Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like in Syria ?

Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters

But Obama is who invited Putin into Syria.

Do you not care about the people of Venezuela?

Dumbfuck, Russia has been in Syria for decades, long before Obama

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i got BINGO from SAVUSHKINO 55 , PS "russia" is 27 years old only


Where is the red line?

We have to have a red line.

The border with Brazil...yeah, that’s it.
But then Obama isn’t President and Russia is gaining a foothold in SA and all that oil

Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters

But Obama is who invited Putin into Syria.

Do you not care about the people of Venezuela?
But but but...Obama !!!

Yes, or no. Was it not Obama that allowed Putin into Syria? Even encouraged it?

Yes or no.

not Obama's fault. The comeback "McCarthy" works ---as for
Iran's support of all things that stink of shariah------"Islamophobia" is
the effective defense. That shit precedes Obama. Keep an eye on
Erdogan-------he is now the foremost defender against the blight of
"islamophobia" I never met an Iranian who could TOLERATE being
in the presence of a turk------but jihad makes strange bed-fellows. For the record------other than the fear of "god" -----totalitarian genocidal
communists actually LOVE ISLAM
Putin knows the Democrats have his back.
only the fascists and radical leftists (commies) support putler in USA

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction – Russia and the ...

Sep 17, 2017 - An article in The Economist presumes that the rise of the far right 'is more likely ... While presenting itself as a striving liberal democracy, Russia occupied ..... to the growing popular support for the 'moderated' radical right-wing ...
Russia and the European Far Left - The Institute For Statecraft

While populist radical right parties in Europe and their connections to Russia are frequently ... The growth in support for radical left parties across Europe has.
The Kremlin's loyal friends in Europe - Green European Journal

Mar 15, 2018 - Krisztian Simon: In your book, Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango noir, ... How does this help the Kremlin further its interest in Europe? ... extend to the members of the far left as well as to non-affiliated far-right members, but ... party, Jobbik, to the extent that Fidesz now looks more extreme than Jobbik.
Putin knows the Democrats have his back.
only the fascists and radical leftists (commies) support putler in USA

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction – Russia and the ...

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction
Sep 17, 2017 - An article in The Economist presumes that the rise of the far right 'is more likely ... While presenting itself as a striving liberal democracy, Russia occupied ..... to the growing popular support for the 'moderated' radical right-wing ...
Russia and the European Far Left - The Institute For Statecraft

While populist radical right parties in Europe and their connections to Russia are frequently ... The growth in support for radical left parties across Europe has.
The Kremlin's loyal friends in Europe - Green European Journal

The Kremlin’s loyal friends in Europe
Mar 15, 2018 - Krisztian Simon: In your book, Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango noir, ... How does this help the Kremlin further its interest in Europe? ... extend to the members of the far left as well as to non-affiliated far-right members, but ... party, Jobbik, to the extent that Fidesz now looks more extreme than Jobbik.

thanks LIT. you are presenting the fact of a LONG STANDING
romance that lots of people on this board actually DENY
The Founders wanted to make government have to think twice about becoming tyrannical, abusive, and oppressive. That is why they wanted citizens to have the ability to be legally armed. Yes, the citizens may lose, but it would make a tyrannical government have to pay a price, and bullies usually don't want to do that.
The Founders wanted us to be able to shoot our elected officials if we think they`re tyrannical etc.? That`s incredibly stupid.
Funny, given that the people who wrote the constitution spent 8 years doing just that.
The people who wrote the Constitution weren`t shooting at THEIR elected officials. Have you heard about that taxation without representation business?

Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters
Pretty sure Obama was Putin's bitch.

Obama was every foreign leaders bitch. Remember the apology tour? Except he was pretty brave dropping drones on innocent civilians who were defenseless. He also told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election, then he did what Putin wanted and reneged on the eastern Europe missile deal.
Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters

But Obama is who invited Putin into Syria.

Do you not care about the people of Venezuela?
But but but...Obama !!!

Yes, or no. Was it not Obama that allowed Putin into Syria? Even encouraged it?

Yes or no.
yes it was Obama, so whats about this situation, whats Trump is gonna do? we all here knows what putler is doing in Venezuela, Ukraine, Syria, Georgia, Moldova, Bielarus´, ...

Venezuela crisis: Russian military planes land near Caracas -

3 days ago - In December, Russia sent two air force jets there as part of a military ... Slide 1 of 85: Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan ...
Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: reports

3 days ago - a plane sitting on top of a building: An airplane with the Russian flag is ... Slide 1 of 67: Supporters of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan ...
Putin knows the Democrats have his back.
only the fascists and radical leftists (commies) support putler in USA

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction – Russia and the ...

