trump Turns to Socialism

trump now wants to use socialism to bail out the farmers he has harmed with his tariffs.

So now we get to pay the higher tariff taxes AND we get to pay business that is harmed by those same tariffs.

It's interesting how so call capitalists quickly run to socialism to bail them out. So many of you conservatives scream you hate socialism. Now that the tariffs are hurting people you don't seem to have any problem with socialism. I guess socialism is just a word you people use to in a lame attempt to silence people.

What about that free market that solves everything? According to conservatives the free market is the answer to everything including wages. Now you support socialism and won't allow the free market to solve this.

And didn't trump say he loved tariff wars and they're easy to win?

How's that working out for you?

Administration to offer billions in aid to farmers hurt by Trump's trade war

I see the Left has drained the tank to E on border kid outrage, Russia election interference, the Fourth Reich, and Stormy Daniels. What's that? You need another bone to bury?

Go fetch!

The Farmer Aid is neither an act of political, nor economic, nor philosophical socialism. See Economic interventionism--an economic policy socialists do not care for.

It is a GD bribe with taxpayer dollars.

BTW: Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump at New Jersey, Florida clubs
trump now wants to use socialism to bail out the farmers he has harmed with his tariffs.

So now we get to pay the higher tariff taxes AND we get to pay business that is harmed by those same tariffs.

It's interesting how so call capitalists quickly run to socialism to bail them out. So many of you conservatives scream you hate socialism. Now that the tariffs are hurting people you don't seem to have any problem with socialism. I guess socialism is just a word you people use to in a lame attempt to silence people.

What about that free market that solves everything? According to conservatives the free market is the answer to everything including wages. Now you support socialism and won't allow the free market to solve this.

And didn't trump say he loved tariff wars and they're easy to win?

How's that working out for you?

Administration to offer billions in aid to farmers hurt by Trump's trade war

I see the Left has drained the tank to E on border kid outrage, Russia election interference, the Fourth Reich, and Stormy Daniels. What's that? You need another bone to bury?

Go fetch!

The Farmer Aid is neither an act of political, nor economic, nor philosophical socialism. See Economic interventionism--an economic policy socialists do not care for.

It is a GD bribe with taxpayer dollars.

BTW: Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump at New Jersey, Florida clubs

Yes it is. trump knows that people will abandon him if they lose their income or farm. So to prevent him from having to accept the consequences for his actions, he's making us taxpayers bail him out again.
Aaaand just like that, the socialists pretend to despise socialism

You do know assuming (well lets cut it short) you're an ass. Who's a socialist?
oh you're a capitalist? Next thing you'll say is you believe in the Constitution!

You don't know what I believe do you? Yes, I am very much a capitalist, always have been. This is nothing but welfare for private entities.

Former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin said the emergency aid for farmers would likely be considered Trump’s first taxpayer funded bailout of private entities, an unusual occurance during a strong economy. Holtz-Eakin, a Republican, is one of several conservative economists who have been sharply critical of Trump’s trade approach, and he said Tuesday that the programs the Agriculture Department will use to help farmers were not designed for this purpose.

You find the rest of the article since you are such a smart man.
trump now wants to use socialism to bail out the farmers he has harmed with his tariffs.

So now we get to pay the higher tariff taxes AND we get to pay business that is harmed by those same tariffs.

It's interesting how so call capitalists quickly run to socialism to bail them out. So many of you conservatives scream you hate socialism. Now that the tariffs are hurting people you don't seem to have any problem with socialism. I guess socialism is just a word you people use to in a lame attempt to silence people.

What about that free market that solves everything? According to conservatives the free market is the answer to everything including wages. Now you support socialism and won't allow the free market to solve this.

And didn't trump say he loved tariff wars and they're easy to win?

How's that working out for you?

Administration to offer billions in aid to farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
Yeah, it's temporary to help while they work out the trade deals. conservatives don't mind helping people as long as it's temporary and there is a goal to it.
For example issue as long as their is a work requirement and drug testing. People need to get off of it at some point

This is on top of the Farm Bill which is perpetual socialism / welfare .

Just own it farm country . You are welfare moms .

How fast they embrace welfare of a private entity.
Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US carimports
Aaaand just like that, the socialists pretend to despise socialism

You do know assuming (well lets cut it short) you're an ass. Who's a socialist?
oh you're a capitalist? Next thing you'll say is you believe in the Constitution!

You don't know what I believe do you? Yes, I am very much a capitalist, always have been. This is nothing but welfare for private entities.

