Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

If good Americans will clearly be the sole beneficiary then FUCK YES....By any means necessary!
gee. and *the other side* feels the same way.

how again do we resolve this conflict?

The other side thinks our Constitution was written for Mexico. This isn’t complicated.
please show me a link that says they think it was written for mexico.

Is this a joke?
You’ve never heard the Left argue and infer that the US Constitution is an international document?
then a link shouldn't be hard to show me your reference point.

I’m need a link to show you that the Left wants to use our own Constitution against us and use it to favor Mexico?
Are you being serious or stupid?
Birthright citizenship makes all the sense in the world for a nation of immigrants. It's pretty much how all our ancestors became citizens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our ancestors came here legally.

Illegals by definition were not invited here and their children should not be automatic citizens.

The US has the worst immigration laws in the world and thank god Trump is trying to fix them.

Trump is trying to preserve white power and that is why he has refused to denounce white supremacists.
gee. and *the other side* feels the same way.

how again do we resolve this conflict?

The other side thinks our Constitution was written for Mexico. This isn’t complicated.
please show me a link that says they think it was written for mexico.

Is this a joke?
You’ve never heard the Left argue and infer that the US Constitution is an international document?
then a link shouldn't be hard to show me your reference point.

I’m need a link to show you that the Left wants to use our own Constitution against us and use it to favor Mexico?
Are you being serious or stupid?
so no. you can't provide a link that shows "the left" wants to do this.

thank you.
14th Amendment was written for the benefit of post Civil War slaves and is outdated.No other country has birthright citizenship to non citizen parents. We shouldn't either.
You are right. The same applies to: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." applies only to the time around the revolutionary war and is outdated.

No it isn't Moon Bat because the Heller and McDonald cases put the confusion about the meaning of well regulated and the silliness about the militia to rest.

The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right guaranteed under the Constitution. That is settled law now. There is no guarantee of citizen for anybody that enters this country illegally.

Anything else you are confused about?
Source: CNBC.COM original story on Axios
Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle

"President Donald Trump is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, according to a report by Axios, potentially setting up another stand-off between the U.S. president and the courts.

Trump plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil, he said Monday, according to Axios which used the exclusive interview to promote a new documentary series called "Axios on HBO."

"This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump's hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting 'anchor babies' and 'chain migration'," Axios said in its report.

Trump's comments come as he continues to push a hard anti-immigration line ahead of the midterms this month, and many experts will highlight that it's not within the president's power to change birthright citizenship.

"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump reportedly said, declaring he can do it by using an executive order.

Trump said he had run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed, despite likely controversy. However, during the same interview Trump expressed surprise that Axios knew about his secret plan: "I didn't think anybody knew that but me. I thought I was the only one," he said."

Let the fun, games and gnashing of teeth begin.

This should be an interesting court battle if President Twitter follows through with the Executive Order since the courts have never ruled on the question of whether or not the 14th Amendment applies to illegal immigrants or foreigners with temporary legal status.

Personally I don't think he's going to win this battle but I guess we'll see.

"May you live in interesting times" -- Chinese Curse

I hope not.

The idea that a president, any president can overturn a constitutional amendment by EO should scare the shit out of us.

Issue Executive Order based on his interpretation of the Constitution---which has strong support in the rational legal community. As unusual, the Courts will decide if his construction is correct. Its what they are there for.

Just like Obama did with his immigration orders---except Obama went ahead and issued them after openly admitting they were unconstitutional. ("I have a pen and a phone.")

Hypocrisy. Its what Democrat/Marxist do.
I dont recall Obama removing or altering an amendment by EO.

You don't recall it because President O'Nimrod didn't have the legal authority to do it and neither does President Twitter.

You obviously don't understand how the COTUS Amendment Process works or what judicial review entails, since if you did you wouldn't make such idiot statements.
I understand very clearly how it works, as I pointed out earlier there is a process for amending it.

