Trump to declare national emergency

the libs have already said they simply won't deal.

it's stupid on both parts and everyone loses.
The Democrats were for the wall until President Trump got elected. The Democrats said on the day after Trump won the Republican Primary that they were going to get rid of him and they did a 180 on the wall and said how bad it would be. They used the wall as a weapon and today, they went all-out over Trump's resisting their little 180 and all the lies it took them to get there, all just to get rid of him, slime him, and try to turn even his supporters against him by false charges and a special counsel to commit a beat up on him they hoped would get rid of him for good. Trump didn't take the bait. He's declaring a national emergency to alleviate the schools of more responsibilities of beleaguered teachers to accommodate children needing an education, and sometimes a home since parents sent children with friends who suddenly disappeared, leaving the children behind for America to feed, house, clothe and educate these poor dumped children.

The apoplectic left blamed every detail on President Trump after they withdrew their enthusiasm for a wall before Trump took office, and they saw the perfect weapon, with the poison point of immigrant parentless childrens' plight as if Trump was all to blame for the criminal acts of Mexican citizens who wanted to upgrade their children and get rid of the responsibility, the very same attitude taken by the Mexican government for escorting so many of the earlier immigrants to the wall who were serial criminals, unattached people who needed support of the most expensive kind--education, incarceration, hospitalization, and the like. Not a one of us wasn't touched to know these broken people needed help, but we were wise enough to take a peek at how they got to the border--fronts for drug smugglers; easy targets for dishonest coyotes, votes for the Democrats, you name it.

Maxine Waters, Democrat Congressman, told her constituents to beat up on President Trump's staff by screaming inanities, harassing, and intimidating in public members of the Executive branch. She belongs in prison for failure to uphold the United States Constitution and separation of powers.

And now the Democrat congresscritters are making a lot of noise about getting another of the powers--the judiciary, to be exact, to postpone and delay the Executive Branch by every means possible to obstruct the justice for United States Citizen taxpayers not having to foot the bill so the Democrats can foist all their lies upon the heads of these poor, beleaguered and needy people (and many not needy) to gain illegal votes for themselves that their precinct chairmen will swear are valid votes, all under the secret cloak of power omerta workings.

Americans are getting sick of paying a high price--several trillion dollars a year for this cheap trick to get free votes for Democrats by hustling illegals over here. They're creating problems that will never be able to be solved. Is that what they want to justify taking people's life savings, inheritances of family businesses and farms away from them to give to whoever they decide fluffs them enough.

The Democrats want total and complete power; they want to ruin us financially with lawsuits their unpopular welching demands, and then blame everything on whoever tries to fix this unfortunate problem foisted on us by a society to the south that will not deal with their people in a way that employs them.
If the democrats want "total power" why is it that Trump is the one demanding something most Americans don't want?
With all due respect sir, I believe you have "most Americans" confused with groupthink Democrats whose numbers are shrinking as President Trump hits several more homeruns than usual:

And yet Dems just gained control of house.

If you are foolish enough to think the American people are going to tolerate the new people elected including Congressman jew-hater Omar and Congressman stick-it-up-the-ass-of-those-who-earned-their-wealth-the-hard-way-with-70%-taxes-on-the-dollar A. Ocasio/Cortez, you may see how fragile and how VERY fragile that gain is come next election.

And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.
I can imagine this going to court, I don't see why it wasn't a national emergency in 2017 or 2018.

The Supreme Court may have to decide on it, although they may not want to hear for various reasons (although I'm not not sure if the chances of that are that high).

I think the 57 pounds of fentanyl (enough to kill tens of millions) is enough reason all by itself for any rational court to agree that an open border is a crisis.

Oh, I agree. But building the"Wall" doesn't address that since those amounts are found coming in by boats, planes, through border crossings, etc.. That means that we are in more need to strengthen those areas than build more elaborate walls. It's not to say we can't do both but the real emergency is the legal inlets, not the places where a small percentage of the illegal immigrants come into the US.
Quote: "coming in by boats, planes, through border crossings, etc.."

