Trump told not all welfare recipients are black. Then Trump said: Really? Then what are they?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump was reportedly surprised black lawmakers didn’t personally know fellow black person Ben Carson

President Donald Trump reportedly couldn’t avoid stereotyping black people during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus.

He had asked members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a March meeting, Vivian Salama reported for NBC News on Friday, if they personally knew Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, who is black. He was surprised when none of the attendees did, two meeting attendees told Salama.

That wasn’t the end of it. In the same meeting, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus told Trump that welfare cuts would hurt her constituents, “not all of whom are black.” Trump then reportedly responded, “Really? Then what are they?”

Trump’s defenders are willfully ignoring the broader context of his "shithole" comments

Trump reportedly suggested that America should take more people from “countries like Norway.” This is his remark about African countries and Haiti in reverse, explicitly singling out predominantly white nations as favorable.


So many times, the things Trump says come across to me, as satire. As bad as they are, they are also laugh out loud. It's like, who could be this stupid and this ridiculous? Sadly, the terrible answer is "our president".

Remember when he attacked an American born judge?

Central Park 5?

Puerto Rico?

What's next? Trump doesn't learn. So what's next?
Trump was reportedly surprised black lawmakers didn’t personally know fellow black person Ben Carson

President Donald Trump reportedly couldn’t avoid stereotyping black people during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus.

He had asked members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a March meeting, Vivian Salama reported for NBC News on Friday, if they personally knew Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, who is black. He was surprised when none of the attendees did, two meeting attendees told Salama.

That wasn’t the end of it. In the same meeting, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus told Trump that welfare cuts would hurt her constituents, “not all of whom are black.” Trump then reportedly responded, “Really? Then what are they?”

Trump’s defenders are willfully ignoring the broader context of his "shithole" comments

Trump reportedly suggested that America should take more people from “countries like Norway.” This is his remark about African countries and Haiti in reverse, explicitly singling out predominantly white nations as favorable.


So many times, the things Trump says come across to me, as satire. As bad as they are, they are also laugh out loud. It's like, who could be this stupid and this ridiculous? Sadly, the terrible answer is "our president".

Remember when he attacked an American born judge?

Central Park 5?

Puerto Rico?

What's next? Trump doesn't learn. So what's next?

This is why he gets away with it .People think he's being funny. But he's not.
Trump was reportedly surprised black lawmakers didn’t personally know fellow black person Ben Carson

President Donald Trump reportedly couldn’t avoid stereotyping black people during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus.

He had asked members of the Congressional Black Caucus in a March meeting, Vivian Salama reported for NBC News on Friday, if they personally knew Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, who is black. He was surprised when none of the attendees did, two meeting attendees told Salama.

That wasn’t the end of it. In the same meeting, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus told Trump that welfare cuts would hurt her constituents, “not all of whom are black.” Trump then reportedly responded, “Really? Then what are they?”

Trump’s defenders are willfully ignoring the broader context of his "shithole" comments

Trump reportedly suggested that America should take more people from “countries like Norway.” This is his remark about African countries and Haiti in reverse, explicitly singling out predominantly white nations as favorable.


So many times, the things Trump says come across to me, as satire. As bad as they are, they are also laugh out loud. It's like, who could be this stupid and this ridiculous? Sadly, the terrible answer is "our president".

Remember when he attacked an American born judge?

Central Park 5?

Puerto Rico?

What's next? Trump doesn't learn. So what's next?

This is why he gets away with it .People think he's being funny. But he's not.

Not funny at all. But let's hope that he continues to talk and post on Twitter.

Ecerytime that he attempts to make even the most innocuous statement, he puts his own idiocy on blast for the world to see.
Tell that to the millions of whites living in Appalachia.
There are white poor people in Appalachia. And ? There are some rich black entertainers and athletes but that doesn’t change the basic contours of the opportunity structure for 38 million other African Americans.

Nor does the existence of a half-million desperately poor white Appalachians (out of a white population of over 200 million) suggest that there are not still advantages that come from being a member of the dominant racial group.

There are well-off disabled folks and poor able-bodied folks but does that means it's not an advantage to be able bodied ?

Of course not.

In the case of Appalachians, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare whites in the region with blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?

That you are not even aware of the existence of blacks in Appalachia (though they comprise about 6 percent of the region’s population, and are among some of the poorest) seems a pretty good answer to that question. Right ?