More to to the point it does not seem as if Trump and his flock understand this.
If understood it you wouldn't be advancing the idea that Trump would be "overturning a Constitutional Amendment" if he issues this prospective EO, your posts have made it clear that don't understand either concept. I would suggest you do some more homework on the relevant subjects so that you can make an objective evaluation based on facts instead of hyperbole.

Good day.
You too.
Birthright citizenship makes all the sense in the world for a nation of immigrants. It's pretty much how all our ancestors became citizens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our ancestors came here legally.

Illegals by definition were not invited here and their children should not be automatic citizens.

The US has the worst immigration laws in the world and thank god Trump is trying to fix them.

Trump is trying to preserve white power and that is why he has refused to denounce white supremacists.

and Obama was trying to preserve Radical Islamic terrorism?
No it isn't Moon Bat because the Heller and McDonald cases put the confusion about the meaning of well regulated and the silliness about the militia to rest.The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right guaranteed under the Constitution. That is settled law now. There is no guarantee of citizen for anybody that enters this country illegally.Anything else you are confused about?
Thanks for your opinion but it is still just your opinion, not fact.
Birthright citizenship is an illegal immigration magnet.
If both of the parents are breaking our immigration laws then their offspring should not be allowed birthright citizenship.
View attachment 225697
Children dont have a choice. That if the people want to change the Constitution, there is a process and that process is not an EO.
There would be no need for a Constitutional amendment. While liberal Justices have done great violence to the Constitution and made a mockery of it in the past by claiming the 14th amendment supported anything they wanted to make legal, we all know the 14th amendment was intended only to address the right of former slaves in the former Confederate states, and then only as a condition for those states to have representation in Congress. Read as intended, the 14th amendment has no relevance to a child born in the US as the result of illegal immigration of its parent of parents. Now that these vigilante liberal Justices are no longer in control of the Court, we can be hopeful that the 14th amendment will be read as it was intended to be read and the issue of citizenship will be left to Congress and the President to sort out.
It’s a textbook definition of overturning the Constitution by EO.

Or at least trying to.

At least that is how the Dems will portray it. I only hope it happens before the election
-------------------------- TRUMPS 'EO' is not serious . The 'EO' talk is simply a tactic designed by the TRUMP for votes Candy .
I highly doubt that.
----------------------------------------- if talking to me , this EO is simply a Tactic for his Deplorable people and on the fence Deplorables that will be going out to vote in a few days PTBW .
No, it isn't.

Trump made a promise to deal with this issue in the 2016 election.
But he's not dealing with it in the election. The 14th hasn't been an issue in congressional races until this, his last minute hail mary.
-------------------------------- the possible EO is in the news and thats all that matters . Everyone has heard about it and knows that the TRUMP wants it and thats all that matters before the upcoming election .
Birthright citizenship makes all the sense in the world for a nation of immigrants. It's pretty much how all our ancestors became citizens.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Our ancestors came here legally.

Illegals by definition were not invited here and their children should not be automatic citizens.

The US has the worst immigration laws in the world and thank god Trump is trying to fix them.

Trump is trying to preserve white power and that is why he has refused to denounce white supremacists.
-------------------------------------- I think that TRUMP is an American Nationalist same as me BBee .
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?
---------------------------------------- you oughta be tuned into RUSH LIMBAUGH as there is lots of talk and questions on this 14th Amendment going on right now OldLady .
Trump is actually using an Executive Order for it's intended purpose in this case.

Specifically to issue an executive action on a question that has never been addressed by either the courts or Congress, which is the application of the 14th Amendment to children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrant or temporary legal status parents.

This isn't an attempt to CHANGE the Constitution but to force an interpretation of it from one (or both) of the other branches.

I suspect than when the dust is settled the Judicial Branch will rule in favor of birthright citizenship for the children of illegals/temporary legal status and Congress being Congress will remain mute on the question.

There is no upside

It reduces a motivation for illegal immigration. And a source of new and unwanted citizens.

And it saves we the tax payer billions each year.