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction
Sep 17, 2017 - An article in The Economist presumes that the rise of the far right 'is more likely ... While presenting itself as a striving liberal democracy, Russia occupied ..... to the growing popular support for the 'moderated' radical right-wing ...
Russia and the European Far Left - The Institute For Statecraft

While populist radical right parties in Europe and their connections to Russia are frequently ... The growth in support for radical left parties across Europe has.
The Kremlin's loyal friends in Europe - Green European Journal

The Kremlin’s loyal friends in Europe
Mar 15, 2018 - Krisztian Simon: In your book, Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango noir, ... How does this help the Kremlin further its interest in Europe? ... extend to the members of the far left as well as to non-affiliated far-right members, but ... party, Jobbik, to the extent that Fidesz now looks more extreme than Jobbik.
I don't care if they're LEFT or RIGHT, get them the hell out of there!!!!!!
The Founders wanted to make government have to think twice about becoming tyrannical, abusive, and oppressive. That is why they wanted citizens to have the ability to be legally armed. Yes, the citizens may lose, but it would make a tyrannical government have to pay a price, and bullies usually don't want to do that.
The Founders wanted us to be able to shoot our elected officials if we think they`re tyrannical etc.? That`s incredibly stupid.
Funny, given that the people who wrote the constitution spent 8 years doing just that.
The people who wrote the Constitution weren`t shooting at THEIR elected officials. Have you heard about that taxation without representation business?

Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters
Pretty sure Obama was Putin's bitch.

Obama was every foreign leaders bitch. Remember the apology tour? Except he was pretty brave dropping drones on innocent civilians who were defenseless. He also told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election, then he did what Putin wanted and reneged on the eastern Europe missile deal.
its not the history section , whats NEW?

Russia sent two planes with dozens of soldiers and military advisers to Venezuela's capital of Caracas over the weekend amid growing tensions in the South American country, an anonymous Venezuelan official has said.

Venezuela's political crisis escalated on Sunday when opposition leader Juan Guaido, who declared himself interim president in January, called on his supporters to prepare to take power in the country. Moscow, which backs President Nicolas Maduro's government, has previously said it would not allow a U.S.-backed color revolution in the country.

Russian military officials arrived in Caracas to discuss strategy, equipment maintenance and training, an unnamed Venezuelan official told The Associated Press Monday.


Russian Mercenaries Arrive in Venezuela to Shore Up Maduro's Rule
Read more

The Chief of Staff of Russia’s Ground Forces Vasily Tonkoshkurov, nearly 100 troops and 35 metric tons of equipment were on board the planes, media reports said.

The flights also carried officials who arrived to "exchange consultations," the state-funded Sputnik news agency reported, quoting an unnamed source at the Russian Embassy.

"Russia has various contracts that are in the process of being fulfilled, contracts of a technical military character," Sputnik cited the source as saying.

Flight-tracking data showed that an Ilyushin IL-62 passenger jet and an Antonov AN-124 military cargo plane left from Russia for Caracas on Friday.

The planes landed three months after the two nations held military exercises in Venezuela that President Nicolas Maduro called a sign of strengthening relations, but which Washington criticized as Russian encroachment in the region.

High-level U.S.-Russian talks on how to defuse Venezuela's crisis ended early last week with the two sides still at odds over the legitimacy of Maduro."

Russian Troops, Advisers Arrive in Venezuela – Reports
The Founders wanted to make government have to think twice about becoming tyrannical, abusive, and oppressive. That is why they wanted citizens to have the ability to be legally armed. Yes, the citizens may lose, but it would make a tyrannical government have to pay a price, and bullies usually don't want to do that.
The Founders wanted us to be able to shoot our elected officials if we think they`re tyrannical etc.? That`s incredibly stupid.
Funny, given that the people who wrote the constitution spent 8 years doing just that.
The people who wrote the Constitution weren`t shooting at THEIR elected officials. Have you heard about that taxation without representation business?

Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ?

Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters
Pretty sure Obama was Putin's bitch.

Obama was every foreign leaders bitch. Remember the apology tour? Except he was pretty brave dropping drones on innocent civilians who were defenseless. He also told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election, then he did what Putin wanted and reneged on the eastern Europe missile deal.
Obama apologized for some of our wrongdoings. That`s what Christians do but that`s a hell of a bad example to set for our youth isn`t it?
Putin knows the Democrats have his back.
only the fascists and radical leftists (commies) support putler in USA

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction – Russia and the ...

Russia and the Western Far Right: Introduction

Sep 17, 2017 - An article in The Economist presumes that the rise of the far right 'is more likely ... While presenting itself as a striving liberal democracy, Russia occupied ..... to the growing popular support for the 'moderated' radical right-wing ...
Russia and the European Far Left - The Institute For Statecraft

While populist radical right parties in Europe and their connections to Russia are frequently ... The growth in support for radical left parties across Europe has.
The Kremlin's loyal friends in Europe - Green European Journal

The Kremlin’s loyal friends in Europe

Mar 15, 2018 - Krisztian Simon: In your book, Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango noir, ... How does this help the Kremlin further its interest in Europe? ... extend to the members of the far left as well as to non-affiliated far-right members, but ... party, Jobbik, to the extent that Fidesz now looks more extreme than Jobbik.
I don't care if they're LEFT or RIGHT, get them the hell out of there!!!!!!
they are nor left or right, THEY ARE RADICALS (traitors) . they all have to be in prison already
Trump is trying to get us out of needless foreign wars like Syria, and Afghanistan. Obama expanded them.

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