Trump tells Senate what to bring to the floor

Then jcc put YOUR money up NOT mine You bought this pos now live with him
then put your money up for planned parenthood.
I donate to them every year Wife worked for them for 2 years ,,donated her time
fine then stop funding them with my money.
jcc live and learn
Say It With Us Now: Most Federal Funding is Through Medicaid Reimbursements for Preventive Health Care
To really understand what federal funds pay for at Planned Parenthood, you first need to know that federal tax dollars don’t pay for abortions. A decades-old, unfair law already prohibits that (except in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is in danger).

Again, most federal funding comes to Planned Parenthood in the form of reimbursements through Medicaid, the government-funded health insurance plan for people with low incomes.

Just like other kinds of health insurance, Medicaid reimburses Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the preventive medical services they provide, including life-saving cancer screenings, HIV testing, and birth control. There are no special favors here.

The majority of federal funds come through Planned Parenthood health centers via reimbursements for the medical services that they provide to patients who either have Medicaid coverage or qualify for other publicly funded health care programs (like Title X).

Planned Parenthood’s health centers also get federal funds for delivering vital services through Title X, the nation’s family planning program — funds that can only be used to support family planning health care.

Planned Parenthood serves 1.5 million of Title X’s over 4 million patients each year, helping people who often don’t have access to family planning care anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, many of these patients wouldn’t get the health care they need to take control of their lives.

In talking about funding, it’s important to note that:

  • The government saves $7 in Medicaid-related costs for every dollar invested in publicly funded family planning programs like Title X.

  • Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office projects that barring Planned Parenthood health centers from being reimbursed through Medicaid would result in a net cost of $130 million to taxpayers over 10 years due to an increase in unintended pregnancies without the high-quality contraceptive care that Planned Parenthood provides.

  • It is estimated that Planned Parenthood health centers prevent at least 579,000 unintended pregnancies a year.

Got That Now?

Just to reiterate: The federal government doesn’t cut a blank check to Planned Parenthood.

The public funds that Planned Parenthood’s health centers receive are mostly reimbursements for preventive services, which often aren’t available anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, there just aren’t enough health care providers to deliver the millions of medical services it provides each year.

No wonder poll after poll shows Americans strongly support Planned Parenthood.
And that’s not just Blue America — it cuts across Republican and independent voters too. In fact, nearly half of Trump’s own supporters don’t want to see Planned Parenthood “defunded” either.
so let me get this straight - you're using a planned parenthood write up on why we need planned parenthood...

i guess i can go to donalds site and post an article about why we need trump and that would be that.
I was trying to answer jcc
Here is Nancy Pelosi's 1st major challenge as new Speaker of the something more than engage in cheap, meaningless political theatrics meant to excite the snowflakes who are so easily emotionally manipulated.
Yeah, no meaningless theatrics. No theater for the rubes.

Like...say...passing 60 repeals of Obamacare...
Here is Nancy Pelosi's 1st major challenge as new Speaker of the something more than engage in cheap, meaningless political theatrics meant to excite the snowflakes who are so easily emotionally manipulated.
Yeah, no meaningless theatrics. No theater for the rubes.

Like...say...passing 60 repeals of Obamacare...
Or going after hillary for 10 or so years and not laying a glove on her
then put your money up for planned parenthood.
I donate to them every year Wife worked for them for 2 years ,,donated her time
fine then stop funding them with my money.
jcc live and learn
Say It With Us Now: Most Federal Funding is Through Medicaid Reimbursements for Preventive Health Care
To really understand what federal funds pay for at Planned Parenthood, you first need to know that federal tax dollars don’t pay for abortions. A decades-old, unfair law already prohibits that (except in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is in danger).

Again, most federal funding comes to Planned Parenthood in the form of reimbursements through Medicaid, the government-funded health insurance plan for people with low incomes.

Just like other kinds of health insurance, Medicaid reimburses Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the preventive medical services they provide, including life-saving cancer screenings, HIV testing, and birth control. There are no special favors here.

The majority of federal funds come through Planned Parenthood health centers via reimbursements for the medical services that they provide to patients who either have Medicaid coverage or qualify for other publicly funded health care programs (like Title X).

Planned Parenthood’s health centers also get federal funds for delivering vital services through Title X, the nation’s family planning program — funds that can only be used to support family planning health care.

Planned Parenthood serves 1.5 million of Title X’s over 4 million patients each year, helping people who often don’t have access to family planning care anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, many of these patients wouldn’t get the health care they need to take control of their lives.

In talking about funding, it’s important to note that:

  • The government saves $7 in Medicaid-related costs for every dollar invested in publicly funded family planning programs like Title X.

  • Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office projects that barring Planned Parenthood health centers from being reimbursed through Medicaid would result in a net cost of $130 million to taxpayers over 10 years due to an increase in unintended pregnancies without the high-quality contraceptive care that Planned Parenthood provides.

  • It is estimated that Planned Parenthood health centers prevent at least 579,000 unintended pregnancies a year.

Got That Now?

Just to reiterate: The federal government doesn’t cut a blank check to Planned Parenthood.

The public funds that Planned Parenthood’s health centers receive are mostly reimbursements for preventive services, which often aren’t available anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, there just aren’t enough health care providers to deliver the millions of medical services it provides each year.

No wonder poll after poll shows Americans strongly support Planned Parenthood.
And that’s not just Blue America — it cuts across Republican and independent voters too. In fact, nearly half of Trump’s own supporters don’t want to see Planned Parenthood “defunded” either.
so let me get this straight - you're using a planned parenthood write up on why we need planned parenthood...

i guess i can go to donalds site and post an article about why we need trump and that would be that.
I was trying to answer jcc
using a planned parenthood site. yeppers, you are that stupid. dude you got stu'd completely. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Here is Nancy Pelosi's 1st major challenge as new Speaker of the something more than engage in cheap, meaningless political theatrics meant to excite the snowflakes who are so easily emotionally manipulated.
Yeah, no meaningless theatrics. No theater for the rubes.

Like...say...passing 60 repeals of Obamacare...
Or going after hillary for 10 or so years and not laying a glove on her
sucks. doesn't change the fact she's still guilty and protected.
I donate to them every year Wife worked for them for 2 years ,,donated her time
fine then stop funding them with my money.
jcc live and learn
Say It With Us Now: Most Federal Funding is Through Medicaid Reimbursements for Preventive Health Care
To really understand what federal funds pay for at Planned Parenthood, you first need to know that federal tax dollars don’t pay for abortions. A decades-old, unfair law already prohibits that (except in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is in danger).

Again, most federal funding comes to Planned Parenthood in the form of reimbursements through Medicaid, the government-funded health insurance plan for people with low incomes.

Just like other kinds of health insurance, Medicaid reimburses Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the preventive medical services they provide, including life-saving cancer screenings, HIV testing, and birth control. There are no special favors here.

The majority of federal funds come through Planned Parenthood health centers via reimbursements for the medical services that they provide to patients who either have Medicaid coverage or qualify for other publicly funded health care programs (like Title X).

Planned Parenthood’s health centers also get federal funds for delivering vital services through Title X, the nation’s family planning program — funds that can only be used to support family planning health care.

Planned Parenthood serves 1.5 million of Title X’s over 4 million patients each year, helping people who often don’t have access to family planning care anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, many of these patients wouldn’t get the health care they need to take control of their lives.

In talking about funding, it’s important to note that:

  • The government saves $7 in Medicaid-related costs for every dollar invested in publicly funded family planning programs like Title X.

  • Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office projects that barring Planned Parenthood health centers from being reimbursed through Medicaid would result in a net cost of $130 million to taxpayers over 10 years due to an increase in unintended pregnancies without the high-quality contraceptive care that Planned Parenthood provides.

  • It is estimated that Planned Parenthood health centers prevent at least 579,000 unintended pregnancies a year.

Got That Now?

Just to reiterate: The federal government doesn’t cut a blank check to Planned Parenthood.

The public funds that Planned Parenthood’s health centers receive are mostly reimbursements for preventive services, which often aren’t available anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, there just aren’t enough health care providers to deliver the millions of medical services it provides each year.

No wonder poll after poll shows Americans strongly support Planned Parenthood.
And that’s not just Blue America — it cuts across Republican and independent voters too. In fact, nearly half of Trump’s own supporters don’t want to see Planned Parenthood “defunded” either.
so let me get this straight - you're using a planned parenthood write up on why we need planned parenthood...

i guess i can go to donalds site and post an article about why we need trump and that would be that.
I was trying to answer jcc
using a planned parenthood site. yeppers, you are that stupid. dude you got stu'd completely. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Sorry next time I'll use FOX
fine then stop funding them with my money.
jcc live and learn
Say It With Us Now: Most Federal Funding is Through Medicaid Reimbursements for Preventive Health Care
To really understand what federal funds pay for at Planned Parenthood, you first need to know that federal tax dollars don’t pay for abortions. A decades-old, unfair law already prohibits that (except in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is in danger).

Again, most federal funding comes to Planned Parenthood in the form of reimbursements through Medicaid, the government-funded health insurance plan for people with low incomes.

Just like other kinds of health insurance, Medicaid reimburses Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses for the preventive medical services they provide, including life-saving cancer screenings, HIV testing, and birth control. There are no special favors here.