Actually the exact opposite is true. I hope he tries to subvert the Constitution before the midterm. Manna from Heaven
I respectfully disagree. His base is so far gone they will NOT wake up if he tries to subvert the Constitution. They will continue to applaud because....MAGA!
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?

Yup, that's what many of us thought.
A List of Obama’s Constitutional Violations
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?

apparently, you can do it in the court system, and , if signed, that will be the EOs next stop.

After all, they have infringed on various parts of the 1st, (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion) and the Second, why not the 14th?
-------------------------- TRUMPS 'EO' is not serious . The 'EO' talk is simply a tactic designed by the TRUMP for votes Candy .
I highly doubt that.
----------------------------------------- if talking to me , this EO is simply a Tactic for his Deplorable people and on the fence Deplorables that will be going out to vote in a few days PTBW .
No, it isn't.

Trump made a promise to deal with this issue in the 2016 election.
But he's not dealing with it in the election. The 14th hasn't been an issue in congressional races until this, his last minute hail mary.
-------------------------------- the possible EO is in the news and thats all that matters . Everyone has heard about it and knows that the TRUMP wants it and thats all that matters before the upcoming election .
Of course, Trump is throwing this and the "caravan" out at the last minute to try and save the House. Is that not obvious to everyone? It has nothing to do with actually changing the meaning of the 14th.

Now IF Trump had been serious about the 14th, he'd have used having total control of Congress to pass some law preventing the mis-use by wealthy
Asians of just flying into our jurisdiction a few weeks before their due dates, and having kids here to get US (and dual) citizenship, and then fly back home and raise the kids there until it comes time for secondary school or college.

THAT would have but the "subject to the jurisdiction" issue squarely before the Supreme Court. But immigration is just a rallying cry for Trump to mislead his supporters. It's no different from "imminent invasion" by a pathetic caravan 1000 miles down stream.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?

Yup, that's what many of us thought.
A List of Obama’s Constitutional Violations

I am rather embarrassed for you posting the link.

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
I agree it should end, but I don't think you can change a Constitutional amendment with an executive order. Does Trump actually have lawyers over there? Aren't you supposed to propose another Amendment in order to change or eliminate one?

Yup, that's what many of us thought.
A List of Obama’s Constitutional Violations

I am rather embarrassed for you posting the link.

Sent from my iPhone using

Oh no, just don't ask me if I care, you probably wouldn't like the answer.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

They were stupid enough to vote for him
They believe anything he rants about

No. We were smart enough to vote for him.

You were dumb enough to vote for Hitlery.

I for one sure hope he can change the 14th and get rid of the anchor babies.
You voted for a Birther
Doesn’t get dumber than that
/—-/ Both Trump amd Hildabeast are birthas
I highly doubt that.
----------------------------------------- if talking to me , this EO is simply a Tactic for his Deplorable people and on the fence Deplorables that will be going out to vote in a few days PTBW .
No, it isn't.

Trump made a promise to deal with this issue in the 2016 election.
But he's not dealing with it in the election. The 14th hasn't been an issue in congressional races until this, his last minute hail mary.
-------------------------------- the possible EO is in the news and thats all that matters . Everyone has heard about it and knows that the TRUMP wants it and thats all that matters before the upcoming election .
Of course, Trump is throwing this and the "caravan" out at the last minute to try and save the House. Is that not obvious to everyone? It has nothing to do with actually changing the meaning of the 14th.

Now IF Trump had been serious about the 14th, he'd have used having total control of Congress to pass some law preventing the mis-use by wealthy
Asians of just flying into our jurisdiction a few weeks before their due dates, and having kids here to get US (and dual) citizenship, and then fly back home and raise the kids there until it comes time for secondary school or college.

THAT would have but the "subject to the jurisdiction" issue squarely before the Supreme Court. But immigration is just a rallying cry for Trump to mislead his supporters. It's no different from "imminent invasion" by a pathetic caravan 1000 miles down stream.
------------------------------------------ i think that you have it close to correct as Trump is using a tactic to arouse those on the fence Deplorables Ben . Go Trump . [chuckle]

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