That whites are the ones you instantly think of when you think of Appalachian poverty, tells it's own story
Tell that to the millions of whites living in Appalachia.
There are white poor people in Appalachia. And ? There are some rich black entertainers and athletes but that doesn’t change the basic contours of the opportunity structure for 38 million other African Americans.

Nor does the existence of a half-million desperately poor white Appalachians (out of a white population of over 200 million) suggest that there are not still advantages that come from being a member of the dominant racial group.

There are well-off disabled folks and poor able-bodied folks but does that means it's not an advantage to be able bodied ?

Of course not.

In the case of Appalachians, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare whites in the region with blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?

That you are not even aware of the existence of blacks in Appalachia (though they comprise about 6 percent of the region’s population, and are among some of the poorest) seems a pretty good answer to that question. Right ?

That whites are the ones you instantly think of when you think of Appalachian poverty, tells it's own story

Yep, I have family members who still live there. Harlan County Kentucky,
...In the case of Appalachians, the proper test of their racial privilege would be to compare whites in the region with blacks in the same region and to then ask, do whites have an advantage ?

That you are not even aware of the existence of blacks in Appalachia (though they comprise about 6 percent of the region’s population, and are among some of the poorest) seems a pretty good answer to that question. Right ?....
Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.

WHY would it be a "proper test of racial Privilege" (rather than racial IQ, work ethic, etc) if Whites did better than blacks in Appalachia...... or Detroit, or NYC, or Zambia, or anywhere on Planet earth... or here on USMB?

Whites (and the always omitted NE ASIANS!) WILL do better because, on Average, they have higher IQs (and perhaps other innate attributes) than sub-Saharan-blacks/hybrid-USA-'Blacks.'
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Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a shit about that.

All I want know is and this is a question to you guys running around trying to prove how stupid black people

Is this : Now what ?

You're intellectually superior to me. I have 6 kids to 6 baby mamas. I listen to rap all day. I smoke blunts in between.

Are you gonna stop crying now ?


Now what ?

Because there s one thing I've always noticed with this IQ debate is that you and others never get to the doing part.

That is : What do you do with all the 38 million (Approx) dumb black people in the USA ?
See Rderp we told you the only people on welfare was black

Tell that to the millions of whites living in Appalachia.
The Congressional Black Caucus represents Appalachia? Derp

There are black people who do live in Appalachia. My mothers side of the family is from Eastern Kentucky.

I hope that you have seen the John Sayle's movie Matewan, (1987) a great movie starring James Earl Jones, and the documentary Harlan County, U.S.A. (1977, directed by Barbara Kopple). It seems that white folk and black folk have shared the bottom together in this region while the coal companies walked off with the loot.
Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?
Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a shit about that.
All I want know is and this is a question to you guys running around trying to prove how stupid black people
Is this : Now what ?
You're intellectually superior to me. I have 6 kids to 6 baby mamas. I listen to rap all day. I smoke blunts in between.
Are you gonna stop crying now ?
Now what ?
Because there s one thing I've always noticed with this IQ debate is that you and others never get to the doing part.
That is : What do you do with all the 38 million (Approx) dumb black people in the USA ?
Another DISHONEST and Stupid post, replete with picture/cartoon.
You destroy any debate with your stupidity and intentional non-responsive/nonsensical posting.

You DISHONESTLY 'short-quoted' me and left my my Rebuttal of your Idiotic Proffer

AGAIN my last:
""Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.
and Unquoted/Unanswered
WHY would it be a "proper test of racial Privilege" (rather than racial IQ, work ethic, etc) if Whites did better than blacks in Appalachia...... or Detroit, or NYC, or Zambia, or anywhere on Planet earth... or here on USMB?

Whites (and the always omitted NE ASIANS!) WILL do better because, on Average, they have higher IQs (and perhaps other innate attributes) than sub-Saharan-blacks/hybrid-USA-'Blacks.' ""

Your posts are all Idiotic and Childish deflections.
You are incapable intellectually, and character-wise, of having linear debate.
Last edited:
Another DISHONEST and Stupid post, replete with picture/cartoon.
You destroy any debate with your stupidity and intentional non-responsive/nonsensical posting.

You DISHONESTLY 'short-quoted' me and left my my Rebuttal of your Idiotic Proffer

AGAIN my last:
""Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.
and Unquoted/Unanswered
WHY would it be a "proper test of racial Privilege" (rather than racial IQ, work ethic, etc) if Whites did better than blacks in Appalachia...... or Detroit, or NYC, or Zambia, or anywhere on Planet earth... or here on USMB?

