Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

It's gonna hit the fan when jurisdiction is interpreted correctly, and it likely will be, I see no way otherwise.

It's so clear that birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants isn't supported any place in the 14th.

Remember, guys. Unity. Right? So, don't get mad.
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It's propaganda to fire up the bigots before the mid-terms.

Isn't that what your side is dong by calling Trump a dictator over this?

I haven't called him a dictator, but I have to admit, if he can change the Constitution at a whim, or has the absolute authority to pardon himself - as he has claimed -then maybe 'dictator-wannabe' is the right term.

Equally to the point, Trump is the actor here - if he doesn't start this bullshit, there is no controversy. He wants the controversy, while you want to pretend it's 50/50.
Triggering RaTz is becoming a national sport.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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They were stupid enough to vote for him
They believe anything he rants about

No. We were smart enough to vote for him.

You were dumb enough to vote for Hitlery.

I for one sure hope he can change the 14th and get rid of the anchor babies.
You voted for a Birther
Doesn’t get dumber than that

Nope. I voted for a man who knows what he is doing.

You voted for an old hag who thinks of no one but herself.

You couldn't have been any dumber.
No self- hating female stuff here.
Trump is actually using an Executive Order for it's intended purpose in this case.

Specifically to issue an executive action on a question that has never been addressed by either the courts or Congress, which is the application of the 14th Amendment to children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrant or temporary legal status parents.

This isn't an attempt to CHANGE the Constitution but to force an interpretation of it from one (or both) of the other branches.

I suspect than when the dust is settled the Judicial Branch will rule in favor of birthright citizenship for the children of illegals/temporary legal status and Congress being Congress will remain mute on the question.

There is no upside

Yes there is an upside, if SCOTUS rules in favor of birthright citizenship for the children of illegals/temporary legal status (which I suspect it would) then Stare Decisis will be on the side of those children and they have much less to worry about when it comes to having their citizenship yanked by some future Executive and/or Congress.

No upside for Trump I meant

Sure there is, he's getting his base fired up right before the mid terms on his signature issue, whether he follows through on this EO or not, the timing is purely political.

I thought it was kind of funny that during the interview he played coy about being surprised that Axios knew about the EO, I'd be willing to bet he's the one that ordered it to be leaked.

I disagree with the calculus. Tinkering with the Constitution is disastrous. The hardcore Trump supporters may be on board...suburban soccer moms? No.

Of course you do but then again you probably disagreed with the same "calculus" when Trump was doing the same "fire up the base on immigration" dance during the 2016 campaign, right? Seems to have worked for him then and I suspect the Presidents political advisors are in a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

.. and there is no "Tinkering with the Constitution" going on, if he does actually do this EO (big IF) then it's just going to force SCOTUS to provide an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which is something that is well within the purview of SCOTUS according to the current standards of judicial review, or do you not agree with SCOTUS having the authority to do judicial review?
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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SCOTUS Baby! Hang on to your pussyhat.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Where is the interpretation wiggle room in that?
Illegals are not "subject to..." ask your lawyer friend. Besides, Trump has the pen and phone Obama left behind
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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They were stupid enough to vote for him
They believe anything he rants about

No. We were smart enough to vote for him.

You were dumb enough to vote for Hitlery.

I for one sure hope he can change the 14th and get rid of the anchor babies.
You voted for a Birther
Doesn’t get dumber than that

Nope. I voted for a man who knows what he is doing.

You voted for an old hag who thinks of no one but herself.

You couldn't have been any dumber.
No self- hating female stuff here.

No there isn't unless of course you subscribe to the asinine hypothesis that any female criticizing another female is indicative of self hatred. :cool:
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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SCOTUS Baby! Hang on to your pussyhat.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Where is the interpretation wiggle room in that?

Its been explained already. Illegals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.


So, they cannot be arrested if they commit a crime?

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It's propaganda to fire up the bigots before the mid-terms.

Isn't that what your side is dong by calling Trump a dictator over this?

I haven't called him a dictator, but I have to admit, if he can change the Constitution at a whim, or has the absolute authority to pardon himself - as he has claimed -then maybe 'dictator-wannabe' is the right term.

Equally to the point, Trump is the actor here - if he doesn't start this bullshit, there is no controversy. He wants the controversy, while you want to pretend it's 50/50.
Triggering RaTz is becoming a national sport.

If that were the President's job, you'd be the happiest pup in the litter.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on whether a baby born to an ILLEGAL has standing. In 1898 they ruled that legal immigrants children become American citizens at birth.

Certainly a ploy by Trump to force the Supreme Court to rule on the matter.

As it is, I am convinced that the 14th Amendment did not protect illegals on the question of birthright.

That's the question. But if Trump's ploy was just about forcing the SC to rule, he didn't have to wait until a week before an election while declaring we are being invaded by a caravan 1000 miles away from our border. LOL

What practical purpose does it serve to allow someone to sneak across the border illegally and have a baby, and that baby is an American citizen?


There's no law saying we can't deport those people. Or even make it very uneconomic to hire them. So, your question is not really the question.

If you are asking whether the drafters and those who ratified the 14th could have anticipated 8-10 million people illegally working in the US .. no they probably didn't think our congress and society would be so dysfunctional so as to somehow need that many workers who'd work for less than citizens get.

