Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

Think about the power you are wanting to put on the hands of one individual.

How has that worked in other countries?
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
Why do you think he has waited until he placed TWO conservative judges on the SC? 1 replaced a conservative and another replaced a leftist....hopefully by time this comes up before the SC Ginsburg will be dead and we will have a concrete conservative majority to make this clear.
dont assume coservative judges will rule the way you want
Why wouldn't they? From what I have been reading the anchor baby crap is an ASSUMPTION the 14th amendment allows that...its not a set in stone thing.
14th Amendment was written for the benefit of post Civil War slaves and is outdated.

No other country has birthright citizenship to non citizen parents. We shouldn't either.

think it’s outdated?? Ok go ahead and follow the REPEAL process Constitution provides for.

No need to do it. The wording is such that Illegals don't get to have their children to be citizens by swimming across the Rio Grande and dropping the kid on the US side.

They are not under the jurisdiction of the US because they were never here legally.

The only thing Trump has to do apply the law. God bless him for doing it.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
I am all for ending birthright citizenship. Just not sure if an EO is the route to take.
What makes us respond is when your side states it as if it means something. It's just as stupid as saying Wyoming's Senator represents less people than NY's Senator and both have the same vote.

It's how the system was designed.

You don't think it will do anything, but Trump isn't trying to rally people like you.’s reality and you’ve been programmed that you need not accept reality.

What a useless and undefendable statement.

Your own bias blinds you to anything else but "trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh, trump supporters suck, fuh fuh fuh"

Well, he does. But your programming won’t allow you to accept facts. For example, he said Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Is that happening?

Your move

2 Supreme Court Justices he promised.


Mexico...wall...are they paying for it?

Nope, and if that's the one thing he didn't get, I am OK with it. Then Again.

Two (at least) Supreme. Court. Justices.

Still check.

Why you need to fixate on the one thing that doesn't really bother me shows your inability to understand the views of others.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse

I hope not.

The idea that a president, any president can overturn a constitutional amendment by EO should scare the shit out of us.

Issue Executive Order based on his interpretation of the Constitution---which has strong support in the rational legal community. As unusual, the Courts will decide if his construction is correct. Its what they are there for.

Just like Obama did with his immigration orders---except Obama went ahead and issued them after openly admitting they were unconstitutional. ("I have a pen and a phone.")

Hypocrisy. Its what Democrat/Marxist do.
I dont recall Obama removing or altering an amendment by EO.

You don't recall it because President O'Nimrod didn't have the legal authority to do it and neither does President Twitter.

You obviously don't understand how the COTUS Amendment Process works or what judicial review entails, since if you did you wouldn't make such idiot statements.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
Why do you think he has waited until he placed TWO conservative judges on the SC? 1 replaced a conservative and another replaced a leftist....hopefully by time this comes up before the SC Ginsburg will be dead and we will have a concrete conservative majority to make this clear.
dont assume coservative judges will rule the way you want
Why wouldn't they? From what I have been reading the anchor baby crap is an ASSUMPTION the 14th amendment allows that...its not a set in stone thing.
It has been set for over a century.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
Why do you think he has waited until he placed TWO conservative judges on the SC? 1 replaced a conservative and another replaced a leftist....hopefully by time this comes up before the SC Ginsburg will be dead and we will have a concrete conservative majority to make this clear.
I thought about responding civilly until you said "hopefully" concerning a person dying. And a decent person at that. Do not have a nice day, and if a bus hits you, good.’s reality and you’ve been programmed that you need not accept reality.

What a useless and undefendable statement.

Your own bias blinds you to anything else but "trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh, trump supporters suck, fuh fuh fuh"

Well, he does. But your programming won’t allow you to accept facts. For example, he said Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Is that happening?

Your move

2 Supreme Court Justices he promised.


Mexico...wall...are they paying for it?

Nope, and if that's the one thing he didn't get, I am OK with it. Then Again.

Two (at least) Supreme. Court. Justices.

Still check.

Why you need to fixate on the one thing that doesn't really bother me shows your inability to understand the views of others.

It shows you’re okay with being lied a nice little programmed sheep
Stupid uneducated low information Liberal Moon Bats don't understanding the difference between coming in legally through Ellis Island and Illegally entering the US by sneaking across the border, which is a crime.

