Trump takes the 5th 400 times...

In Trump's own words:

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

So Trump said that, then he took the 5th 400 times. And you are too much of a sheep to see a problem here

You are dumb as dirt, literally you are stupid. Obviously you have a red state education and fail to see the problem here.
They're weak. So weak that they could be fooled by the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. And so weak that they can't bring themselves to admit it.

The only person who is weaker than they are, is the man who has fooled them.
They disagree with the religion and speech in the 1st Amendment. They hate the 2nd Amendment and now the 5th Amendment that protects Americans from self incrimination is under fire. WTF?
When your interrogators are politically biased hacks, using some sham civil case as a thin cover to lay traps for you, it only makes sense to give them nothing.

In any event, they didn’t care what the answers might have been. All they were really seeking was for some dimwit, like the author of this thread’s OP, to keep saying that Trump took the Fifth a lot of times.
They disagree with the religion and speech in the 1st Amendment. They hate the 2nd Amendment and now the 5th Amendment that protects Americans from self incrimination is under fire. WTF?
Trump had his chance to tell his side of the story instead of playing the victim card. He's a chickenshit with a big mouth who took the 5th.
Finally came up with a response other then a thumbs down or Fake News symbol, idiot troll?

Just being your cheerleader. We know how much you need one to keep your morale up as you watch your -- ahem -- pResident dissolving into a pissy puddle on the Oval Office carpet.

Some people just don't appreciate a thing you do for them.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

How many times, and how many millions of dollars, has Trump paid to "settle"? Obviously, they "got him" already, and more than once.
So, to the "fake news" idiots.

Before he took office, Donald Trump was involved in a truly astronomical number of lawsuits. A USA Today report published in 2016 found that there had been 3,500 legal actions filed by and against Trump and his hundreds of businesses in federal and state courts, ranging from sexual harassment to contract violations to class-actions for misleading advertising, and settled at least 100 of them.

And despite his boasts on the campaign trail that he “never” settles lawsuits, for fear of encouraging more, he and his businesses have settled with plaintiffs in at least 100 cases reviewed by USA TODAY.

And this was before he was running for president. Here is an example of one settlement AFTER he was elected president,

Washington, D.C., and former President Donald Trump reached a settlement Tuesday in a lawsuit the city brought accusing his business and inaugural committee of improperly spending nonprofit funds.

And comically, this is not the first time he has "settled" for mishandling nonprofit funds.
At least Trump KNOWS the Constitution and how to use it properly.
Riiiight. Like creating a fake set of electors, or that a VP can refuse to certify election results from the states. Hell, I bet Trump could even tell you what "section" of the Constitution applies to the executive branch.
You're basically saying that 5th Amendment protections are a problem, but the bottom line remains, it's not illegal to make a statement condemning an action, then turn around and do that action. Sure, yell hypocrite all you want, nearly every politician is solidly in that camp.
Trump's exact words:

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

Its a problem when you say that, then go and plead the 5th 400 times. Its a prblem that you somehow think that is acceptable.
"There also was no part of the state’s lawsuit that dealt with allegations that the Trump Foundation “stole from a kids cancer charity,”

Oh, so the Donald didn't do it, just his piece of shit "Junior". Got it, that is so much better.

This entire clan is devil spawn, and every single one of the kids and Trump combined couldn't muster the intelligence of one of my cats.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Everyone knows that if a defendant pleads the Fifth in a criminal case, the defendant’s silence cannot be used against her to draw an inference of guilt. This means that a defendant can assert the Fifth Amendment without fearing that it will have a negative impact on her criminal case. However, no similar prohibition exists in the civil context. Instead, the Supreme Court has expressly stated that the Fifth Amendment does not prohibit adverse inferences against parties who plead the Fifth in a civil action. See Baxter v. Palmigiano, 425 U.S. 308, 318 (1976). Although some states, such as Oregon and Delaware have chosen to prohibit adverse inferences in civil state cases, federal law and the majority of the states, including New York, where Trump pleaded the Fifth, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, allow the judge or jury to draw adverse inferences once a defendant pleads the Fifth in a civil case.

Pleading the Fifth and Civil Litigation: Is It a Good Idea? | The Legal Intelligencer

I did not say idiots could not draw inference. I said pleading the 5th does not make one guilty.

Name one case where the lawyer told the jury, "The defendent pled tbe 5th, and that is direct evidence of his guilt' and his statement being FACTUAL.

If you falsely accuse me of something and have no evidence / no case I don't have to say shit.

I can just sit there, smirk / laugh at you, and let my attorney rip you a new one.
When your interrogators are politically biased hacks, using some sham civil case as a thin cover to lay traps for you, it only makes sense to give them nothing.

In any event, they didn’t care what the answers might have been. All they were really seeking was for some dimwit, like the author of this thread’s OP, to keep saying that Trump took the Fifth a lot of times.
It is really rich for that fatass idiot to sit there and lament about the legal proceedings when he has operated as a bully, filing frivolous lawsuits, sicking Jones Day on a contractor simply trying to get paid, stiffing lawyers, contractors, and damn near anyone and then hiding behind the skirts of the court. He is the definition of a paper tiger, all bluster, no guts.

I did not say idiots could not draw inference. I said pleading the 5th does not make one guilty.

Name one case where the lawyer told the jury, "The defendent pled tbe 5th, and that is direct evidence of his guilt' and his statement being FACTUAL.

If you falsely accuse me of something and have no evidence / no case I don't have to say shit.

I can just sit there, smirk / laugh at you, and let my attorney rip you a new one.
You slack jaws are impervious to edification.
translation Trump ...

An idiot's 'translation'

The Constitution, to include 1st, 2nd, and 5th amendments, are EVERY CITIZEN'S rights.

Maybe snowflakes should learn / respect the Constitution before saying stupid shit about it.
Trump's exact words:

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

Its a problem when you say that, then go and plead the 5th 400 times. Its a prblem that you somehow think that is acceptable.
It's not a legal "problem", it's a hypocrisy "problem". Now, if you want to get all excited about a politician being a hypocrite, I have a rainbow farting unicorn in my backyard that I'll sell you, cheap. Acceptable? Hardly. Inescapable? Yes.
I just received a boatload of squealies from you...

Just being your cheerleader.

Can't let your morale sag as you contemplate what a shitting loser you worship in the White House.

No need to thank me. I'd do it even if you weren't s loser.

That's a pretty good attempt at crafting a thought provoking post, by the way.

They're weak. So weak that they could be fooled by the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. And so weak that they can't bring themselves to admit it.

The only person who is weaker than they are, is the man who has fooled them.
TRUMP!'s a hypocrite. We know that and I don't think anyone said he wasn't. He's also narcissistic, a bully, petty, vengeful, and probably wears white after Labor Day. He still did a good job as president and would still be preferable to the Mr Potatohead currently in the White House.

Just being your cheerleader.

Can't let your morale sag as you contemplate what a shitting loser you worship in the White House.

No need to thank me. I'd do it even if you weren't s loser.

That's a pretty good attempt at crafting a thought provoking post, by the way.

No...You're an obsessed loser...
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