Whites (and the always omitted NE ASIANS!) WILL do better because, on Average, they have higher IQs (and perhaps other innate attributes) than sub-Saharan-blacks/hybrid-USA-'Blacks.' ""

Your posts are all Idiotic and Childish deflections.
You are incapable intellectually, and character-wise, of having linear debate.
Let me get this right

abu afak mantra is pretty much summed by this statement "Any problems black people have is because of there IQ. They are just stupid"
Paul Essien (who is black) says "Says. Yes. Your right. I'm stupid and have a low IQ. Now what ?"
abu afak says "Your posts are all Idiotic and Childish deflections. You are incapable intellectually, and character-wise, of having linear debate."

Get to the doing part. Not the assessment part. We have been there for 100's of years. People have been telling black people what we are for centuries.

"Well I feel that black people are dumb"
"Well I feel that black people are lazy"
"Well I feel that black people are ugly"
"Well I feel that black people are violent"


So what do you do with a race of people who are dumb and lazy, ugly and violent ?
Another DISHONEST and Stupid post, replete with picture/cartoon.
You destroy any debate with your stupidity and intentional non-responsive/nonsensical posting.

You DISHONESTLY 'short-quoted' me and left my my Rebuttal of your Idiotic Proffer

AGAIN my last:
""Too stupid a proffer to debate. Just more evidence of the IQ issue.
and Unquoted/Unanswered
WHY would it be a "proper test of racial Privilege" (rather than racial IQ, work ethic, etc) if Whites did better than blacks in Appalachia...... or Detroit, or NYC, or Zambia, or anywhere on Planet earth... or here on USMB?

Whites (and the always omitted NE ASIANS!) WILL do better because, on Average, they have higher IQs (and perhaps other innate attributes) than sub-Saharan-blacks/hybrid-USA-'Blacks.' ""

Your posts are all Idiotic and Childish deflections.
You are incapable intellectually, and character-wise, of having linear debate.
Let me get this right

abu afak mantra is pretty much summed by this statement "Any problems black people have is because of there IQ. They are just stupid"
Paul Essien (who is black) says "Says. Yes. Your right. I'm stupid and have a low IQ. Now what ?"
abu afak says "Your posts are all Idiotic and Childish deflections. You are incapable intellectually, and character-wise, of having linear debate."

Get to the doing part. Not the assessment part. We have been there for 100's of years. People have been telling black people what we are for centuries.

"Well I feel that black people are dumb"
"Well I feel that black people are lazy"
"Well I feel that black people are ugly"
"Well I feel that black people are violent"


So what do you do with a race of people who are dumb and lazy, ugly and violent ?
More Deflection
NO answer to me pointing out your fallacious/Low-IQ 'reasoning.

As to that deflection/non sequitur (with it's usual cartoon picture) in which YOU suggest Genocide as a solution, I disagree.
However, as is being suggested by the Republicans now, and is Already in use in countries like Canada and Australia, we should institute Merit-Based immigration.

Those who can be an asset to this country, and pay their own way/indeed even be job creators, should get preference in immigration/citizenship, INSTEAD of the current/old 'tired and poor,' (from ****hole countries/failed states) which is a continuous economic drag on the country, and national suicide.

While you can never answer me, I always answer/pork you.
More Deflection
NO answer to me pointing out your fallacious/Low-IQ 'reasoning.
How am I deflecting ?

You're saying I have a low IQ because I'm black and I have a low IQ and I'm saying "Yes. You're right"

I'm saying "I have a low IQ. Lower than a snakes belly. Hell. I'm probably retarded. Now what ?"

See that's stumping you isn't it ? Because you want me to get into a silly debate were you feel that I have to prove black intelligence to you because that puts you in control of the argument.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a fk about that

Now when you talk about what should be done with a race of black people who in your opinion are stupid then I'll take you seriously.
See Rderp we told you the only people on welfare was black

Tell that to the millions of whites living in Appalachia.
The Congressional Black Caucus represents Appalachia? Derp

There are black people who do live in Appalachia. My mothers side of the family is from Eastern Kentucky.

I hope that you have seen the John Sayle's movie Matewan, (1987) a great movie starring James Earl Jones, and the documentary Harlan County, U.S.A. (1977, directed by Barbara Kopple). It seems that white folk and black folk have shared the bottom together in this region while the coal companies walked off with the loot.

Understand this, my mother grew up in Harlan county and racism was terrible. They had to get off sidewalks when whites were on them. A white girl spit in her sisters mouth, so I don't need to watch any movies trying to show how much whites and blacks suffered like it was the same for both.

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