Of course they are confused by a great many other things so the fact they are confused about this is not surprising.
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse

I hope not.

The idea that a president, any president can overturn a constitutional amendment by EO should scare the shit out of us.

Issue Executive Order based on his interpretation of the Constitution---which has strong support in the rational legal community. As unusual, the Courts will decide if his construction is correct. Its what they are there for.

Just like Obama did with his immigration orders---except Obama went ahead and issued them after openly admitting they were unconstitutional. ("I have a pen and a phone.")

Hypocrisy. Its what Democrat/Marxist do.
I dont recall Obama removing or altering an amendment by EO.

You don't recall it because President O'Nimrod didn't have the legal authority to do it and neither does President Twitter.

You obviously don't understand how the COTUS Amendment Process works or what judicial review entails, since if you did you wouldn't make such idiot statements.
I understand very clearly how it works, as I pointed out earlier there is a process for amending it.

More to to the point it does not seem as if Trump and his flock understand this.

Good day.
What a useless and undefendable statement.

Your own bias blinds you to anything else but "trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh, trump supporters suck, fuh fuh fuh"

Well, he does. But your programming won’t allow you to accept facts. For example, he said Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Is that happening?

Your move

2 Supreme Court Justices he promised.


Mexico...wall...are they paying for it?

Nope, and if that's the one thing he didn't get, I am OK with it. Then Again.

Two (at least) Supreme. Court. Justices.

Still check.

Why you need to fixate on the one thing that doesn't really bother me shows your inability to understand the views of others.

It shows you’re okay with being lied a nice little programmed sheep

Wow, so Trump is the first President EVER to make a campaign promise he wasn't able to keep?

Talk about being a sheep. You voluntarily forget centuries of presidential "promises" not happening to feed your Trump Hate.

That is a perfect example of doublethink. Please remember Orwell never meant for 1984 to be an instruction manual.
The 14th ammendment was intended for slaves, people who came here against their will.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States"

How the fuck is the Orange Ogre going to change that with an EO? . Show us where it says anything about slaves. If that was the intent it would say so. I don't believe that people can be this stupid

You're even slower than I thought. :auiqs.jpg:
OK smart ass. Explain your legal theory that would allow him to do this.

There is no legal theory allowing him to do this.

Doing this merely moves the matter to the courts, and eventually to the SCOTUS, which is his intent. A clarification of "under the jurisdiction thereof" has long been needed.
That is almost a reasonable answer. However, there are problems with it. The courts have thus far ruled that the only people not " subject to the jurisdiction...…." are those who are subject to a foreign jurisdiction, such as agents of foreign governments and their children. I am hard pressed as to how the SCOTUS can get around the wording of the 14thwith regards to those who are clearly "subject to the jurisdiction"

Legislation would be equally problematic. I do believe that a Constitutional Amendment is necessary.

In addition, I don't think that Trump is smart enough or has the patience to go the long rout. He actually thinks that he can do this with an EO

What Does "Subject to the Jurisdiction" Mean? (with pictures)
Trump knows damn well he can't undo the Constitution with an EO. He is not going to sign any such EO.

The Naked Emperor is counting on his rabid base being stupid enough to fall for this obvious pandering prank, and he is counting on them forgetting all about his promises a few days after they vote.

They always do.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Would it be the first time a presidant made law with his own and his phone?

Nope, but I do appreciate all you folks highlighting how alike this one is to the previous one

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And so will the next one. This is why we diddnt want a presidant to be able to pen whip shit into existence. All this outrage over an EO is about 6 years to late.
One of the most egregious policies that the DemonRATS have forced Americans to pay for....You can bet the house the DemonRATS and subversive media will be taking that to court and screaming like little bitches!!!! THIS will be the time when JUSTICE KAVANAUGH will shine like the brilliant jurist he is!!!

FULL TITLE: Trump to revoke birthright citizenship: President slams 'ridiculous' right of children born to illegal immigrants and vows to end it with executive order

Donald Trump plans to revoke the automatic citizenship rights of children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants and other non-citizens.