That's why we have the Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and Border Patrol. Put them all together with President Trump, cabinet, staff, and the whole Border Patrol folks, and they ass is grass. :muahaha:
PLEASE try it with guns I want a civil war so bad!
We agree,, I do too and I have no bag limits
Awesome! You bring your dildo I will bring all of our rifles and uncle can supply the 50 cal sniper rifle and literal cannon he has. :D
Another bad sss gun nut who will pee his pants if he confronts armed troops
LMAO try me. Death doesn't scare me. What's their left worth living for if the government controls EVERYTHING? Nothing. On top of that I find it HILARIOUS you think American Soldiers will fire on or try and confiscate American's guns. More than likely they would turn on the government.
Internet tough guy

If you play from my cold dead fingers, soldiers are going to kill your ass

Your choice
Sure sure,you keep believing soldiers who swore to uphold the constitution (ahem the 2nd amendment) will try and take weapons en masse from citizens you are SORELY mistaken.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.



Gavin Gruesome is going to file a lawsuit?

He can't even afford to clean the poop off the California sidewalks, much less afford the lawyers.

They have the fifth largest economy in the world. He'll have the money.
I can imagine this going to court, I don't see why it wasn't a national emergency in 2017 or 2018.

The Supreme Court may have to decide on it, although they may not want to hear for various reasons (although I'm not not sure if the chances of that are that high).

I think the 57 pounds of fentanyl (enough to kill tens of millions) is enough reason all by itself for any rational court to agree that an open border is a crisis.

Oh, I agree. But building the"Wall" doesn't address that since those amounts are found coming in by boats, planes, through border crossings, etc.. That means that we are in more need to strengthen those areas than build more elaborate walls. It's not to say we can't do both but the real emergency is the legal inlets, not the places where a small percentage of the illegal immigrants come into the US.

Criminals will always seek the path of least resistance. I think the courts will agree that the wall is constitutional and justified.
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The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.



Gavin Gruesome is going to file a lawsuit?

He can't even afford to clean the poop off the California sidewalks, much less afford the lawyers.

They have the fifth largest economy in the world. He'll have the money.

Then they'll waste even more money, in addition the their disastrous "high speed train" debacle.

The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.


Yes, the Chuck and Nancy show will continue even as the border fence goes up.
"Border fence?" What happened to the big tall wall? Oh that's right, he lied about that, and who would pay for it.

Who cares? Finish the wall!!
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

Sent from my iPhone using
I love the smell of a national emergency to secure our border from common criminals. It smells like...victory.

It smells more like the beginning of the end of the Great American Experiment with presidential authoritarianism topping the will of congress.

We have had 61 national emergencies declared since the National Emergencies Act of 1976 was passed. In referring to previous National Emergencies, Trump said, "There's rarely been a problem. They sign it. Nobody cares. I guess they weren't very exciting." Trump's statement is pretty accurate. About three-quarters of the time, presidents use their emergency power to impose economic sanctions or limit trade with foreign parties. Other declarations have followed terrorist attacks or natural disasters in which there was no question of support in congress such as George W. Bush's declaration of an emergency after the Sept. 11 attacks. And Obama used one to respond to the swine flu epidemic in 2009. Trump is correct, National Emergencies in the past have been pretty ho-hum events.

Trump's declaration is categorically different, in that the president is using his power to fund a border wall far bigger and more expensive than Congress was willing to pay for. This is not 9/11. This is not the Iran hostage crisis of 1979. And this is unlike any national emergency declaration of the past. This is a power grab by a disappointed president, who is going outside the bounds of the law to get what he failed to get in the constitutional legislative process.

What Trump fails to see is the issue he has raised of a president declaring a national emergency to subvert the will of congress is a far more serious issue than whether he builds a 50 mile wall or 250 mile wall before the 2020 elections.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.


