Trump to declare national emergency

Its been a national emergency for decades and Trump is the first POTUS to really address it.

These illegals cost we the tax payer BILLIONS every year. Not to mention the drugs that are ferried across the border.

Something should have been done decades ago and now it will be.

Build the damned wall. Once built no more can get it and we can boot those that are here out and they won't be able to get back in.

We will save billions every year. Billions that can be used for something better.
By very definition, it is not an emergency. It is neither unforeseen, sudden, nor unexpected. If a true emergency occurs and say 20,000 migrant families rush the border, you call out the National Guard or the Army. You certainly don't declare an emergency and start construction of a wall that will take years to complete.

Our constitution and laws make if very clear how you solve the problem. You elect people to congress that will support your solution. And if they don't, you look for alternate solutions. This is how government works in a democratic republic.
I can imagine this going to court, I don't see why it wasn't a national emergency in 2017 or 2018.

The Supreme Court may have to decide on it, although they may not want to hear for various reasons (although I'm not not sure if the chances of that are that high).

I think the 57 pounds of fentanyl (enough to kill tens of millions) is enough reason all by itself for any rational court to agree that an open border is a crisis.
I looked up how many people would be killed by fenatyl. You're on the mark.

Enough Fentanyl to Kill 32 Million People Seized in NYC Bust "
Authorities confiscated nearly 195 pounds of fentanyl in a pair of busts that prosecutors said included one sting that netted 32 million lethal doses of the drug, an opioid 50 times stronger than heroin.

Four people were arrested after the busts in August and September that also netted 75 pounds of heroin and cocaine. Bridget G. Brennan, New York City's special narcotics prosecutor, said the busts come as overdose deaths hit an all-time high in New York's five boroughs in 2016."

Thanks for bringing that up. President Trump asked the President in China about looking into Fenatyl, he reported today in his speech. The response was that the President of China may likely make Fenatyl so illegal in China it will carry a death sentence for selling that lethal stuff. I'm glad. I'm minus a nephew on account of taking that heinous stuff a couple of years ago and breaking my sister's heart. :(

You don't understand China very well. They will make it a death sentence to provide it to their own citizens. But for export, that's another story. There has been many cases of a chinese drug company putting out drugs for export that the Chinese has forbidden them to sell to the Chinese where the drugs have been downright poisonous. When a country like the US finds out about it (the FDA) then the company is shut down only to resurface under a different name somewhere else in china. China won't go after them because the Chinese Government makes big bucks off that company and there are no Chinese deaths inside China.
You're selling deal-maker President Trump way short. They like him. He makes them happy to cooperate by giving a little of this they want and a little of that, mainly a little profit for their businesses and the offer to reduce or eliminate tariffs for peacetime accords like turning their uranium into power plants for their people to enjoy. Ever see a map of the world and where the most lights are? Guess who lit up the world? A home-schooled, all-American boy whose imagination brightened the nights. See? Trump has that same can-do spirit.

Long Live America's Thomas Alva Edison's name.

Its been a national emergency for decades and Trump is the first POTUS to really address it.

These illegals cost we the tax payer BILLIONS every year. Not to mention the drugs that are ferried across the border.

Something should have been done decades ago and now it will be.

Build the damned wall. Once built no more can get it and we can boot those that are here out and they won't be able to get back in.

We will save billions every year. Billions that can be used for something better.
By very definition, it is not an emergency. It is neither unforeseen, sudden, nor unexpected. If a true emergency occurs and say 20,000 migrant families rush the border, you call out the National Guard or the Army. You certainly don't declare an emergency and start construction of a wall that will take years to complete.

Our constitution and laws make if very clear how you solve the problem. You elect people to congress that will support your solution. And if they don't, you look for alternate solutions. This is how government works in a democratic republic.
So the fifteen million illegals crossing the border in the last 15 years doesn't occur to you as a true emergency? Fifteen million is a lot more than 20,000. At lest a bushel and a peck. :spinner:
The first lawsuits challenging the legality of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration began rolling in on Friday, and lawmakers say more are likely to follow.