The majority of federal funds come through Planned Parenthood health centers via reimbursements for the medical services that they provide to patients who either have Medicaid coverage or qualify for other publicly funded health care programs (like Title X).

Planned Parenthood’s health centers also get federal funds for delivering vital services through Title X, the nation’s family planning program — funds that can only be used to support family planning health care.

Planned Parenthood serves 1.5 million of Title X’s over 4 million patients each year, helping people who often don’t have access to family planning care anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, many of these patients wouldn’t get the health care they need to take control of their lives.

In talking about funding, it’s important to note that:

  • The government saves $7 in Medicaid-related costs for every dollar invested in publicly funded family planning programs like Title X.

  • Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office projects that barring Planned Parenthood health centers from being reimbursed through Medicaid would result in a net cost of $130 million to taxpayers over 10 years due to an increase in unintended pregnancies without the high-quality contraceptive care that Planned Parenthood provides.

  • It is estimated that Planned Parenthood health centers prevent at least 579,000 unintended pregnancies a year.

Got That Now?

Just to reiterate: The federal government doesn’t cut a blank check to Planned Parenthood.

The public funds that Planned Parenthood’s health centers receive are mostly reimbursements for preventive services, which often aren’t available anywhere else. Without Planned Parenthood, there just aren’t enough health care providers to deliver the millions of medical services it provides each year.

No wonder poll after poll shows Americans strongly support Planned Parenthood.
And that’s not just Blue America — it cuts across Republican and independent voters too. In fact, nearly half of Trump’s own supporters don’t want to see Planned Parenthood “defunded” either.
so let me get this straight - you're using a planned parenthood write up on why we need planned parenthood...

i guess i can go to donalds site and post an article about why we need trump and that would be that.
I was trying to answer jcc
using a planned parenthood site. yeppers, you are that stupid. dude you got stu'd completely. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Sorry next time I'll use FOX
you still don't get it stu!!!!
Here is Nancy Pelosi's 1st major challenge as new Speaker of the something more than engage in cheap, meaningless political theatrics meant to excite the snowflakes who are so easily emotionally manipulated.
Yeah, no meaningless theatrics. No theater for the rubes.

Like...say...passing 60 repeals of Obamacare...
Yeah, I'm not sure the dem House has an "agenda" or one issue or another to accomplish. Obviously the election was an up or down on Trump, and most voted down. Trump may have saved the Senate when the Dems overplayed the Kavenaugh hand and Trump ginned up the red states with "migrant hordes bringing Ebola to your town"

Schumer always wants to make a deal. But you can't do a deal with Trump because he will go back on his word. Trump reneged on the funding deal he made with REPUBLICANS and staked his presidency on getting a 2200 mile brick wall that will not be built. I don't see Pelosi bailing him out of this fix he put himself into. LOL

And I'm not sure she could get the dem House to approve a bill that provided funding for more border security including just some fencing near high traffic areas in Texas
Here is Nancy Pelosi's 1st major challenge as new Speaker of the something more than engage in cheap, meaningless political theatrics meant to excite the snowflakes who are so easily emotionally manipulated.
Yeah, no meaningless theatrics. No theater for the rubes.

Like...say...passing 60 repeals of Obamacare...
Yeah, I'm not sure the dem House has an "agenda" or one issue or another to accomplish. Obviously the election was an up or down on Trump, and most voted down. Trump may have saved the Senate when the Dems overplayed the Kavenaugh hand and Trump ginned up the red states with "migrant hordes bringing Ebola to your town"

Schumer always wants to make a deal. But you can't do a deal with Trump because he will go back on his word. Trump reneged on the funding deal he made with REPUBLICANS and staked his presidency on getting a 2200 mile brick wall that will not be built. I don't see Pelosi bailing him out of this fix he put himself into. LOL

And I'm not sure she could get the dem House to approve a bill that provided funding for more border security including just some fencing near high traffic areas in Texas
schumer wants a deal? yeah, like most people want aids.

Thanks for that little niblet of stupid.
You are correct, he does not the President's permission to do anything in the Senate...but he has freely chosen not to do anything without the Presidents permission.
And, as usual, you are lying your ass off.

Post the evidence that proves McConnell 'has chosen not to do anything without the Presidents permission'. Put up, or shut up.

I can post the transcript and even video of McConnell declaring, own his own, that HE has made the decision not to waste the Senate's time on House Democrat 'Resistance' / 'Obstructionist' crap or any legislation regarding the wall / opening the Govt that has not been negotiated with the President 1st.

In, other words you have video proof that McConnell has chosen not to send any bill to Trump that Trump has told him he will not sign. And you think that is different than freely not doing anything without the Presidents permission.