Yes, the Chuck and Nancy show will continue even as the border fence goes up.
"Border fence?" What happened to the big tall wall? Oh that's right, he lied about that, and who would pay for it.
That clearly is very important to you, but most people know the President plans to build a smart fence.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.



Gavin Gruesome is going to file a lawsuit?

He can't even afford to clean the poop off the California sidewalks, much less afford the lawyers.

They have the fifth largest economy in the world. He'll have the money.

Then they'll waste even more money, in addition the their disastrous "high speed train" debacle.

Excellent. Stay your ass in the stone age redneck. It's where you belong. In the mean time, the world is leaving you eating your own miserable dust.
The Democrats were for the wall until President Trump got elected. The Democrats said on the day after Trump won the Republican Primary that they were going to get rid of him and they did a 180 on the wall and said how bad it would be. They used the wall as a weapon and today, they went all-out over Trump's resisting their little 180 and all the lies it took them to get there, all just to get rid of him, slime him, and try to turn even his supporters against him by false charges and a special counsel to commit a beat up on him they hoped would get rid of him for good. Trump didn't take the bait. He's declaring a national emergency to alleviate the schools of more responsibilities of beleaguered teachers to accommodate children needing an education, and sometimes a home since parents sent children with friends who suddenly disappeared, leaving the children behind for America to feed, house, clothe and educate these poor dumped children.

The apoplectic left blamed every detail on President Trump after they withdrew their enthusiasm for a wall before Trump took office, and they saw the perfect weapon, with the poison point of immigrant parentless childrens' plight as if Trump was all to blame for the criminal acts of Mexican citizens who wanted to upgrade their children and get rid of the responsibility, the very same attitude taken by the Mexican government for escorting so many of the earlier immigrants to the wall who were serial criminals, unattached people who needed support of the most expensive kind--education, incarceration, hospitalization, and the like. Not a one of us wasn't touched to know these broken people needed help, but we were wise enough to take a peek at how they got to the border--fronts for drug smugglers; easy targets for dishonest coyotes, votes for the Democrats, you name it.

Maxine Waters, Democrat Congressman, told her constituents to beat up on President Trump's staff by screaming inanities, harassing, and intimidating in public members of the Executive branch. She belongs in prison for failure to uphold the United States Constitution and separation of powers.

And now the Democrat congresscritters are making a lot of noise about getting another of the powers--the judiciary, to be exact, to postpone and delay the Executive Branch by every means possible to obstruct the justice for United States Citizen taxpayers not having to foot the bill so the Democrats can foist all their lies upon the heads of these poor, beleaguered and needy people (and many not needy) to gain illegal votes for themselves that their precinct chairmen will swear are valid votes, all under the secret cloak of power omerta workings.

Americans are getting sick of paying a high price--several trillion dollars a year for this cheap trick to get free votes for Democrats by hustling illegals over here. They're creating problems that will never be able to be solved. Is that what they want to justify taking people's life savings, inheritances of family businesses and farms away from them to give to whoever they decide fluffs them enough.

The Democrats want total and complete power; they want to ruin us financially with lawsuits their unpopular welching demands, and then blame everything on whoever tries to fix this unfortunate problem foisted on us by a society to the south that will not deal with their people in a way that employs them.
If the democrats want "total power" why is it that Trump is the one demanding something most Americans don't want?
With all due respect sir, I believe you have "most Americans" confused with groupthink Democrats whose numbers are shrinking as President Trump hits several more homeruns than usual:

And yet Dems just gained control of house.

If you are foolish enough to think the American people are going to tolerate the new people elected including Congressman jew-hater Omar and Congressman stick-it-up-the-ass-of-those-who-earned-their-wealth-the-hard-way-with-70%-taxes-on-the-dollar A. Ocasio/Cortez, you may see how fragile and how VERY fragile that gain is come next election.

And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.