Yes, the Chuck and Nancy show will continue even as the border fence goes up.
"Border fence?" What happened to the big tall wall? Oh that's right, he lied about that, and who would pay for it.
That clearly is very important to you, but most people know the President plans to build a smart fence.
It wasn't important to me, it was important to Trumps cheering Sheep.
You were taught in school that the people who died at Normandy were feminist women and gay people. Iwo Jima, Guada Canal and Okinawa were just fun parks for hop, skip and jumping parties. Now I agree that social justice is important. You won but you can't figure out the failures. You are learning that winning the prize that you wanted, is not the same as having because of it. The Ellen show a dozen years ago or so she was cordial and human and of course gay. Today she is cold hearted and one of the judge, juries and executioners that puts people who make stupid remarks through a wringer to cleanse them and bring forgiveness. The difference. Gay people and extreme feminist have taken over the real power. And they are getting stupid like others before them in other ways of living.
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
He's not setting a precedent. He's not the first to do this. He's following the precedent previous presidents have set.
He is the first president since the National Emergencies Act was passed to subvert the will congress by declaring a national emergency and proceeding contrary to the wishes of congress using unauthorized funds.
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
He's not setting a precedent. He's not the first to do this. He's following the precedent previous presidents have set.
He is the first president since the National Emergencies Act was passed to subvert the will congress by declaring a national emergency and proceeding contrary to the wishes of congress using unauthorized funds.
he's doing the will of the people.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:
With spending up to 22 trillion now, I don't think we can afford much more Trump chopping.
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

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I love the smell of a national emergency to secure our border from common criminals. It smells like...victory.

It smells more like the beginning of the end of the Great American Experiment with presidential authoritarianism topping the will of congress.

We have had 61 national emergencies declared since the National Emergencies Act of 1976 was passed. In referring to previous National Emergencies, Trump said, "There's rarely been a problem. They sign it. Nobody cares. I guess they weren't very exciting." Trump's statement is pretty accurate. About three-quarters of the time, presidents use their emergency power to impose economic sanctions or limit trade with foreign parties. Other declarations have followed terrorist attacks or natural disasters in which there was no question of support in congress such as George W. Bush's declaration of an emergency after the Sept. 11 attacks. And Obama used one to respond to the swine flu epidemic in 2009. Trump is correct, National Emergencies in the past have been pretty ho-hum events.

Trump's declaration is categorically different, in that the president is using his power to fund a border wall far bigger and more expensive than Congress was willing to pay for. This is not 9/11. This is not the Iran hostage crisis of 1979. And this is unlike any national emergency declaration of the past. This is a power grab by a disappointed president, who is going outside the bounds of the law to get what he failed to get in the constitutional legislative process.

What Trump fails to see is the issue he has raised of a president declaring a national emergency to subvert the will of congress is a far more serious issue than whether he builds a 50 mile wall or 250 mile wall before the 2020 elections.

I disagree. The Constitution gives the President the since the Whisky Rebellion. We cannot let “threats to come into our country,” these are not mom and pop organizations? They are
Drug lords.
In 1976 with the drafting of the update of the National Emergency statute in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and Nixon's attempt to absorb extraordinary Presidential powers, new termination laws were codified to allow Congress to reclaim their Article 1 powers assumed by the president ceded by Congress.

50 USC § 1622 contains those specifics which include termination of a Presidential declaration of a National Emergency through a nullification process if both Chambers concur with a SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE in both houses. If one Chamber votes to terminate, the other house is required to vote, and NO FILIBUSTER for the Senate.

The Speaker of the House will likely prepare the Joint Resolution soonest, and McConnell has no damn choice but to hold a vote in the Senate per the requirements of the Statute. If the Resolution gets to the Senate, it likely will have enough GOP Senators crossing the line easily. If McConnell gets smart of a sudden, he'll turn his caucus loose to vote on their own.

~~ 50 U.S. Code § 1622 - National emergencies ~~
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.
I would HOPE that the Democrats would not repeat the un-Constitutional works that Trump is taking us through right now, but with their recent track record, they probably would, just for shits and giggles.
So yeah, this thing needs to be nipped in the bud so that neither party tries it again for quite some time. Trump has already convinced his supporters that the newspapers are all lying so when the Mueller decision comes down it will be conveniently ignored. Now he's literally giving the Constitution the middle finger and trying to take what he wants, without permission. This is becoming serious enough to start thinking the dictator foolishness might be right. He is an old man who always ran his own company the way he wanted. He knows no other way to be.

He has a phone and a pen. Obama cancer in bureaus is only about 40% extracted at this point.
The phone and the pen does not trump the Constitution dumb ass.

They did when Obama was president..but..

Neither do leftist butthurt wishes.

You get a wall, and deal with it!

Why on earth would you be opposed to one?
With all due respect sir, I believe you have "most Americans" confused with groupthink Democrats whose numbers are shrinking as President Trump hits several more homeruns than usual:

And yet Dems just gained control of house.

If you are foolish enough to think the American people are going to tolerate the new people elected including Congressman jew-hater Omar and Congressman stick-it-up-the-ass-of-those-who-earned-their-wealth-the-hard-way-with-70%-taxes-on-the-dollar A. Ocasio/Cortez, you may see how fragile and how VERY fragile that gain is come next election.

And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.