In an interview with Axios, the president said he wants to sign an executive order ending the practice of giving citizenship to those who conservatives have long termed 'anchor babies.'

Trump, who has long been critical of the practice, said: 'We're the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States... with all of those benefits. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And it has to end.'

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution, written in 1868, states: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.'Everyone who is

Trump insists he can change the way the Amendment is interpreted by the federal government, without amending the Constitution itself, and can do it through an executive order.

Several Republicans running for president in 2016, including Trump and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, argued at the time that the phrase 'subject to the jurisdiction' refers only to people with a legal right to be in the country.

In a preview of an HBO documentary scheduled to air on Sunday, Trump reveals that 'it was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't.'

Read more at ...

Everyone who is here legally or illegally are subject to the jurisdiction of the state and country. Break a law and you can be arrested even if you are a tourist. It takes a constitutional amendment. This s a scheme by white supremacists to take back power.
Again, that all sounds noble, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside...but FUCK warm and’s time to do the right thing for the right people by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
so you seem to be saying it's ok to do bullshit things as long as you get what you want.

gee. how did this bucket of shit become an ocean again???

If good Americans will clearly be the sole beneficiary then FUCK YES....By any means necessary!
gee. and *the other side* feels the same way.

how again do we resolve this conflict?

The other side thinks our Constitution was written for Mexico. This isn’t complicated.
please show me a link that says they think it was written for mexico.

Is this a joke?
You’ve never heard the Left argue and infer that the US Constitution is an international document?
so you seem to be saying it's ok to do bullshit things as long as you get what you want.

gee. how did this bucket of shit become an ocean again???

If good Americans will clearly be the sole beneficiary then FUCK YES....By any means necessary!
gee. and *the other side* feels the same way.

how again do we resolve this conflict?

The other side thinks our Constitution was written for Mexico. This isn’t complicated.
please show me a link that says they think it was written for mexico.

Is this a joke?
You’ve never heard the Left argue and infer that the US Constitution is an international document?
then a link shouldn't be hard to show me your reference point.
Of course you do but then again you probably disagreed with the same "calculus" when Trump was doing the same "fire up the base on immigration" dance during the 2016 campaign, right? Seems to have worked for him then and I suspect the Presidents political advisors are in a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

.. and there is no "Tinkering with the Constitution" going on, if he does actually do this EO (big IF) then it's just going to force SCOTUS to provide an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which is something that is well within the purview of SCOTUS according to the current standards of judicial review, or do you not agree with SCOTUS having the authority to do judicial review?

He lost the PV and won the EC by 80,000 votes in 3 states.
Yeah, yeah, I know, he lost at Checkers, while winning the Chess game, all the useful idiots from Crime Family-D never stop whining about it.

The fact remains that he won the Presidency and Crime Family-R won the House based in part on immigration "red meat" rhetoric, which means it worked, so anybody that's surprised he's trying it again isn't paying attention to reality.

I hope they do try to overturn the Constitution by EO. What’s next? No more 1st Amendment?
LOL, Nobody is trying to "overturn the Constitution by EO", if it's issued all it will do is force the Judicial Branch to rule on the question, Trump and his gang of political buzzards know that.

It’s a textbook definition of overturning the Constitution by EO.

Or at least trying to.

At least that is how the Dems will portray it. I only hope it happens before the election
-------------------------- TRUMPS 'EO' is not serious . The 'EO' talk is simply a tactic designed by the TRUMP for votes Candy .
I highly doubt that.
----------------------------------------- if talking to me , this EO is simply a Tactic for his Deplorable people and on the fence Deplorables that will be going out to vote in a few days PTBW .
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse
Why do you think he has waited until he placed TWO conservative judges on the SC? 1 replaced a conservative and another replaced a leftist....hopefully by time this comes up before the SC Ginsburg will be dead and we will have a concrete conservative majority to make this clear.
dont assume coservative judges will rule the way you want
Why wouldn't they? From what I have been reading the anchor baby crap is an ASSUMPTION the 14th amendment allows that...its not a set in stone thing.
It has been set for over a century.
Its been ASSUMED for over a century and it was only intended for negro slaves children. NOT illegals. I can understand leftists freaking out...there goes more democrats to vote for them.

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