But the 13th made legally owning slaves impossible. The 14th made it impossible to create a caste system of non-citizen workers. The result was Ark's case. We could not legally import some number of non-citizen workers and deny their children citizenship. And as a result the South created Jim Crow, whereby negroes could be kept in a location by use of force and given the choice of working cheaply or dying. The two black migrations and civil rights laws ended that.
It's propaganda to fire up the bigots before the mid-terms.

Isn't that what your side is doing by calling Trump a dictator over this?

I haven't called him a dictator, but I have to admit, if he can change the Constitution at a whim, or has the absolute authority to pardon himself - as he has claimed -then maybe 'dictator-wannabe' is the right term.

Equally to the point, Trump is the actor here - if he doesn't start this bullshit, there is no controversy. He wants the controversy, while you want to pretend it's 50/50.

Dictator was in the title of one of the three threads I merged.

and is he any more of a dictator than the person making this statement?


Please note the second sentence: "Where I can act on my own without Congress, I'm gong to do so"
I’m curious...did you say something similar when the Kenyan King single-handedly rewrote constitutional guidelines with DACA?

Yes, yes I did

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DACA was not about changing a constitutional amendment. The potus has always had authority to determine how to spend money on immigration.

Further, DACA wasn’t/ isn’t about appropriation of funds, it’s about a weird form of fabricated citizenship.
Odd The Orange Bloat agreed to let the Daca guys stay in exchange for his wall before he backed out of the "deal."

Apparently, the "deal" favored one side over the other. That will cause a "no deal" response.

Why did the Orange Bloat make the deal, and why don't you admit he didn't change the constitution doing it?
It's propaganda to fire up the bigots before the mid-terms.

Isn't that what your side is doing by calling Trump a dictator over this?

I haven't called him a dictator, but I have to admit, if he can change the Constitution at a whim, or has the absolute authority to pardon himself - as he has claimed -then maybe 'dictator-wannabe' is the right term.

Equally to the point, Trump is the actor here - if he doesn't start this bullshit, there is no controversy. He wants the controversy, while you want to pretend it's 50/50.

Dictator was in the title of one of the three threads I merged.

and is he any more of a dictator than the person making this statement?

View attachment 225719

Please note the second sentence: "Where I can act on my own without Congress, I'm gong to do so"
So you have just admitted that two wrongs don't make a right.
This BS isn't even in the COnstution we do not have to accept anyone as being a gawd dam citizen just because they can have a kid.

You can watch them in walmart with EBT cards,.

This is what the DEMOTWATS do when they can't win they replace the population,

Tards are to low in the fkn normal chart to understand this all.

They wave their flag while approaching our country screw you ......
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Learned what works from his predecessors. That such extra-constitutional maneuvers worked for them with a collective shrug of the shoulders does not excuse such an act but is indicative of the very old partisan game of 'its ok so long as my guy does it".

and that mentality is what built this shitpile of a gov we're in today. wrong is wrong and i don't care which side does it. if we are having such a problem working together that we have to take short cuts to get what OUR SIDE wants then that should be a HUGE FRIGGIN FLAG of what we need to fix first.
Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship: report

President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of non-citizens born on U.S. soil -- a move that would mark a major overhaul of immigration policy and trigger an almost-certain legal battle.

Birthright citizenship allows any baby born on U.S. soil to automatically be a U.S. citizen.

The policy, which stems from a disputed but long-recognized interpretation of the 14th Amendment, has given rise to what Trump considers abuse of the immigration system. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that the U.S. is the only country in the world "where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits."


DICTATOR Trump desires to completely bypass the responsibilities of The US Congress.

100 years too late

So, you want America to be a dictatorship in which the lawful responsibilities of The US Congress are bypassed with the stroke of a pen by a dictator?

Fvck, you really DO HATE The Constitution.


I'm tired of BOTH sides misusing it for their own purposes.

If the wife and I go to Spain, England, Germany, etc, and have a child.

The child is AMERICAN, NOT Spanish, NOT English, NOT German.

If someone comes here and has a child, it should NOT make them American, unless one of the parents is American.

So, you want America to become a DICTATORSHIP in which Congress passes it responsibilities to POTUS, to repeal Constitutional Amendments, which is the function of the US Congress?

Yes, or No will do.



and only in the small minds of partisan assholes could Trump, by writing this EO, be considered a dictator.

Your NO reply is obviously a LIE, in reference to your later reply content.

Look dip shit, you obviously HATE The Constitution.

To repeal an Amendment would require 2/3rds Congressional approval, by BOTH The Senate & The House.
Then it would further require ratification by 3/4ths of States.

You are OK with a dictator retaining the responsibilities of Congress, and with the stroke of a single pen.

That is the essence of a DICTATOR.

Besides hating The Constitution, you must also hate Congress, since you no longer see fit to have Congress perform their lawful function in regard to instituting, or repealing Amendments.

Go ahead and play stu.


Trump signs the EO to repeal the 14th Amendment.
The EO will go to the SCOTUS.
Let's say SCOTUS sides with Trump & the EO stands = NO MORE 14th Amendment.

Next Democrat POTUS comes into office:
FIRST ORDER of business is EO to repeal The 2nd Amendment.
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!

there you go Will but we'll have to wait.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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SCOTUS Baby! Hang on to your pussyhat.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Where is the interpretation wiggle room in that?

Its been explained already. Illegals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

Oh? An illegal in our country is not subject to our laws?

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