Quote: And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.​

You don't think Trump's campaign can't spot a Democrat lying a mile off, then I ain't sittin' here typing out the ways Christine Blasey Ford's little lie-fest failed, with the result being Kavanaugh was welcomed in after all the leftards put him and his wife and kids through.

Someday the good Democrats of this country are going to tell the liars of the party to piss off, and they're going to start playing their cards off the top of the deck again. Right now, with all that lying and bullshitting going on in your ding-a-ling "The View" show, your party is plummeting from the intensity of the meanness like the Dowager, Maxine Waters who wants to use her office people as a the dirtiest dealers since the German SS fled to South America.

If Nancy Pelosi keeps cramming lies down America's craw, she's gonna die of pure-dee self-inflicted meanness.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.


Yes, the Chuck and Nancy show will continue even as the border fence goes up.
"Border fence?" What happened to the big tall wall? Oh that's right, he lied about that, and who would pay for it.
That clearly is very important to you, but most people know the President plans to build a smart fence.
It wasn't important to me, it was important to Trumps cheering Sheep.
If the democrats want "total power" why is it that Trump is the one demanding something most Americans don't want?
With all due respect sir, I believe you have "most Americans" confused with groupthink Democrats whose numbers are shrinking as President Trump hits several more homeruns than usual:

And yet Dems just gained control of house.

If you are foolish enough to think the American people are going to tolerate the new people elected including Congressman jew-hater Omar and Congressman stick-it-up-the-ass-of-those-who-earned-their-wealth-the-hard-way-with-70%-taxes-on-the-dollar A. Ocasio/Cortez, you may see how fragile and how VERY fragile that gain is come next election.

And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.

Quote: And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.​

You don't think Trump's campaign can't spot a Democrat lying a mile off, then I ain't sittin' here typing out the ways Christine Blasey Ford's little lie-fest failed, with the result being Kavanaugh was welcomed in after all the leftards put him and his wife and kids through.

Someday the good Democrats of this country are going to tell the liars of the party to piss off, and they're going to start playing their cards off the top of the deck again. Right now, with all that lying and bullshitting going on in your ding-a-ling "The View" show, your party is plummeting from the intensity of the meanness like the Dowager, Maxine Waters who wants to use her office people as a the dirtiest dealers since the German SS fled to South America.

If Nancy Pelosi keeps cramming lies down America's craw, she's gonna die of pure-dee self-inflicted meanness.

The proven lies by Pelosi are?
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.



Gavin Gruesome is going to file a lawsuit?

He can't even afford to clean the poop off the California sidewalks, much less afford the lawyers.

They have the fifth largest economy in the world. He'll have the money.

Then they'll waste even more money, in addition the their disastrous "high speed train" debacle.

Excellent. Stay your ass in the stone age redneck. It's where you belong. In the mean time, the world is leaving you eating your own miserable dust.

Then move to China if you like their trains that much. Hope your grasp of the Mandarin language is up to date, otherwise you'll be eating dog brains and not even knowing it.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.


Yes, the Chuck and Nancy show will continue even as the border fence goes up.
"Border fence?" What happened to the big tall wall? Oh that's right, he lied about that, and who would pay for it.

Who cares? Finish the wall!!
The people who care about the truth, care. Those who don't, become liars to themselves.
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.



Gavin Gruesome is going to file a lawsuit?

He can't even afford to clean the poop off the California sidewalks, much less afford the lawyers.

They have the fifth largest economy in the world. He'll have the money.

Then they'll waste even more money, in addition the their disastrous "high speed train" debacle.

Excellent. Stay your ass in the stone age redneck. It's where you belong. In the mean time, the world is leaving you eating your own miserable dust.

Then move to China if you like their trains that much. Hope your grasp of the Mandarin language is up to date, otherwise you'll be eating dog brains and not even knowing it.
Butt hurt about trains I see.
You will get screwed if you try to learn Chinese. It's hard on the eyes and there are four million characters. We think that Russian is a better choice.

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