Trump tells supporters--"I love Muslims" I may put one in my cabinet!

So now that chapped your asses too?

for crying out loud. you people aren't ever frikken happy

waa waa
This is what happens when the media is covering you 24/7. Of course this in response to Hillary Clinton who slammed him for not correcting a supporter who said Obama was not an American, he is a Muslim and there are terrorist camps in the U.S.
White House Responds To Trump's 'Muslim Obama' Controversy, Says THIS About Trump Supporters

So Trump steps into it big time:

Urbandale, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday responded to a question from CNN about whether Muslims pose a danger to the country, saying: "I love the Muslims. I think they're great people."

The Republican presidential front-runner made the comment after addressing high school students here at their homecoming Saturday night.

During a question-and-answer session with students, Trump was unable to avoid being asked about the latest political controversy dogging his campaign: his decision not to correct a supporter this week who called President Barack Obama a Muslim.

One student told Trump that she considered Muslim-Americans to be an important segment of the country. They asked whether the billionaire businessman would consider putting a Muslim in his Cabinet or on his ticket.

"Oh, absolutely," Trump responded. "No problem with that."
Trump: I'd consider a Muslim for my Cabinet -


someone should start correcting you. It's NOT a politicians JOB to go around CORRECTING the people they represent. Especially over that puke Obama. He's about gone and out of our lives and millions of us can't wait for that to happen. This election isn't about the LITTLE MAN Obama

Did you see the Republicans debates? is..
Trump derangement syndrome is truly in full bloom.

Every thread, every post, every day.


seems like smart words to say at this stage of the campaign Oreo !!

Well, typically the extreme right wing base of the Republican party doesn't really care for Muslims--much less having one in his cabinet.

So it's another slip-up that's probably going to cost him support.
think that TRUMP said that he'd CONSIDER a 'muusler 'Oreo . Trump supporters know what Trump means or at least hope they know what Trump means by CONSIDER !! Trump at 24 , fioriana at 15 , carson dropping .
I love laughing at all these idiots that think Trump is the 2nd coming of christ and he is gonna fix everything...wait till he gets in office and actually does things his way which will be communicating and compromising with democrats...guaranteed.
even that's ok as its just like everyone else does Odium . Only plus side is that it denies victory to the 'gop' rinos if TRUMP were to pull it off Odium !!
Trumps next big quote?

I sometimes think it is the left's disdain for Trump that is making him so popular...

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