Trump To Snub WHCD . . . Again

Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.

Smart man....
It's called efficiency.


It is cowardice and an abdication of his duty to be everyone's president.

He's a pussy.
Funny -- since leftists don't consider him their President. And him sitting there listening to irrational hatred will not persuade the haters that he is their President.

Don't worry. You can still watch it...on CSPAN, maybe...and get your ragegasm on -- exactly as ordered.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.

Smart man....
It's called efficiency.


It is cowardice and an abdication of his duty to be everyone's president.

He's a pussy.

Trump is everyone's President. He is just anti-stupid, so he won't be attending the White House Correspondents annual Hate Fest.

Nothing in the Constitution says that the POTUS is required to expose the people to ridicule.

BTW, Trump has an important rally scheduled for that very evening, so he isn't even going to be in town. Maybe if the WHCD wants to see their President, they can bring in a big screen and they can watch the event on TV?

He's a pussy.
Really, it kinda sounds like you are, throwing the little hissy fit you are.
Smart man....
It's called efficiency.


It is cowardice and an abdication of his duty to be everyone's president.

He's a pussy.

Trump is everyone's President. He is just anti-stupid, so he won't be attending the White House Correspondents annual Hate Fest.

Nothing in the Constitution says that the POTUS is required to expose the people to ridicule.

BTW, Trump has an important rally scheduled for that very evening, so he isn't even going to be in town. Maybe if the WHCD wants to see their President, they can bring in a big screen and they can watch the event on TV?

He's a pussy.

I think the WH correspondents are the pussies. They are supposed to be freaking journalists, they should really be watching the Trump Rally on the big screen during the event, so the story about Trump's speech will make the Bulldog edition. Why can't they just do their job?

Your guy fears the boost and the mocking. He will never show up anywhere that isn't packed with his loyal morons or US service members, who have to show him total respect.

He's a pussy.
keep using that word.jpg
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.
I would think very little of him if he appeared at events that were only hostile. I would not tolerate that for a second. The media gets to stand up there and insult him and he has to take it! Walk the fuck out.

He's an insecure pussy.

No if he were a 'pussy' he'd cow-tow to the MSM.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.
That should concern his loyal fans.

I've been to two of his events. I didn't work for him. He had no way of knowing if I supported him. No one asked me going in. There were plenty of people there who obviously didn't support him and protested.

  • Hillary Clinton will not speak at a debate unless she already has the questions in advance.
  • Hillary Clinton will not come on Fox News because she can't control the interview.
  • Hillary Clinton will only go to interviews with "friendly" journalists when she has a copy of the interview first and it must not deviate from the script.
  • Hillary Clinton insists on a teleprompter at any public event she's at.

Apparently that and much more concerned about a 150 million deplorables.

Sorry, pal. The world knows that this fucker only shows up for friendly crowds.
Progressives don’t make fun of progressives, they worship the motherfuckers....

Yes and we all know that for every interview Trump showed up for one hand-picked interview with cherry-picked fluff questions laid out in advance, Hillary took on a hundred of them from anyone, on all sides.

Oh wait.

That was Trump that did that.
Whoa! You're fucking brilliant! Keep this up and we won't use your name to describe a lame ass meltdown any more. Dave.
If you're the benchmark for brilliant, I gotta say -- the bar's set pretty low.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167

What that means is your self-limited, narrow world-view is not universal.

For the new folks...what does is it mean to "dave" here at the USMB?

How did that phrase come about?
You libtards decided to have a pile on!

Yeah? He did nothing to earn it?

There's that personal responsibility again.
Yes, because words hurt. :206: could stop being sissy bedwetters.

Hasn't happened yet, though.
Well you must admit it, Daveman, they're either Howl or run with them. ;)
So good to have you posting here.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row

It shows how small a person Trump is.

Your post shows you don't know that Trump has sent the market up and that's good for every person in America who isn't a slug.

BusyBee doesn't follow the market. The only market he cares about is the welfare check market.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.
That should concern his loyal fans.

I've been to two of his events. I didn't work for him. He had no way of knowing if I supported him. No one asked me going in. There were plenty of people there who obviously didn't support him and protested.

  • Hillary Clinton will not speak at a debate unless she already has the questions in advance.
  • Hillary Clinton will not come on Fox News because she can't control the interview.
  • Hillary Clinton will only go to interviews with "friendly" journalists when she has a copy of the interview first and it must not deviate from the script.
  • Hillary Clinton insists on a teleprompter at any public event she's at.

Apparently that and much more concerned about a 150 million deplorables.

Sorry, pal. The world knows that this fucker only shows up for friendly crowds.
Progressives don’t make fun of progressives, they worship the motherfuckers....

Yes and we all know that for every interview Trump showed up for one hand-picked interview with cherry-picked fluff questions laid out in advance, Hillary took on a hundred of them from anyone, on all sides.

Oh wait.

That was Trump that did that.
Trump cherry picked? Like when the Democrat Party Cherry picked Kavanaugh to receive Christine Blasey Ford's blatant lies about Kavanaugh so they could humiliate Trump with his "poor choice?" A quick check showed that CBFord's curriculum influenced impressionable young students to build a story based on specious representations, lies, and false witness against innocent people to get a RESULT that favored their agenda. Between that and comparing her movement and expressional body language was screaming one fact her soft, persuasive manners betrayed--that she was lying her patoot off, and as a consequence, Kavanaugh became a Supreme Court Justice in a matter of hours, and not weeks of letting the Democrats be weave, weave, weaving calumnious deceptions that would've destroyed the best of good men and his family with such craven effluvium.
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Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row

It shows how small a person Trump is.

Politics is a game of checkers but Trump is a chess player. When a guy like Trump checkmates the Left, they complain what a small person he is.
Politics is a game? Oh? Border Patrol's dead bodies are a game? Border rapes of young women are a game? Schools in poor districts crowded to death with an overflow of illegal students that have to be treated the same as regular American taxpayer's kids are treated are a game?

In this particular game, the Democrat Party is a political agent of doing nothing except withholding money away from the border issue. And guess what. In this little game YOU call politics, the taxpayer is further burdened with Democrat pussyfooting around, spending $40 million dollars to ruin President Trump right after spending $12 million to destroy Juris Doctor Kavenaugh, Now, they're think they are going to audit President Trump's income tax returns because they didn't destroy him in the election in 2016, and now they're proposing another 2 years to destroy President Trump with more false accusations so they can rattle sabers and scream inanities in order to raise taxes on employers. They have not done a damn bit of legislating. It's all been resolution this and resolution that, but no results, because all their energy is being spent on destroying Republicans whether working class or the lobster twice a day crowd. :rolleyes:

Good night, everyone. :sleep:
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.

That should concern his loyal fans.
The White House correspondents dinner people never make fun of progressives, The motherfuckers worship the motherfuckers

One. They do make fun of progressives.

Two. Cowboy up, Nancy. It’s just words.
The nutbags are not being very helpful here. We have some members who were not here to witness the oranges of the term “to Dave” here at USMB.

I forced a prolific poster...someone of extreme arrogance and overstated self leave the board for a long time.

It was epic.

Come on Dave. Give us the summary.

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