Trump to Accept Jan 6 Committee Subpoena on One Condition: He Testifies on Live TV

Think the committee will take Trump up on that? They could, but I seriously doubt for very obvious reasons.

“He’s been talking to advisers about how, you know, he would consider testifying if they would air it live, which is also not surprising…it seems hard to imagine the committee would go for that.”
Guilt or innocence aside Trump would be crazy to do this. There is little to no upside for him politically or otherwise. The entire process would be controlled by people who believe he’s guilty and even if they didn’t hate him enough where I don’t think it would matter. At best he comes out with the same number of people who love and/or hate him.
You all should goad him into making the offer. I mean you all want to see him finally crush the Deep State don't you? :muahaha:
Guilt or innocence aside Trump would be crazy to do this. There is little to no upside for him politically or otherwise. The entire process would be controlled by people who believe he’s guilty and even if they didn’t hate him enough where I don’t think it would matter. At best he comes out with the same number of people who love and/or hate him.
Actually, that is the beauty of it. Trump knows they hate him. It would definitely fire up the MAGA base prior to the election and those who think this is all a sham process. When they do not allow him to speak or answer questions because of grandstanding, the public will see right through the sham... Trump will still claim executive privilege, but the committee's antics will turn off viewers. IF Trump is allowed to respond he will tear them to shreds, all on live TV.

There is no upside for the committee. Fire up republicans before the midterms... Thats the ticket..
Guilt or innocence aside Trump would be crazy to do this. There is little to no upside for him politically or otherwise. The entire process would be controlled by people who believe he’s guilty and even if they didn’t hate him enough where I don’t think it would matter. At best he comes out with the same number of people who love and/or hate him.

They know he's not guilty of anything. The entire clown show was created to try to stop him from running again in 24 and do as much damage to him for 22. Its why they hired an entertainment CEO to orchestrate the event.

I agree with you that it would be stupid for him to show up before the election. He's playing right into their hands when he should be thinking about what's best for the party and country.
Actually, that is the beauty of it. Trump knows they hate him. It would definitely fire up the MAGA base prior to the election and those who think this is all a sham process. When they do not allow him to speak or answer questions because of grandstanding, the public will see right through the sham... Trump will still claim executive privilege, but the committee's antics will turn off viewers. IF Trump is allowed to respond he will tear them to shreds, all on live TV.

There is no upside for the committee. Fire up republicans before the midterms... Thats the ticket..
You can't make this up... Trump trolled them and beat them at their own game..

They know Trump will take executive privilege and that is why they issued the subpoena. They wanted him to refuse to come before the committee but Trump one ups the ante... He tells them he will but only if it is done on live TV and unedited.

The Committee will not agree to this.

Donald Trump To Accept Liz Cheney’s Subpoena On One Condition, Will Testify Before Jan 6 Committee If He Can Do It Live: Report - MAGA Conservative (

I have to laugh because the committee fell into their own mud hole... They can't win. Now the Committee will be seen as obstructing if they refuse the offer.
The J6 committee has held 9 hearings live. If Trump actually makes this offer they will jump onto it with two feet. The man is a fucking idiot Billy Boy. He might even be stupider than you. If you don't think Cheney, Schiff, Rankin, Kinzinger and the rest can't make that man look like the fucking idiot he has always has been, you've spent the last six years in a coma.
Actually, that is the beauty of it. Trump knows they hate him. It would definitely fire up the MAGA base prior to the election and those who think this is all a sham process. When they do not allow him to speak or answer questions because of grandstanding, the public will see right through the sham... Trump will still claim executive privilege, but the committee's antics will turn off viewers. IF Trump is allowed to respond he will tear them to shreds, all on live TV.

There is no upside for the committee. Fire up republicans before the midterms... Thats the ticket..
Sorry but I disagree. Were this committee actually in the business of seeking the truth, and the media coverage of it unbiased your scenario might and I really mean MIGHT, given Trump's arrogance and his propensity to run off at the mouth, be a net benefit to him. Since neither of those things is true, there is little to no chance of him testifying moving the needle to his favor significantly. All he will be doing at best is providing fodder for the MSM, and everyone else with any type of political bent to chop up and play out of context to smear him. We saw this in the last election cycle. Had Trump been able to stay on message and not be drawn into petty arguments with Biden he might have won that race. He's just not disciplined enough. Someone else in this same spot might be able to pull that off but Trump can't. Or at least he's shown no ability to do so thus far.

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