Former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin said the emergency aid for farmers would likely be considered Trump’s first taxpayer funded bailout of private entities, an unusual occurance during a strong economy. Holtz-Eakin, a Republican, is one of several conservative economists who have been sharply critical of Trump’s trade approach, and he said Tuesday that the programs the Agriculture Department will use to help farmers were not designed for this purpose.

You find the rest of the article since you are such a smart man.
Democrat capitalist.

This one is a ripe one.
Lots of Presidents kicked the can down the road and refused to take on the unfair tariffs that were in place on US goods before Trump took office. Yes there will be some pain points as we even the playing field, but it must be done. Why liberals continue to defend China, the EU, and unfair trade practices is beyond me. It is almost like they hate the country they live in and are doing everything possible to wreck it.

Obama did nothing when China screwed the car industry. This is a quote from a 2011 article.

"General Motors faces the greatest impact, almost 22% extra on some sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and other cars with engine capacities above 2.5 litres. Chrysler faces a 15% penalty, while a 2% levy will be imposed on BMW, whose US plants make many of the cars it exports to China.

Existing taxes and duties already push up the cost of US imports by 25%, and the new levies make it even more expensive for Chinese consumers to buy American."

China imposes tariff on US carimports
If obama was doing this, they would be praising him.

Remember when clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds? I do. I remember thinking a very good move.

He then bombed Baghdad and the left praised him. I also said it was a good move.

Then the same left that praised clinton for all of that claimed republicans lied about wmds, even though it was clinton that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

They are useless to communicate with. They change and shift like the sands of Egypt. Since they always take on every side of every issue that means they stand for nothing.

They never actually do any of the things they claim they are for. They gleefully take tax breaks, use petroleum whenever they can, and live safely behind walls as they crush people who want to live safely behind walls.
Let'see, FDR wasn't a socialist even though there were about a dozen ineffective alphabet "relief" programs operating but a republican who's economic programs took the DOW to 25,000 and unemployment at a historic low is deemed a "socialist"by the angry socialist left. Go figure.
'trump Turns to Socialism'

Why do Democrats always accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are?

trump now wants to use socialism to bail out the farmers he has harmed with his tariffs.

So now we get to pay the higher tariff taxes AND we get to pay business that is harmed by those same tariffs.

It's interesting how so call capitalists quickly run to socialism to bail them out. So many of you conservatives scream you hate socialism. Now that the tariffs are hurting people you don't seem to have any problem with socialism. I guess socialism is just a word you people use to in a lame attempt to silence people.

What about that free market that solves everything? According to conservatives the free market is the answer to everything including wages. Now you support socialism and won't allow the free market to solve this.

And didn't trump say he loved tariff wars and they're easy to win?

How's that working out for you?

Administration to offer billions in aid to farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
Yeah, it's temporary to help while they work out the trade deals. conservatives don't mind helping people as long as it's temporary and there is a goal to it.
For example issue as long as their is a work requirement and drug testing. People need to get off of it at some point

This is on top of the Farm Bill which is perpetual socialism / welfare .

Just own it farm country . You are welfare moms .

How fast they embrace welfare of a private entity.
Well again you can't read. Republicans don't oppose ALL welfare....we oppose welfare FOR EVER.......The reason we don't mind this one, is because farmers are taking a hit right now. It's not their fault, but it has to be done in order to get better deals for the future.
trump now wants to use socialism to bail out the farmers he has harmed with his tariffs.

So now we get to pay the higher tariff taxes AND we get to pay business that is harmed by those same tariffs.

It's interesting how so call capitalists quickly run to socialism to bail them out. So many of you conservatives scream you hate socialism. Now that the tariffs are hurting people you don't seem to have any problem with socialism. I guess socialism is just a word you people use to in a lame attempt to silence people.

What about that free market that solves everything? According to conservatives the free market is the answer to everything including wages. Now you support socialism and won't allow the free market to solve this.

And didn't trump say he loved tariff wars and they're easy to win?

How's that working out for you?

Administration to offer billions in aid to farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
Yeah, it's temporary to help while they work out the trade deals. conservatives don't mind helping people as long as it's temporary and there is a goal to it.
For example issue as long as their is a work requirement and drug testing. People need to get off of it at some point

This is on top of the Farm Bill which is perpetual socialism / welfare .

Just own it farm country . You are welfare moms .

How fast they embrace welfare of a private entity.
Well again you can't read. Republicans don't oppose ALL welfare....we oppose welfare FOR EVER.......The reason we don't mind this one, is because farmers are taking a hit right now. It's not their fault, but it has to be done in order to get better deals for the future.

Ain’t the Farm Bill perpetual welfare ?

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