Trump Thinks He's King

The man will just say anything
It's much easier when you know you have an adoring throng who won't hold you accountable for anything.

Imagine that.
And now you will tell us what you held Obama accountable for?...listen Trump is under a daily barrage of attack and I for one will defend him to the end...the alternative is too damn awful to yes right or wrong he is miles better for America than a democrat....
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, some power/authority is reserved to the states, right?

Like, when the constitution says that a certain right "shall not be infringed" right?

So, you will join me in supporting a repeal of all federal gun laws because they are explicitly unconstitutional.

He meant that the president's authority is total with respect to the case they are discussing, not in absolute sense. That is a fact.
He was absolutely 100% WRONG even in THIS instance.

He does NOT have "absolute authority" in this...

And who knows what he "meant". All we have are HIS words

There are certain things the president has authority over. Sadly you fake media article by "crooksandliars" (trustworthy publication no doubt) has trouble understanding this.

But the federal government does not have that power. The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate either public health or all business in the land. Congress enjoys the authority to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States.” This gives Washington, D.C. an important, yet supporting, role in confronting the pandemic. It can bar those who might be infected from entering the United States or traveling across interstate borders, reduce air and road traffic, and even isolate whole states.

But our federal system reserves the leading role over public health to state governors. States possess the “police power” to regulate virtually all activity within their borders.

No, Trump Can’t Force States to Reopen | National Review
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tried, but thank god for Americans
But the federal government does not have that power. The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate either public health or all business in the land. Congress enjoys the authority to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States.” This gives Washington, D.C. an important, yet supporting, role in confronting the pandemic. It can bar those who might be infected from entering the United States or traveling across interstate borders, reduce air and road traffic, and even isolate whole states.

But our federal system reserves the leading role over public health to state governors. States possess the “police power” to regulate virtually all activity within their borders.
And, the Constitution also explicitly forbade Congress from regulating, or otherwise infringing on other rights, correct? Like, keeping and bearing arms, right?

You will agree that all federal gun laws are explicitly unconstitutional then, right?

Be consistent, motherfucker.

Nice meme, thanks! I guess YOU'RE one of his lowly serfs, as well. I'm a KNIGHT for the kingly one. And as Mel Brooks commented in his film The History Of The World, Part 1, and I'm sure President Trump could tell you, as well, "It's great to be King!" you see, the colonists rose up & we had a little thing called a revolution that really null & voided that whole bunch of bullshit.


The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

He does have total authority. He's president during a declared national emergency. Guess who isn't president? Hillary or Biden. Trump is president. And if you live in the US, he's your president.

Say it with me.... "My president, Donald Trump" Say it... come on.... be a good girl for once in your life "My president, Donald Trump". :)
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, some power/authority is reserved to the states, right?

Like, when the constitution says that a certain right "shall not be infringed" right?

So, you will join me in supporting a repeal of all federal gun laws because they are explicitly unconstitutional.


some power. not all. federal law can supersede in some instances, but the creation of law is in the hands of congress; because we are a nation of laws, & NOT men. & the SC already ruled, so neener neener.
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tried, but thank god for Americans

actually he didn't.
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tried, but thank god for Americans

actually he didn't.
So if your in Chicago caught with a gun what do the cops do with it? Lol take your time

The man is gaslighting America

He claims to have to authority to do anything and order anything

And yet just weeks ago he was asked why he didn't order...or even ask the states to close down...ans he said he didn't have that power

The man will just say anything

Got your panties all twisted eh?
But the federal government does not have that power. The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate either public health or all business in the land. Congress enjoys the authority to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States.” This gives Washington, D.C. an important, yet supporting, role in confronting the pandemic. It can bar those who might be infected from entering the United States or traveling across interstate borders, reduce air and road traffic, and even isolate whole states.

But our federal system reserves the leading role over public health to state governors. States possess the “police power” to regulate virtually all activity within their borders.
And, the Constitution also explicitly forbade Congress from regulating, or otherwise infringing on other rights, correct? Like, keeping and bearing arms, right?

You will agree that all federal gun laws are explicitly unconstitutional then, right?

Be consistent, motherfucker.


ooOOOoo yer an angry little fella, ain't ya? .... take it up with the SC, muthafucker.
And now you will tell us what you held Obama accountable for?
Happy to!

1. The ACA, a ridiculous pig of a law
2. "You didn't build that" - breathtakingly ignorant
3. He chose to vote "present" on race (definitely my biggest disappointment of his presidency)

See? Three important issues: Healthcare, business, race. I'm not afraid to be honest and hold my side accountable for its stupidity. But I'm not holding my breath on any of you.
The previous occupant was abusing power, disregarding the constitution, starting new wars etc and yet silence then from libs, not a peep. But now the hand wringing. Lol. Those fake croc tears are falling to the ground and drying up quickley.
Bullshit. Obama never claimed "absolute authority"

Next bullshit claim please...

HE'S GONNA COME 'N GET YER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tried, but thank god for Americans

actually he didn't.
So if your in Chicago caught with a gun what do the cops do with it? Lol take your time

depends on if it's legal, & if yer black.

Chicago passed a ban on handgun ownership in 1982. Those who'd already purchased and registered their handguns were allowed to keep them. In 2010, the ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, and in 2013, Illinois became the last state in the nation to approve concealed carry.Dec 10, 2018
The man will just say anything
It's much easier when you know you have an adoring throng who won't hold you accountable for anything.

Imagine that.

View attachment 323479
As much as you guys like to deflect with that stuff - I remember "ODS" from the lefties, you folks are so similar in your behaviors! - Trump is nothing more than a symptom to me.

The real problem is people like you - those who willingly enable the worst impulses of authoritarians by deflecting and attacking for them. There have been many situations like this in history, they didn't turn out well, and you guys clearly have learned nothing.
And now you will tell us what you held Obama accountable for?
Happy to!

1. The ACA, a ridiculous pig of a law
2. "You didn't build that" - breathtakingly ignorant
3. He chose to vote "present" on race (definitely my biggest disappointment of his presidency)

See? Three important issues: Healthcare, business, race. I'm not afraid to be honest and hold my side accountable for its stupidity. But I'm not holding my breath on any of you.
This is a civil war...get use to it...when Trump wins in November it will ease up....
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." US Constitution.

"nough said.
And now you will tell us what you held Obama accountable for?
Happy to!

1. The ACA, a ridiculous pig of a law
2. "You didn't build that" - breathtakingly ignorant
3. He chose to vote "present" on race (definitely my biggest disappointment of his presidency)

See? Three important issues: Healthcare, business, race. I'm not afraid to be honest and hold my side accountable for its stupidity. But I'm not holding my breath on any of you.
This is a civil war...get use to it...when Trump wins in November it will ease up....
And there's the problem: You guys, both ends, have been conned into thinking that this is a "war". That you have to (somehow) "beat" the other side, that they are the "enemy".

People who think they're at war look at the destruction they cause as collateral damage. They become sociopaths, numb to everything.

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