump is the Manchurian Candidate it won't be much else more then what we and other countries do to each other.

It's quite simple actually.

You are either a supporter of your own country over Russia.

Or you are a supporter of Russia over your own country.

There is no middle ground.

There are no gray areas.

Hating Obama, or loving Trump excuses nothing.

If you're a traitor against your own country. You deserve anything that happens to you.

I don't care what your politics are.
Who the fk are you exactly? Funny
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

After all the time and money "investigating Russian interference" they came up with Facebook ads.

Was it wrong for Obama to interfere with the Israel's electon? Foreign governments interfere with our government and we do the same. Unless it is proven that Trump is the Manchurian Candidate it won't be much else more then what we and other countries do to each other.

It's quite simple actually.

You are either a supporter of your own country over Russia.

Or you are a supporter of Russia over your own country.

There is no middle ground.

There are no gray areas.

Hating Obama, or loving Trump excuses nothing.

If you're a traitor against your own country. You deserve anything that happens to you.

I don't care what your politics are.
Democrats are not the country. They are dingleberries on the ass of the country. Yes. I believe Putin over any democrat.

Which intelligence community do you want us to believe? The intelligence community that got busted in Columbia in a hooker and cocaine party. The intelligence community that left a gun laying around that was used to kill American Citizen Kate Steinley. How about the intelligence community that boozed it up and lost his gun and his badge to "woman unknown". This is what the democrats built in the intelligence community. So no, I wouldn't believe them either.

So thousands of intelligence officers of the NIA, CIA, and FBI, Army, Navy, all are liars?

I just want to be clear where you stand on this.
Can you say bullishit? I knew you could! Perhaps have one look at the dnc server! Get back to us afterward!
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

Then there is Obama, who knew Putin was trying to interfere with us, and gave him leeway and 20% of our uranium mines as a punishment.

Where is your phony outrage over the Putin/Obamy love fest, comrade?

oh here we go again with that tired old but what about obamaaaaaaa comeback...

i cannot recall anything obama did or got in return regarding putin. do you? after 5+ years, nothing ever was suggested that anything came of it. unless, of course you know.... do you? have ANY idea what could have happened? & if anything nefarious did... shirley the watchdogs that foam at the mouth just thinking of hanging obama would have came forth with something.... anything.

soooooooooooooooo............... it's just another false equivalency. let me know when you can produce anything close to the 'both sides do it equally' when it comes to russian interference & obama's cabinet m'k?

And they use a Russia Today video to make fun of Obama.

I laugh at obummer as well!
Get back to us when the fucking so called intelligence community actually gets around to examining the servers. CrowdStrikes is a Dem company and I am not buying into their bullshit.

So the CIA, NIA, and FBI are lying that our elections were interfered with by a hostile foreign government we currently have under sanctions, and the Dictator of that hostile government is telling the truth?

And whose servers are you referring to? Jared Kurshners's? Ivanka Trumps? Michael Flynns?

Your reply is so noted comrade. At least you're honest about where your loyalties lie.

Then there is Obama, who knew Putin was trying to interfere with us, and gave him leeway and 20% of our uranium mines as a punishment.

Where is your phony outrage over the Putin/Obamy love fest, comrade?

oh here we go again with that tired old but what about obamaaaaaaa comeback...

i cannot recall anything obama did or got in return regarding putin. do you? after 5+ years, nothing ever was suggested that anything came of it. unless, of course you know.... do you? have ANY idea what could have happened? & if anything nefarious did... shirley the watchdogs that foam at the mouth just thinking of hanging obama would have came forth with something.... anything.

soooooooooooooooo............... it's just another false equivalency. let me know when you can produce anything close to the 'both sides do it equally' when it comes to russian interference & obama's cabinet m'k?

We don’t need that, that’s evidence, to which you don’t hold! Too funny
Sen. John McCain on President Trump's comments about Vladimir Putin: "There is nothing 'America First' about taking the word of a KGB colonel over that of the American intelligence community."


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