Trump Thinks He's King

He has no power or authority over a governor's decision to reopen or not reopen to protect their people. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserves for states all powers that aren’t specifically granted to the federal government.

Of course, he hinted at retribution. That those governors who refused to go along with any maniacal, hunchy plan that he pulled out of his fat ass wouldn't be helped anymore by the federal government. I guess he could go that route. Threats and bullying is how he took over the Republican Party.

But yeah, he's been acting like prick-tater baby boy king for years. And fat Billy Barf has enabled him in that endeavor. That's the way he sees himself. As a Putin, Duterte, Erdogan or Baby Kim. Donnie's behavior at this point is downright scary. He is not well.

He has no power or authority over a governor's decision to reopen or not reopen to protect their people. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserves for states all powers that aren’t specifically granted to the federal government.
I agree.

Would you also agree that the authority to regulate firearms should be conducted at the state level, as the 2nd and 10th Amendments clearly require?

I assume I have your support to repeal all federal gun laws? You know....on account of you being consistent and all.


Yeah, let me try to understand your insipid commentary. Trump’s assertion that he has total authority over the states is acceptable to you because in your small mind you think Obama felt the same way? can’t make this up.

Yet, here you are, making sh!t up!

Trump never asserted what you claim.

Have you been living in a vacuum? Yes, he has asserted absolute authority to do whatever the hell he wanted to do MANY times.
Trump is the most lovable great child in the world, i understand why people like him, but he's not fit to be POTUS
You are welcome to your opinion. So are the voters who put Trump in the Oval office.
Relax. In another five years or so Donald Trump Jr. will become YOUR president for the next eight years. THEN you'll REALLY have something to bitch about. LOL!
Or you could just move back to Spain.

Meh - Voters didn't put Drumpf in office. The Electoral College, Putin and Comey put Trump in office.
President Trump may be attempting to assume the authority - and responsibility - to decide when it is 'safe' for the 'US Economy' to open back up, weighing health / safety versus monetary / economic health, but he is clearly wrong on this issue.

I can even understand how the pressure and attacks on him may be making him feel like history is going to judge solely him for every decision, every action, and the overall result to include things ge may have had no part in and thus he may feel he has to control every aspect of the recovery to make sure it goes right...if that has any play in this. It is still wrong, though.

If anything, the President should be working / coordinating with every state and territory's Governors (like 1 big Council) on making that decision.

Just as the virus spread differently through every state, each state's recovery is going to be different. If he isn't getting that counsel from his team they are failing him, and if they are telling him that then he is failing to listen. Either way, he / his administration is making a big mistake going this route. Hopefully he will change course n the next few days.
He has no power or authority over a governor's decision to reopen or not reopen to protect their people. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserves for states all powers that aren’t specifically granted to the federal government.

Of course, he hinted at retribution. That those governors who refused to go along with any maniacal, hunchy plan that he pulled out of his fat ass wouldn't be helped anymore by the federal government. I guess he could go that route. Threats and bullying is how he took over the Republican Party.

But yeah, he's been acting like prick-tater baby boy king for years. And fat Billy Barf has enabled him in that endeavor. That's the way he sees himself. As a Putin, Duterte, Erdogan or Baby Kim. Donnie's behavior at this point is downright scary. He is not well.

He has no power or authority over a governor's decision to reopen or not reopen to protect their people. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserves for states all powers that aren’t specifically granted to the federal government.

Of course, he hinted at retribution. That those governors who refused to go along with any maniacal, hunchy plan that he pulled out of his fat ass wouldn't be helped anymore by the federal government. I guess he could go that route. Threats and bullying is how he took over the Republican Party.

But yeah, he's been acting like prick-tater baby boy king for years. And fat Billy Barf has enabled him in that endeavor. That's the way he sees himself. As a Putin, Duterte, Erdogan or Baby Kim. Donnie's behavior at this point is downright scary. He is not well.


Only because of the threat of precious power being taken away / stripped from them...

Perhaps California, for example, should prove they can govern their way out of throngs of people being allowed to openly publicly defecating on sidewalks before they are entrusted with big when to open up their economy....just saying.


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything
What's the problem with that? President Trump IS your King, and YOU'RE his lowly serf. Live with it, ya knucklehead......

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.

noooooooooo............. he is the chosen one who's a stable genius that knows more than his generals AND the best words.

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.

noooooooooo............. he is the chosen one who's a stable genius that knows more than his generals AND the best words.
Damn, pt, YOU'RE one of his lowly serfs, as well...............Good luck down there in the mud and sh*t......
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Hmm... Trump is the God-Emperor.

noooooooooo............. he is the chosen one who's a stable genius that knows more than his generals AND the best words.
Damn, pt, YOU'RE one of his lowly serfs, as well...............Good luck down there in the mud and sh*t......


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