Trump to issue Executive Order

I would sure love to hear your description of how Trump could of even been close to "responsible" for 1-6 because to most Americans its a farce...Trump did nothing wrong and this stacked commission only shows how scared the dems are of Trump...and you fit right in to that please don't give me the I'm an independent BS....
Unless they can convict him of treason, there is no Federal charge that would lead to a conviction that would disqualify him from running. It's a purely political exercise and they'll discover that all it will accomplish is to strengthen his base. They've NEVER been able to shake his support. After another 3 years of the disaster going on due to the decisions made in the name of that meat-puppet, the Democrat losses could easily be of historic proportions. The one thing that might help the Left, ironically, will be a Republican win next year. At that point, the Dems can begin to trot out the same old song and dance about the big meany Republicans stopping them from doing God's work for 'the people".
All the gauges and meters showed Trump winning, and then like a thief in the night, it was then stolen from Trump because all the indicators said it was.
Actually even Rasmussen right before the election predicted Trump would lose.

White House Watch
Biden 48%, Trump 47%
Monday, November 02, 2020
Unless they can convict him of treason, there is no Federal charge that would lead to a conviction that would disqualify him from running. It's a purely political exercise and they'll discover that all it will accomplish is to strengthen his base. They've NEVER been able to shake his support. After another 3 years of the disaster going on due to the decisions made in the name of that meat-puppet, the Democrat losses could easily be of historic proportions. The one thing that might help the Left, ironically, will be a Republican win next year. At that point, the Dems can begin to trot out the same old song and dance about the big meany Republicans stopping them from doing God's work for 'the people".
Exactly right...they are trying to smear him and it won't work...
Poll to your hearts content. But in the end the only poll that counts is the one on election day.
Right, you are. I'm sure Rassmussen's 38% isn't trustworthy. The truth is clear. Biden never got 81 million votes and it would take a partisan hack to even imagine it was possible. The proof of that is seen in the collapse of his numbers. He literally has no base. Or, if he does, even they are losing heart over his feeble ass. The worst news in that last poll wasn't the overall numbers. It was the HUGE swing against him by Independents. He may well succumb to illness or have his cabinet use the 25th against him but that would actually make things worse. Heels up is loathed by both sides.
If Trump runs in '24, he'll win. If he decides to just be Kingmaker, DeSantis will win. Hell, almost ANYONE would be better than a Democrat after the country watches the chaos for another few years.
He doesn't have the protection against indictment now but the idea that this committee is going to find something substantial that wasn't found by the FBI is pretty remote. IF they do, it will reek of politics and that helps his run in 2024.
Also, it's been nearly 10 months, and not one of the 600+ they've arrested for being there that day has been charged with "insurrection" or any other of the buzz words the media have been spewing.
You know that a charge of insurrection to be sustained means you have to prove who was leading the group. And conspirators don't like confessing to such crimes. This is like an onion slowly being peeled back layer by layer until the leader in the center is arrived at.
Unless they can convict him of treason, there is no Federal charge that would lead to a conviction that would disqualify him from running.
Trump can run, but the logistics of trying to fill stadiums of supporters is pretty tough when you're only allowed one visitor at a time when you're in jail.
I said 5 dead. That's the absolute truth. It's a simple body count. And even you posted verification I was right.
How many died on 1-6 by the hands of the protesters? are swimming in you want to discuss the nation wide riots brought to us by blue state leaders?....
Trump can run, but the logistics of trying to fill stadiums of supporters is pretty tough when you're only allowed one visitor at a time when you're in jail.
You are alot of laughs ya know.. Thanks for your constantly confirming that the Democrat's are engaging in and/or sustaining a coup on Trump that extends into 2024.
How many died on 1-6 by the hands of the protesters?....
Now that's a completely different question. I said 5 died at the Capitol.
And then you claimed I was wrong.
Five dead, millions in damage, over 500 indictments. Yet you claim that nothing
happened that day.
Five dead???? what five?....millions of dollars???says who? are CNN one but Ashli died that day....either you don't know that or you are a liar...which is it?....
Nobody but Ashli died that day?
That was your claim, before you posted a link to the other four deaths at the Capitol.
Five dead???? what five?....millions of dollars???says who? are CNN one but Ashli died that day....either you don't know that or you are a liar...which is it?....
Nobody but Ashli died that day?

I hope you told the DC coroner that. He did an autopsy on four other people they put into body bags that day at the Capitol.
Now that's a completely different question. I said 5 died at the Capitol.
And then you claimed I was wrong.

Nobody but Ashli died that day?
That was your claim, before you posted a link to the other four deaths at the Capitol.
Was he talking about the direct meaning of died that day, otherwise being in the sense that it was caused by a direct involvement in the struggle or as a result of said struggle that caused direct injuries all due too when Ashlie passed that day ??? Otherwise was he trying to say that the other death's weren't directly related to the struggles that day, so they don't count in the scheme of thing's ??

If so I can understand it or well maybe not because I sure wasn't there that day to know any better about it all. Hmmmm.
Nobody but Ashli died that day?

I hope you told the DC coroner that. He did an autopsy on four other people they put into body bags that day at the Capitol.
Only one body bag was used on that day...for one else died on that day at the Capitol....stop believing the lies....

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