But of course you do.
In, other words you have video proof that McConnell has chosen not to send any bill to Trump that Trump has told him he will not sign. And you think that is different than freely not doing anything without the Presidents permission.
Hey, infantile little lying snowflake, I have the transcripts and video of McConnell stating that HE has decided he will not waste the Senate's time with butt-hurt Pelosi Obstructionist POLITICAL THEATER that has no chance in making it into law. Your TDS-laden translation is not needed.

Now, again, put up or shut up - no diversions or distractions this time. Provide the evidence McConnell has chosen to seek the President's permission to do anything!

This ain't 2012 / 2014, McConnell isn't Barry, and Trump isn't Putin.

(In 2014 Barry gave Putin 20% of our uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of unchallenged interference in the US for Putin's PERMISSION to invade Syria)
Hey, infantile little lying snowflake, I have the transcripts and video of McConnell stating that HE has decided`

Thank you for once again proving I am right.
McConnell decided he will not send anything to the POTUS that the POTUS has not agreed to sign ahead of time...that sounds an awful lot like asking for permission to me.
There are over 20 Republican Senators up for election in 2020. Consider this:

McConnell refuses to bring anything to the floor of the Senate that Trump would not sign.

So if a bill is written, Mitch will call Trump & ask his permission to put it on the floor for discussion.

Is this what people voted for???? What happened to checks & balances?

The Republican party has become nothing more than an arm of the Trump administration.

Thereby Republicans in the Senate are complicit in all the dumb things Trump did & will do that harms our country.

In 2020, they will need to defend it to the American people.

Please stop calling this an administration....It is a Stalin and Hitler had REGIMES.
There are over 20 Republican Senators up for election in 2020. Consider this:

McConnell refuses to bring anything to the floor of the Senate that Trump would not sign.

So if a bill is written, Mitch will call Trump & ask his permission to put it on the floor for discussion.

Is this what people voted for???? What happened to checks & balances?

The Republican party has become nothing more than an arm of the Trump administration.

Thereby Republicans in the Senate are complicit in all the dumb things Trump did & will do that harms our country.

In 2020, they will need to defend it to the American people.

Were you this upset when Reid tabled everything the House approved or is your outrage only when Republicans do the same?
McConnell decided he will not send anything to the POTUS that the POTUS has not agreed to sign ahead of time...that sounds an awful lot like asking for permission to me.
No, that's called 'Paying attention and Listening'. Trump has already told Nancy and Pelosi he is not signing anything that is not negotiated or comes with funding for the wall. Obviously you, Pelosi, and Schumer have shit in your ears.

...BUT, thank YOU for once again proving you - like Mueller - have ZERO evidence to support your bullshit.

Now we both know how this continues, as you have done it twice in a week and a half - you continue to refuse to provide the evidence to back up your claim, because you have none, but continue to bait me and waste several hours of my time. Like McConnell with Pelosi, I have no time for your lies or your time-wasting political theatrics.

So, buh-bye. Let me know when you have that evidence. :p
You fools, Trump is going to address the nation from the oval office on Dem's refusal to keep Americans safe from the flood of illegals. You people are about to experience cat 10 butthurt. I told you not to mess with Trump.
There are over 20 Republican Senators up for election in 2020. Consider this:

McConnell refuses to bring anything to the floor of the Senate that Trump would not sign.

So if a bill is written, Mitch will call Trump & ask his permission to put it on the floor for discussion.

Is this what people voted for???? What happened to checks & balances?

The Republican party has become nothing more than an arm of the Trump administration.

Thereby Republicans in the Senate are complicit in all the dumb things Trump did & will do that harms our country.

In 2020, they will need to defend it to the American people.

Please stop calling this an administration....It is a Stalin and Hitler had REGIMES.

Just when I thought your stupidity was already at an all time low, you do this, it's a wonder how you even breathe.
McConnell decided he will not send anything to the POTUS that the POTUS has not agreed to sign ahead of time...that sounds an awful lot like asking for permission to me.
No, that's called 'Paying attention and Listening'. Trump has already told Nancy and Pelosi he is not signing anything that is not negotiated or comes with funding for the wall. Obviously you, Pelosi, and Schumer have shit in your ears.

...BUT, thank YOU for once again proving you - like Mueller - have ZERO evidence to support your bullshit.

Now we both know how this continues, as you have done it twice in a week and a half - you continue to refuse to provide the evidence to back up your claim, because you have none, but continue to bait me and waste several hours of my time. Like McConnell with Pelosi, I have no time for your lies or your time-wasting political theatrics.

So, buh-bye. Let me know when you have that evidence. :p

You have proven I was correct with each of your quotes from your demi-god. He will not send any bill to Trump that Trump has not told him he will sign, that is what he said in the quotes you gave

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