Quote: And if you think people want King Trump, you may be again surprised come election time.​

You don't think Trump's campaign can't spot a Democrat lying a mile off, then I ain't sittin' here typing out the ways Christine Blasey Ford's little lie-fest failed, with the result being Kavanaugh was welcomed in after all the leftards put him and his wife and kids through.

Someday the good Democrats of this country are going to tell the liars of the party to piss off, and they're going to start playing their cards off the top of the deck again. Right now, with all that lying and bullshitting going on in your ding-a-ling "The View" show, your party is plummeting from the intensity of the meanness like the Dowager, Maxine Waters who wants to use her office people as a the dirtiest dealers since the German SS fled to South America.

If Nancy Pelosi keeps cramming lies down America's craw, she's gonna die of pure-dee self-inflicted meanness.

The proven lies by Pelosi are?

Which one? :uhh:
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
He's not setting a precedent. He's not the first to do this. He's following the precedent previous presidents have set.
He is the first president since the National Emergencies Act was passed to subvert the will congress by declaring a national emergency and proceeding contrary to the wishes of congress using unauthorized funds.
Looks like ruling by a pen and a phone has come back to bite your ass...Sucks to be you.
El muro va porq va ok Joaquín deja el ateo contra el presidente Trump ok o tu también estás en campaña q se piensan Uds dos q van a ganar la presidencia de EEUU q equivocados están como les falta muro pote recorrer

we shouldn't declare a national emergency over the president's vanity project, my friends
Senator Collins already came out yesterday saying it was a mistake. She won't be the only one. Everyone who disagrees with the national emergency declaration are warning about equal hijinx by the Democrats, once one is Pres again.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.
I would HOPE that the Democrats would not repeat the un-Constitutional works that Trump is taking us through right now, but with their recent track record, they probably would, just for shits and giggles.
So yeah, this thing needs to be nipped in the bud so that neither party tries it again for quite some time. Trump has already convinced his supporters that the newspapers are all lying so when the Mueller decision comes down it will be conveniently ignored. Now he's literally giving the Constitution the middle finger and trying to take what he wants, without permission. This is becoming serious enough to start thinking the dictator foolishness might be right. He is an old man who always ran his own company the way he wanted. He knows no other way to be.

He has a phone and a pen. Obama cancer in bureaus is only about 40% extracted at this point.
The phone and the pen does not trump the Constitution dumb ass.

They did when Obama was president..but..

Neither do leftist butthurt wishes.

You get a wall, and deal with it!

Why on earth would you be opposed to one?
Because there is no emergency to have one.
They'll declare gun violence a national emergency. They'll declare climate change a national emergency, which it is. They'll declare a barrier to be a NE, and tear it down.
I would HOPE that the Democrats would not repeat the un-Constitutional works that Trump is taking us through right now, but with their recent track record, they probably would, just for shits and giggles.
So yeah, this thing needs to be nipped in the bud so that neither party tries it again for quite some time. Trump has already convinced his supporters that the newspapers are all lying so when the Mueller decision comes down it will be conveniently ignored. Now he's literally giving the Constitution the middle finger and trying to take what he wants, without permission. This is becoming serious enough to start thinking the dictator foolishness might be right. He is an old man who always ran his own company the way he wanted. He knows no other way to be.

He has a phone and a pen. Obama cancer in bureaus is only about 40% extracted at this point.
The phone and the pen does not trump the Constitution dumb ass.

They did when Obama was president..but..

Neither do leftist butthurt wishes.

You get a wall, and deal with it!

Why on earth would you be opposed to one?
Because there is no emergency to have one.

Foreign invaders flooding over the border is cause for emergency, sorry.

Time to build a wall and get back to normal.
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
He's not setting a precedent. He's not the first to do this. He's following the precedent previous presidents have set.
He is the first president since the National Emergencies Act was passed to subvert the will congress by declaring a national emergency and proceeding contrary to the wishes of congress using unauthorized funds.
he's doing the will of the people.
Oh really. Show me a national poll that supports the president's decision to build a wall by declaring a national emergency using unauthorized funds.
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
He's not setting a precedent. He's not the first to do this. He's following the precedent previous presidents have set.
He is the first president since the National Emergencies Act was passed to subvert the will congress by declaring a national emergency and proceeding contrary to the wishes of congress using unauthorized funds.
Looks like ruling by a pen and a phone has come back to bite your ass...Sucks to be you.
Trump already admitted on the first day it was not a NE. It sucks to be on the end of a lie, about something that is unconstitutional.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:

Spending is rising, not falling. Nothing is being chopped and best money being spent on different things.

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So you went lalalalala all the way through the President's speech today? He had to rebuild the U.S. military after Barack Obama came close to decimating national defense and protection for the American people. Gosh, I'm glad that man's outta there. *whew*

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