Trump tells Senate what to bring to the floor

BTW easy come easy go ,,,Dems say NO Negotiations until gov't is opened
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
he owned up until the time the dems stole it from him.
edward37 , the dems wanted that ownership bad. so badly they think they can just say they won't negotiate. ain't that a kick. representatives of the people and they don't have to negotiate with a president. wow, that kind of stupid takes vagina hats to wear.
NITWIT Senate, House already sent him the bill to sign His scumbag advisers coulter hanitty and limbaugh told him not to
nope, never happened.
BTW easy come easy go ,,,Dems say NO Negotiations until gov't is opened
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
they want trump to look bad, while showing everyone how bad they actually look. it's fking hilarious and can't be made up.
BTW easy come easy go ,,,Dems say NO Negotiations until gov't is opened
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
You just made my point for me twice. First, this is a smart fence that will be bristling with sensors and cameras that will immediately alert the Border Patrol of the precise location of any attempt to breach or damage the fence. Far from being a fifth century solution, there is only one such fence in the world today, Israel's fence along the Sinai border and it has been 100% effective in stopping illegal immigration from Sinai so we can be confident our smart fence will end illegal immigration from south of our border. Second, you just said your opposition to the smart fence is based entirely on your emotional bias against Trump.
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The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
""and who's gonna pay for that wall""" the AH screamed to his little AH's and they all yelled MEXICO and you call others stupid??
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
don't rightly know, so you wish to be ignorant? too fking funny, I knew you had it in ya!!!
isn't that sort of an oxy moron, moron? then it's them keeping the government shut down. you just stated such in that ironic display of politics!!!
Trump owns it Didn't you hear your moron say it himself?
The Democrats can end the shutdown any time they want to, and their opposition to funding the border fence is utterly unprincipled.
We won't be blackmailed by that mafia loving scum in our WH
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

then why did obama, hillary and other dems want it back in 2006? the differences as i see it are that it wasn't as long and it also used modern technology vs. just WALL.

all that is fine.

so why not start there and offer that up as something they're willing to do? we're so focused on WHO is doing things that we'll never do anything at all cause you'll change your stances based on who supports things you do or do not support.

very fucked up shit.
""and who's gonna pay for that wall""" the AH screamed to his little AH's and they all yelled MEXICO and you call others stupid??
they are already paying for the wall. You just are too stupid to understand how they are. being illiterate as you are, makes it tough to explain it to you.
You are agreeing with me that the Democrats' opposition to the border fence is utterly unprincipled and based only on miffed feelings.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
It was completed in December 2013 and it has proved to be 100% effective in ending illegal immigration of Africans by way of Sinai. The President is proposing a similar fence for the US-Mexico border and we can be 100% confident it will end illegal immigration across our southern border.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
It was completed in December 2013 and it has proved to be 100% effective in ending illegal immigration of Africans by way of Sinai. The President is proposing a similar fence for the US-Mexico border and we can be 100% confident it will end illegal immigration across our southern border.
dude, I didn't know 2013 was the 5th century timeframe. Laugh out fking loud at that punk.
""and who's gonna pay for that wall""" the AH screamed to his little AH's and they all yelled MEXICO and you call others stupid??
So again you are saying you have no interest in illegal immigration other than your emotional bias against the President.
Not at all Wall is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem I don't need to help feed that pos in our WH's ego
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
It was completed in December 2013 and it has proved to be 100% effective in ending illegal immigration of Africans by way of Sinai. The President is proposing a similar fence for the US-Mexico border and we can be 100% confident it will end illegal immigration across our southern border.
and many authorities in border towns who DO have a wall says it's helped a lot.

i'm not a fan of the wall but i'll listen to those with actual experience in the matter vs. someone whining at trump 24x7.
nope, again, you are trying to make shit up again. doesn't work in here. Walls, fences work. If they didn't people wouldn't put them up today. are you truly that blind? you can't see fences in peoples yards? why do you suppose they are there?
to keep dogs away
and to keep dogs and kids in. Do you know why they do it? it works.

BTW, when was the Israeli wall built?
Don't rightly know but Mexico didn't pay for that one either
It was completed in December 2013 and it has proved to be 100% effective in ending illegal immigration of Africans by way of Sinai. The President is proposing a similar fence for the US-Mexico border and we can be 100% confident it will end illegal immigration across our southern border.
and many authorities in border towns who DO have a wall says it's helped a lot.

i'm not a fan of the wall but i'll listen to those with actual experience in the matter vs. someone whining at trump 24x7.
I just look at countries that have them and know they worked there. Israel is one of those countries. It's such a stupid argument that it's insulting our intelligence to make that statement about walls. If they didn't work, hollywood wouldn't have them. the white house wouldn't have them.
""and who's gonna pay for that wall""" the AH screamed to his little AH's and they all yelled MEXICO and you call others stupid??
So again you are saying you have no interest in illegal immigration other than your emotional bias against the President.
that's why he's so hard to take seriously. we hear trump takes a shit on a regular basis i'll bet he holds his in just to NOT be like trump.
""and who's gonna pay for that wall""" the AH screamed to his little AH's and they all yelled MEXICO and you call others stupid??
So again you are saying you have no interest in illegal immigration other than your emotional bias against the President.
Toomuch you seem like a very reasonable poster so I'll tell you on one hand I do have a tremendous bias against this skunk in our WH and on the other, I know more are here with visas that are out of date Got a problem ?? Start with them first
So, with 13.5 as the over/under are you going over or under for the number of lies told by the POTUS?

I'm fine with Trump lying if his lies defeat you puke leftists. Oh Snap!

Of course you are fine with the POTUS lying, you put party before country so things like honesty and integrity are foreign to you.

Right, only the left can lie through their teeth riiiiight. Its time you got a dose of your own medicine suck it. :auiqs.jpg:

Nope, they both to it in equal amounts and you partisan sheep keep asking for more.
Wrong. The left lies a thousand times more than the right.

These libtards are funny. They lie and lie big fat whopper lies then get mad if Trump tells a fib. :auiqs.jpg:

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